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Fan Art Contest (Community Avatars!) [Facebook, Twitter, Instagram] [Bad-El-Kazar]Fan Art Contest (Community Avatars!) [Facebook, Twitter, Instagram] [Bad-El-Kazar]

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Fan Art Contest (Community Avatars!) [Facebook, Twitter, Instagram] [Bad-El-Kazar]

GreenKnightCommunity Manager
Sep 16, 2021, 14:0309/16/21

Fan Art Contest (Community Avatars!) [Facebook, Twitter, Instagram] [Bad-El-Kazar]

A new type of Avatars is coming to Teleria - Community Avatars! 


The most active members of our community will be getting special in-game avatars as a token of appreciation for their contribution to the whole Raid community.

Talented Raiders who create various fanart and share them on social media will get a chance to win Bad-El-Kazar avatar. 

In this publication, we’ll explain how you can get a Bad-el-Kazar avatar for publishing your fanart with a special hashtag.

  • Publish your artwork on one of the social media: Facebook, Twitter, Instagram 
  • Use #RaidFanart to mark your submissions for a chance to win a Community Avatar and be featured on our feed (published on one of our social media like Facebook, Twitter, Instagram). Please make sure that your publication is Public and visible for everyone so that we are able to find it. 

Below you’ll find the list of things that can be considered fanart: 

  • drawings/paintings 
  • sculpture, models 
  • comics 
  • cosplay 
  • tasty creations in Raid style 
  • songs 
  • music video 
  • other (the list can be expanded since our community’s talents know no boundaries)

By publishing your entry with the hashtag #RaidFanart, you agree that we can publish your artwork on our official social media accounts. Of course, your name will be mentioned!

How does the contest work?

  • For every month, we will gather all the artwork posted with the #RaidFanart hashtag. 
  • Art is subjective, but we do need to choose our winners. The Community Management team will vote on your works.
  • Artists who made our top will receive a Bad-el-Kazar in-game avatar 
  • All works will also be checked on the authenticity of your art. Please do not pass off in someone else's work as your own.
  • The number of chosen works may differ from month to month. New artworks will enter our top only on their own merit. We don't want to limit your creativity to any time constraints or add new winners based only on the number of submitted works. 
  • Artists can enter the competition multiple times with the same work.
  • Stronger language, extended violence, or suggestive content is prohibited
  • Please don't submit your Original Characters (OC) as part of the fan-art competition. While we would love to see your creative works, it is better to reserve such artwork for the Community champion concept art contests in the future.
  • Important note, artwork used in our contest may also enter our Fan art Top if posted separately with a #RaidFanart. However, winning in other contests does not guarantee winning in the Fanart competition.
  • Keep it Safe For Work.

At the beginning of each month, we’ll be awarding Сommunity avatars to authors of the BEST entries who submitted their creations with the hashtag #RaidFanart on our social platforms: Facebook, Instagram, etc. The number of winners may vary each month and will depend on the total number of submitted entries during one single month. We'll be choosing the winners by the internal voting.

Make sure to add the #RaidFanart hashtag to your submission.

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