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Twinclaw DiscipleTwinclaw Disciple

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Twinclaw Disciple

OracleCommunity Manager
Jan 26, 2022, 16:3101/26/22

Twinclaw Disciple


Twinclaw Cult is a dangerous, extremely violent twist on ancient Orcish beliefs. It glorifies personal strength and savagery in combat, urging its followers to abandon reason and moderation in favour of battle frenzy.

The disciples of the cult are often armed with wicked metal claws, sharpened and fashioned to be held in the wielder’s hands. It is not an elegant weapon, but it does suit the cult’s philosophy perfectly. Armed thus, the Orcs of the Twinclaw fight like beasts possessed, hacking and slashing at anything that has the misfortune of being in their way. The wounds they leave are incredibly messy and difficult to heal, and with claws like that, they can deliver debilitating strikes to the foe with surprising efficiency.
