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Ethical Fighting

Ethical Fighting

Dec 5, 2017, 14:4912/05/17

Ethical Fighting

We've all seen it or done it or even experienced it (well I have anyway). You wake up one day on a pretty usual day, do your normal routine, and when you now found the time, decide to check on your base. You Log In, press 'x' on todays latest hot offer from plarium (unless its a really good one and your willing to pay and you just got paid so why not) coz you've got like 10mins to do more routine stuff like collect your prizes, check buildings tech and so on. Hold on, whats this, the first aid symbol is above the first aid center...helipad at level 1... turrets rebuilding.. the map has a red box next to it, means my annexes too... oh man thats all my troops, no RSS or RSS packs left and I need XXXXX amount of diamonds, only have 0,  really should've looked at those offers.

Anyway you get the point you've been attacked, you manage to scrape your team back up and go on the counter offensive, get him back then vice versa and versa vice (personally i'm okay with all of it up to this point, its part of the game). But....

In this game is there such a thing as ethical fighting?

I'm not talking about two commanders meeting up at dawn in a field, with their backs to each other, old timey pistols drawn, one bullet, 10 steps turn and shoot. Or even meeting in the middle of town at high noon cowboy quick draw gunslinger style. Or fisticuffs in some back alley of a sawmill/basement of some mercenary guild

What I'm talking about is knowing when to stop attacking (although the examples they do know when to stop). When to say "he's down on the ground, not moving, you know what I think he's had enough" or am I just dreaming about silly things and should wake up to hard facts of life in selva del fuego (which i think is somewhere in the brazilian jungle coz  its always raining at my base) and proceed to keep on kicking him repeatedly.

I'm talking about its been like 10 days of non-stop attacks from one assailant or even more if he's put you up as an alliance target, and all because you retaliated to defend yourself or you took his cache killing all his troops by accident coz you swear it was empty when you sent in your troops or you said the wrong thing to wrong person in RC/GC (regional or global chat, for newbies) or you held your hand up to say  Hi-5 not realising its a swear word where he comes from or worst of all he did it just because he felt like it.

Some budding commanders, usually those that are quite new have left the game because of this as they can't handle it...

I know of some alliances that advocate limited strike amount so as to not discourage other players from carrying on playing and then there are some that just don't give a ...flanders.

So let me know is it a thing or is just all part of the fun and these commanders just need to man up

Gregory HillModerator
Dec 5, 2017, 15:1912/05/17

Hello Commander:

I had brought up a topic awhile ago, and I think it's hit the archive by now!  Although you bring up a real topic here, that brings up Diplomacy... and how large this has become on our server.  Sometimes holding back on that revenge strike, is something real!  Sometimes it's someone looking to get a rise and will never admit to attacking first but will tell his alliance that you attacked and that their almighty alliance should rain down on top of you.

Diplomacy has become a crucial factor in this game, as there is always someone larger that can come and take your army away.  I think you bring up another valid point that as major alliance we should come together and talk about..  When is enough, enough on a lower level target?  

I think as a server and community it's a good topic to raise, as you mention we are losing players.  I know a lot of alliances have started academies and well we try to teach them in our academies what will get you zero'd and such on the server and help them grow.. I'm sure you've seen as well though... How many times do you have to put out who your allies, and NAPs are, and they still go and strike first.. and it's like man, I tried to help you grow and now your just putting my whole alliance in a conundrum. 

Anyway.. I hope some of the other commanders weigh in.. I believe this topic has merit, as to when is enough, enough on the lower level targets?  But to raise another topic within in yours, that diplomacy has taken this game to the next level.. It's almost like Risk!  Touch that alliance if you dare, but they're going to burn you to the ground.  Learning each leader and what is appropriate is definitely a large order for any alliance small or large and the landscape is ever changing... 
Dec 6, 2017, 09:2712/06/17

Hello! Interesting topic for discussion. Unfortunately, I can't share my thoughts because I don't play the game actively (just for tests).

Will be glad to hear other players' opinions. 

Dec 7, 2017, 09:0412/07/17
When I attack players I usually only hit them once. Not over and over which I think is wrong. No matter if it is just a game. 
Gregory HillModerator
Dec 7, 2017, 11:4312/07/17

Sparhawk122 said:

When I attack players I usually only hit them once. Not over and over which I think is wrong. No matter if it is just a game. 

I must say the same goes for me.  I really can't think of someone I've Zeroed.  Plus once you hit the max raiding of RSS from a base what's the point other then to kill his/her units?

Dec 7, 2017, 13:4412/07/17
Dec 7, 2017, 13:53(edited)

ethics? in a game where it is allowed to attack in anonymity? where you can never know the power of the enemy? are we kidding? now even the missiles have an unknown power. but let's do it. in a war game I must 

1. know my enemy 

2. understand how much strength he has 

3. know how much damage I do in attack. 

