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#RaidFanArtDeathknight Contest on Facebook, Twitter, Instagram (June 20th - August 20th )#RaidFanArtDeathknight Contest on Facebook, Twitter, Instagram (June 20th - August 20th )

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#RaidFanArtDeathknight Contest on Facebook, Twitter, Instagram (June 20th - August 20th )

White FlameCommunity Manager
Jun 20, 2022, 13:2806/20/22

#RaidFanArtDeathknight Contest on Facebook, Twitter, Instagram (June 20th - August 20th )

Deathknight. A highly trained deadly warrior who does not know fear or hesitation. Even though he does not possess vast superhuman strength, Deathknight is brave enough - or desperate enough - to fight the most fearful bosses in an eternal race for a golden blaze of glory. His road to success promises to be torturous, but Deathknight, with his sharp strategic mind as much as a sharpened blade, is confidently advancing along the chosen path. The fame of Deathknight’s deeds goes forth to all the corners of Teleria outshining other Heroes’ labors. The only aim for Deathknight is to prove that he is something more than just food for other Champions.
“Not Food… Deathknight. My name is Deathknight…”

Raiders, we invite you to take part in our new #RaidFanArt contest dedicated to Deathnight’s labors - both serious and funny ones.

All you need to do is share your fan art of Deathknight and his legendary deeds on social media with the #RaidFanArtDeathknight hashtag between June 20th and August 20th and we'll pick the best 15 entries to send their authors 1 Sacred Shard, 1 Legendary Tome, 5 Void Shards and a special Deathknight’s avatar.
How to participate in the #RaidFanArtDeathknight contest in June-August and get a chance to win prizes:
- Publish your artwork on Facebook, Twitter, or Instagram

- Use the #RaidFanArtDeathknight hashtag for Deathknight fanart submissions for a chance to win an Avatar, and be featured on our feed (published on one of our social media like Facebook, Twitter, Instagram). Please make sure that your publication is Public and visible for everyone so that we are able to find it.


- drawings/paintings
- sculptures, models
- comics
- cosplay
- tasty creations in Raid style
- songs
- music videos
- other (the list can be expanded since our community’s talents know no boundaries)
submission must be an original work made by the participant


Final Submission Date: August, 20, 2022
Internal Voting: August 22, 2022 to August 26, 2022
Final Results Announcement: end of August, 2022

By publishing your entry with the hashtag #RaidFanArtDeathknight, you agree that we can publish your artwork on our official social media accounts. Of course, your name will be mentioned!


- All works will be checked for the authenticity of your art. Please do not try to pass someone else's work for your own.
- The number of winners might be increased if we receive a great number of awesome entries.
- Please don't submit your Original Characters (OC) as part of the fan-art competition. While we would love to see your creative works, it is better to reserve such artwork for the Community champion concept art contests that might be launched in the future.
-We'll be choosing the winners by the internal voting.

May the world know about the glorious labors of Deathknight! 


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