Ethical Fighting
We've all seen it or done it or even experienced it (well I have anyway). You wake up one day on a pretty usual day, do your normal routine, and when you now found the time, decide to check on your base. You Log In, press 'x' on todays latest hot offer from plarium (unless its a really good one and your willing to pay and you just got paid so why not) coz you've got like 10mins to do more routine stuff like collect your prizes, check buildings tech and so on. Hold on, whats this, the first aid symbol is above the first aid center...helipad at level 1... turrets rebuilding.. the map has a red box next to it, means my annexes too... oh man thats all my troops, no RSS or RSS packs left and I need XXXXX amount of diamonds, only have 0, really should've looked at those offers.
Anyway you get the point you've been attacked, you manage to scrape your team back up and go on the counter offensive, get him back then vice versa and versa vice (personally i'm okay with all of it up to this point, its part of the game). But....
In this game is there such a thing as ethical fighting?
I'm not talking about two commanders meeting up at dawn in a field, with their backs to each other, old timey pistols drawn, one bullet, 10 steps turn and shoot. Or even meeting in the middle of town at high noon cowboy quick draw gunslinger style. Or fisticuffs in some back alley of a sawmill/basement of some mercenary guild
What I'm talking about is knowing when to stop attacking (although the examples they do know when to stop). When to say "he's down on the ground, not moving, you know what I think he's had enough" or am I just dreaming about silly things and should wake up to hard facts of life in selva del fuego (which i think is somewhere in the brazilian jungle coz its always raining at my base) and proceed to keep on kicking him repeatedly.
I'm talking about its been like 10 days of non-stop attacks from one assailant or even more if he's put you up as an alliance target, and all because you retaliated to defend yourself or you took his cache killing all his troops by accident coz you swear it was empty when you sent in your troops or you said the wrong thing to wrong person in RC/GC (regional or global chat, for newbies) or you held your hand up to say Hi-5 not realising its a swear word where he comes from or worst of all he did it just because he felt like it.
Some budding commanders, usually those that are quite new have left the game because of this as they can't handle it...
I know of some alliances that advocate limited strike amount so as to not discourage other players from carrying on playing and then there are some that just don't give a ...flanders.
So let me know is it a thing or is just all part of the fun and these commanders just need to man up