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Dec 7, 2017, 13:1312/07/17


We have known that the missiles have a power greater than that stated in the information sheet. the losses we suffer, in the event of an attack, are very significant and can not be calculated because plarium hides us the true offensive power. this is incorrect and is not fair. BCY Bad Company, has decided to protest, along with other alliances. that's why it will not buy packages anymore, as long as plarium does not declare the power of the missiles. thank you.

Dec 7, 2017, 13:2312/07/17
Dec 7, 2017, 13:31(edited)

Buongiorno. Ho saputo da bcy che i missili hanno una potenza maggiore che noi giocatori non possiamo sapere. Lo troviamo molto scorretto per questo aderiamo allo sciopero e non compreremo pacchetti. Grazie

Se continueranno queste scorrettezze andrò a spendere i miei soldi in un altro gioco 

Dec 7, 2017, 13:3012/07/17
Hello, The only things that we want it's transparency because we spend thousands and thousands of euro and it's all right to know what is going on?
Dec 7, 2017, 13:5312/07/17

Good morning, I agree with those who wrote the players before. We really pay a lot of money and transparency should be there from Plarium

Dec 7, 2017, 14:4412/07/17
Dec 7, 2017, 14:46(edited)
Buon Giorno. Sono da sempre su sto gioco e per questo vi chiedo trasparenza sia di aquisto che verita perche non è matematicamente possibbile aquistare 300 missili stelt in un periodo di solo 7mesi , che da calcoli fatti 300 missili distruggono esattamente 4.800.000 di potenza difensiva e al mio amico e capo kraken dal vostro dire non gli sono arrivati 100 missili ma 300 per questo e una scorrettezza della plarium . se non avremmo delucidazzioni adeguate noi non compreremo piu pacchetti .  
Dec 7, 2017, 14:5012/07/17
Buongiorno, sono un generale bcy che più volte ha scritto al vostro supporto, ricevendo sempre risposte vaghe e prive di fondamento.... a partire dalle operazioni dove ne avete cambiato gli algoritmi azzerando ogni forma di guadagno dalle stesse... ieri vi ho scritto allegando due screen, dove si evince una incongruenza netta tra chi attacca e subisce il missile, ma la cosa sconcertante è che in un report avevo delle perdite ma nell'altro no.... credo che sia davvero imbarazzante, spero di ricevere una vostra spiegazione visto che non mi avete ancora risposto grazie bryont
Dec 7, 2017, 15:2112/07/17

Good morning,  i'm a bcy general and  I agree with those who wrote the players before. We really pay a lot of money and transparency should be there from Plarium

Dec 7, 2017, 15:5112/07/17
Hi,  I'm BCY member I agree with those wroté  before, that is a game but we pay with true money as you know very well, I hope that  you  will resolve that shame problem soon!
Dec 7, 2017, 16:0112/07/17

Hi there, guys!

The Missile is a unique weapon in the game. To calculate the power of the Missile and how much units you can kill in the battle you need to know the force of the Missile is applied to the basic force of opponent's units. When you hit someone by Missile all upgrades of each unit won't be count in the battle (all of them — Tech, Elite bonuses, Hero bonuses, special items and so on). In this case, you can kill more opponents units and don't waste the Missile without profitable results.

I suggest that you to Recon the base which you want to hit and think about if the Missile will be useful in the battle.

Let me know if you have more questions about the Missiles. 

Dec 7, 2017, 16:0312/07/17

Guys, I understand your point and glad to share the information with you :) 

Let's read my comment above. 

Have a great one, Commanders! 
Dec 7, 2017, 16:2512/07/17
Dec 7, 2017, 16:46(edited)

we do not need an explanation on how to calculate losses. we know it but we find it scandalous. we think that with all the money we spent to upgrade the base, and take it to the maximum, with all the money we spent and we're spending to upgrade the troops, it's ridiculous that with a missile I have more damage than my opponent. if this is plarium's answer, know that from today BCY's policy is not to spend more money. soon other alliances will also be added. we tolerated the anonymous attacks (pure cowardice) we tolerated the elimination of alliance gifts, we tolerated that there is never a discount or a useful gift, we have tolerated that we pay to revive while on pc is free, we have tolerated too much but thats enough. We will be on strike. we will not do anything anymore and we will not buy anything together with other covenants that will join this protest.

with the missiles you have rendered useless, all the upgrades we make for the base and for the troops. The most shameful thing that does not exist, in all the other war games, is the impossibility of defending itself and even worse with the anonymous ones who can not know who attacks us. you never managed to explain us the usefulness of anonymous missiles. they only serve to make money, but they have no use for play.

