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Aug 10, 2022, 12:3308/10/22



Krakarth is a warrior of not just considerable presence, but also immense strength and fortitude - an immovable bulwark against which many an onslaught had been broken in battles past. The bitter decades that followed the sundering of the Elves saw her rise, and the tales of her deeds still echo through the Durham Forest.

Though she took no part in the bloodshed of the civil war on account of her youth, Krakarth eagerly watched her father - one of the apostate Dark Elves - weave a web of intrigue and negotiate with the nobles who were yet to choose a side. From him, she learned the art of diplomacy and the true value that words spoken into the right ear, at the right time could hold. And from the Captains of the House Guard, the young heir learned the martial skills that she would put to good use in the future.

By the time she came of age, the War of the Elves had ended. Though they could not be eradicated entirely, the renegades that rose against the Throne were to be exiled from the lands of Aravia and forced to make their living in the grim forest of Durham. There, they had to battle with the remnants of Orc clans, Ogryn tribes, and the Skinwalkers that sought refuge in the woods ever since their defeat at the hands of Acelin the Stalwart.

With dozens if not hundreds of conflicts blazing all at once, the Dark Elves increasingly relied on the minor nobles in their ranks to lead smaller armies and defend the claim to the lands that would be their new home. Krakarth rose to the challenge with glee - her lessons in subterfuge had proven invaluable when negotiating with some of the would-be foes or setting them against one another. And when words failed, swords and magic came to the fore.

Though few expected it of her at first, Krakarth took well to command. She often led a host of her family’s militia and mercenaries in person, wielding her scepter as one would a mace to shatter skulls and sweep enemy champions aside. It is said powerful dark magics bound to that heirloom allowed Krakarth to survive even the most grievous of injuries. Strange as it may sound to the High Elves and their allies, her warriors followed the dark lady out of genuine admiration and loyalty, and together they had forged a prosperous fief amid the twisted groves of Durham.

Curiously, Krakarth disappeared from history without a trace after the first Conclave held to unify the shattered Elven race. She had journeyed there with her entourage as part of the Dark Elf delegation, and some even report seeing her in the Arbiter’s company. But when the Conclave failed, Krakarth vanished on the way back to Durham; many of her peers blamed Aravia for treachery and assassination, but none could find proof of such foul play. There are whispers among her descendants that Krakarth had been convinced to join the Arbiter’s immortal host, though what could have swayed her to that decision remains unknown to this day.

