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Help Make the Forum Better

Help Make the Forum Better

Nov 21, 2017, 15:5311/21/17

Help Make the Forum Better

Help Make the Forum Better


We’ve released a few important updates and features to help make our Forum better.

1. Spam protection. We’ve implemented an automatic spam blocking system to more effectively rid the Forum of spam.

2. Email verification and password recovery. This adds a level of security to your account and allows for easy password recovery.

3. Ability to paste YouTube videos into a post or comment. You can now watch YouTube videos right here on our Forum.

4. Ability to upload pictures from your devices and PC. You’re now able to add pictures to the Forum from your own PC and devices as well as the standard URL image links.

5. Backend improvements were made.

As always, we’re eager to hear your thoughts. If you experience issues on the Forum or feel that some feature should work differently, please don’t hesitate to inform us.

Feel free to offer your own suggestions about how to make our Forum better, and we will gladly take them into consideration for a future update.

This Forum was specifically designed with you in mind, so we welcome and appreciate your feedback.

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