Dec 7, 2017, 17:2112/07/17
no missiles!!!!!! 
Dec 7, 2017, 22:2612/07/17
Sono un generale mci Ho saputo anch’io dell’incongruenza delle truppe uccise e del valore reale dei missili stealth  e mi unisco nella protesta con la mia alleanza non compreremo più pacchetti se non viene fatta chiarezza. Buonasera.
Dec 8, 2017, 07:1712/08/17
Sono MADDOG generale SQ1 e come tutti pretendo chiarezza sulla potenza dei missili e sui loro effetti sulle difese delle ns basi . Nessun acquisto finché non ci sarà una risposta chiara
Dec 8, 2017, 08:1112/08/17
Dec 8, 2017, 08:44(edited)

The amount if time and money it takes to upgrade tech and improve other bonuses just for missiles to ignore these improvements is plain wrong. 

Beyond scandalous indeed. 

I also want to know why the only defence against missiles is a shield? 

For everthing there should be a counter yet for missiles there is no counter or defence. 

It is also my belief that stealth missiles should not be a thing. Take away stealth missiles as for the time period this game is set in no missile would be untraceable. 

In my opinion if the missile says it will do 16k damage it should only do 16k damage inclusive of all those hard earned tech and bonuses.

Dec 8, 2017, 08:4312/08/17

Hi there, guys! I have read all your comments and I didn't understand the main issue. Is the issue that Missiles hide the coordinates of the opponent or that they are strong?

At first, I thought you want to know why Missiles kill more troops than you expected. 

Dec 8, 2017, 08:4612/08/17
Dec 8, 2017, 08:51(edited)

Alina Bright said:

Hi there, guys! I have read all your comments and I didn't understand the main issue. Is the issue that Missiles hide the coordinates of the opponent or that they are strong?

At first, I thought you want to know why Missiles kill more troops than you expected. 

In my opinion that they have no counter and ignore all tech and other bonuses. 

Tech and bonuses that we spent money and time on just for them to not work against a unit is wrong. 

Also the missile says it will do 16k damage but does more to those of us with high tech which seems like we are getting punished for having higher tech by taking more damage. 

That is most assuredly anti consumerism and anti  progressive. 
Dec 8, 2017, 13:1712/08/17

Hello, guys! Thank you for the feedback, it will be passed to our team.

As I said before, Missiles are the unique weapon in the game. The Missile has special ability — the force of the Missile is applied to the basic force of the units. I believe this unit can be helpful for each Commander in the game. Sometimes you need to apply some special weapon to reach the goal (I'm sure everyone faced such situation in the game). You can use the Missile and hit the opponent without losing your troops. Taking into account all the above you can use the Missile for strategic purposes.

Also, if you know your opponent can revenge you and send Missile hit, you can save your troops. For example, you can send troops to Bunker or you can use Total Protection item to forbid all attacking actions to your Base. In this case, your opponent will send the Missiles without any results.

Guys, our game is a strategy game (I repeat it from to time) and you need to consider all the factors in the game and be one step ahead of your enemy.

Dec 8, 2017, 15:5712/08/17
Dec 8, 2017, 16:07(edited)

explain to me what strategic is this?

are you kidding me?

Zero damage but more money for plarium. This is only plarium stratedy. tell the truth. do not fool us, we're not stupid. STOP buy. we will not spend a centesimom more in this game until you remove the missiles (anonymous or not)

these are the alliances that adhere to the strike







and soon there will be many others.

Gregory HillModerator
Dec 8, 2017, 17:4912/08/17


I believe the community manager has listened to your concern, and is passing it on the development team.  On the forum we enjoy speaking with all commanders and the community managers pass items to the developers however the devs have their vision for the game as well.  

I would not believe the developers will fully remove a function of the game, in this case missiles.. however feedback to the dev team about tweaking the function would be desirable.  Awhile ago, a big topic was special ops, and this pass to the dev team.. whether for better or worse.. this part of the game was tweaked and appears to have corrected an overly powerful strategy.  Even so, there was complaints to change it back from other players.

In the screenshots you just provided :) looks like you got your troops out so on your opponent it looks like they wasted a lot of missiles for no results as part of the strategy of missiles is to stike units.

Dec 8, 2017, 18:4212/08/17

brava.. se so chi sono ..posso difendermi. se so chi sono posso attaccarli. ma comunque nn stai dicendo un emerito c...o riguardo alla nostra domanda. invece di scrivere tanto per scrivere .. trovate una soluzione ..altrimenti dovrete chiudere la plarium.. no risposta.. no restituzione del maltolto.. noi non spendiamo piu un euro per il gioco

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