If this information is kept secret by plarium and these anonymous behaviors are managed and tolerated by plarium, do not talk to me about ethics, because I will be unethical.

Dec 9, 2017, 09:5312/09/17

@ wittygamer:

"I had brought up a topic awhile ago, and I think it's hit the archive by now! Although you bring up a real topic here, that brings up Diplomacy... and how large this has become on our server"

I originally wasn't here when you posted it but i had a look and yes you are right diplomacy and the steps taken to achieve it are important, just like any other tool in the game..

for those with a curious mind, here's the link to what was said:

To combat the uncertainty of who started what, the battle report has become its own evidence which everyone turned to look to especially in critical diplomatic situations. Where if one party is not willing to provide theirs while the other has, then they look guilty and a royal smackdown is justified.

Whether its stop peace talks turning into a one vs one title match or to create support for a royal rumble cage match.

"I think you bring up another valid point that as major alliance we should come together and talk about.. When is enough, enough on a lower level target?"

I don't think or can see a reason why any top tier team will go out of their way as an entire alliance move to pick on a team below 1000 (not saying lower ranked teams are innocent). But i do know that especially in the race to collect points whether its raid/attack that individual members can wipe-out these alliances by themselves. As the abstract version of the saying goes " the chocolate fondant rolls downhill" 

"It's almost like Risk!  "

Lol exactly what i think everytime i look at the alliance map

"How many times do you have to put out who your allies, and NAPs are... I tried to help you grow... "

You can do everything pass on sage old advice, tell them the tips and tricks and what danger signs to look out for but at end of day they want to learn by doing, they want to fly straight into the nearest HQ/BS, they want to be in a war and you tell them no, no you don't want to do all those because this and this happens.

This must be what it feels like to be a parent. 

Dec 9, 2017, 10:2012/09/17

Sparhawk122 said:

When I attack players I usually only hit them once. Not over and over which I think is wrong. No matter if it is just a game. 

Normally i'd agree and say not me. But that would be a lie. I admit i've done it once un-intentionally. Looking back, i probably shouldn't have taken it that far (which is also why i wrote this post) at the time it felt like a win. But then  when I realised he had gone and the dust settled my leader brain re-took control and apologised to his team for making them lose a member.

At the time he was being a little s...silly billy just because I was a man alone and he was in one of the top teams. also remember he wouldnt stop attacking despite my initial warning shots, then bombing, then leaving him to it for like a week then a verbal ultimatum " Strike one more time and you will have my full attention. You've been warned"  which of course he ignored and I made sure he got my attention for a whole weekend. Even let his alliance know the story, willing to show proof, telling them basically "Hey, this fight, is between me and him, you can do whatever, i don't care about your alliance but know this, he's mine"  

Like you guys said kept hitting him past the raid limit, made sure he had no troops or could build troops whatsoever (its my lowpoint, I'm better now, promise)
Dec 9, 2017, 10:4312/09/17

RuTHLeSS BCY said:

ethics? in a game where it is allowed to attack in anonymity? where you can never know the power of the enemy? are we kidding? now even the missiles have an unknown power. but let's do it. in a war game I must 

1. know my enemy 

2. understand how much strength he has 

3. know how much damage I do in attack. 

If this information is kept secret by plarium and these anonymous behaviors are managed and tolerated by plarium, do not talk to me about ethics, because I will be unethical.

I do get your point, everyone has a right to defend themselves but remember if you are asking to basically see behind the red veil you've also got to be willing to show whats behind yours. 

Not sure how they would go about doing it, maybe with every scout you send to recon a base if its successful and you get to see whats in the base maybe the scout should leave a note telling that base how much firepower you have. who knows maybe they'll re-tweak the missiles concept or better yet give the color guard something to do and turn that truck into an anti-missile rocket. 

Dec 9, 2017, 11:3612/09/17

Lurker said:

RuTHLeSS BCY said:

ethics? in a game where it is allowed to attack in anonymity? where you can never know the power of the enemy? are we kidding? now even the missiles have an unknown power. but let's do it. in a war game I must 

1. know my enemy 

2. understand how much strength he has 

3. know how much damage I do in attack. 

If this information is kept secret by plarium and these anonymous behaviors are managed and tolerated by plarium, do not talk to me about ethics, because I will be unethical.

I do get your point, everyone has a right to defend themselves but remember if you are asking to basically see behind the red veil you've also got to be willing to show whats behind yours. 

Not sure how they would go about doing it, maybe with every scout you send to recon a base if its successful and you get to see whats in the base maybe the scout should leave a note telling that base how much firepower you have. who knows maybe they'll re-tweak the missiles concept or better yet give the color guard something to do and turn that truck into an anti-missile rocket. 

Is your last sentence a clue of a game feature to come??

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