buying troops at discount
Hi, I had a problem about 1 hour ago when I wanted to buy some units because today I had a discount of 40% for all troops, 50 units maximum.
I wanted to buy 2 "RSL-150 Harpy", one by one, with 455 diamonds each (40% discount). I carefully put the cursor at minimum for 1 unit (because when the units are sold with a discount, all cursors are at max) and I hit purchase. Because of an unexpected and unpredictable behavior, I received 50 Harpy for aprox. 22750 diamonds instead.
I bought units at discount several times in the past, I know how it works and this has never happened to me. Maybe there is an undo action that I don't no, I just want only 2 Harpies and to receive back the rest of the diamonds.
Because is missing a checking window after initiating a purchase, this kind of unexpected behavior can occur many other times and a player can not prove that he made no faults.
Please help and correct this error which was not because of me.
Medina (2295, 871)