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Forwarded for further consideration

Forwarded for further consideration

Sep 28, 2016, 12:1809/28/16

Forwarded for further consideration

Here is a list of suggestions that were accepted by our developers.

1. Allow all Alliance players to invest Diamonds for HQ's level up. Now only 1 player can pay for the level up.

2. Random Relocator improvements. When player uses the item inform him\her that there can be not enough place for Annexes.

Please keep in mind that even if they are accepted, it does not mean that they will appear in the next update. They are in our work plans, and our developers will start working on them as soon as possible. The development team has a long-term plan of what features need to be released and when, and they closely follow their timelines. That is why your suggestions may be postponed for some time.

It may sometimes seem that the task is simple and can be done in no time and released in the next update, but when our developers start working on it, it turns out that it is not that simple and requires more time and/or resources. Additionally, technical complications may arise on the way.

We appreciate your understanding.

April 13, 2018

Hello, commanders!

First of all, I would like you to thank you all for taking an active part in the development of the game, and making it more challenging!

Here’s the feedback on your Suggestions that we promised to provide, and the feedback from the developers.

The Suggestions that were accepted by game-developers and will be discussed by them in future:

1. Let a League Marshal reward the most active participants in the League Missions/League Tournaments;

2. Increase the number of symbols in the Alliance Messages;

3. Allow players to sort the troops “In Transit”;

4. In the Battle Reports show the coordinates of the Base, where you have reinforcements;

We appreciate your understanding and patience!

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