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Temporary Annex Sites!

Temporary Annex Sites!

Nov 1, 2017, 15:2711/01/17

Temporary Annex Sites!

Temporary Annex Sites

You can now unlock new Annex Sites for even more bonuses.

The Temporary Annex Site Unlocker is a new Item that grants access to additional Annex Sites for a limited time.

Once unlocked, a Temporary Annex Site will be available for 30 days. Any type of Annex can be built on it.

Temporary Annex Site Unlockers can be found in Items > Misc. at the Store, and are used to both unlock Temporary Sites and extend their duration.

Note: When a Site expires, the lowest level Annex you currently have built will be hidden. This includes Annexes that are built on permanent Sites and those on other Temporary Sites.

Expand your territory – unlock Temporary Annex Sites now.

- WSO Command

Nov 2, 2017, 16:3311/02/17
jorge_v14 said:


Nov 7, 2017, 13:4411/07/17
Nov 7, 2017, 13:45(edited)
To much expensive
Gregory HillModerator
Nov 7, 2017, 14:3711/07/17
RuTHLeSS BCY said:

To much expensive
Would you want them cheap for everyone to get an extra?  
Nov 7, 2017, 17:3711/07/17


Jan 25, 2018, 19:0101/25/18
What about the permanent annex that offer ain't going to be abalable
Gregory HillModerator
Jan 30, 2018, 11:2501/30/18

All offers kind of rotate, I have no news on if the additional annex pack will be offered again soon or not..  Commander you'll have to keep up with the news that way if they do offer again you'll be able to jump and buy the pack.

Feb 6, 2018, 19:5202/06/18
Gregory HillModerator
Feb 7, 2018, 11:4702/07/18
^URGN^ said:

Welcome to the forums, are you looking for anything specific commander?
Apr 21, 2018, 10:0304/21/18

buongiorno credo che questa volta avetE fatto un ottimO lavoro sugli padigliOni temporanei

NeversmilexCommunity Manager
Apr 23, 2018, 14:1304/23/18

rambo805 said:

buongiorno credo che questa volta avetE fatto un ottimO lavoro sugli padigliOni temporanei

Hello, commander! 

First of all, I would like to say thank you for visiting our Forum! It's always a pleasure to see new members here :)

Glad to hear that you liked the idea of the Temporary Annexes!

Ciao, comandante!  

Prima di tutto, vorrei dire grazie per aver visitato il nostro Forum! È sempre un piacere vedere nuovi membri qui :)

Sono contento di sapere che ti è piaciuta l'idea degli allegati temporanei!

Jul 26, 2018, 13:1707/26/18
My my rations my rations are my rations are not my rations are not my rations are not being my rations are not being my rations are not being my rations are not being applied my rations are not being applied correctly my rations are not being applied correctly please my rations are not being applied correctly please my rations are not being applied correctly please my rations are not being applied correctly please investigate my rations are not being applied correctly please investigatek
Gregory HillModerator
Jul 30, 2018, 21:0207/30/18
sabbathrules70 said:

My my rations my rations are my rations are not my rations are not my rations are not being my rations are not being my rations are not being my rations are not being applied my rations are not being applied correctly my rations are not being applied correctly please my rations are not being applied correctly please my rations are not being applied correctly please my rations are not being applied correctly please investigate my rations are not being applied correctly please investigatek
We will need more information to look in to this issue.
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