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Infernal BaronessInfernal Baroness

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Infernal Baroness

OracleCommunity Manager
Jan 27, 2022, 15:2301/27/22

Infernal Baroness


For all their vile nature and often bestial ferocity in battle, Demonspawn legions are far from being an uncontrollable horde. Indeed, their discipline and organization are among the prime reasons why the servants of Siroth are so dangerous. Their twisted commanders bear many of the same titles of nobility that the Lords of Teleria are used to, and often direct their lesser kin with guile and ruthless intent.

The Infernal Baroness prefers to let her minions - and, of course, a majestic being like her can only have minions, not allies - to do most of the fighting, while she directs them. One should not mistake that for inability to fight, however. This demoness is more than capable of dispatching foes in person, should the need arise, and she does strike out frequently, allowing those at her side to be strengthened by the blood she spills while her foes wither and turn frail. She is even capable of bending the shadows to her will and wrapping them around her chosen Champion, letting them move and make battle unseen. 
