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 #RaidFanArt contest:  Winter in Teleria (December 15th, 11 AM UTC - February 29th, 11 AM UTC) #RaidFanArt contest:  Winter in Teleria (December 15th, 11 AM UTC - February 29th, 11 AM UTC)

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#RaidFanArt contest: Winter in Teleria (December 15th, 11 AM UTC - February 29th, 11 AM UTC)

White FlameCommunity Manager
Dec 15, 2023, 16:1912/15/23

#RaidFanArt contest: Winter in Teleria (December 15th, 11 AM UTC - February 29th, 11 AM UTC)

Winter has come to Teleria: Galek vainly tries to conquer Zargala in a snowball fight, the whole Bastion sparkles with Christmas lights, and severe snowmen with peaky carrots on their frosty faces are guarding the entrance to the Portal. 

We invite all artists, both professional and amateurs, to take part in our #RaidFanArt contest dedicated to the Winter in Teleria.


Share your winter-themed RAID fan art on our social media with the #RaidFanArt hashtag between December 15th, 11 AM UTC and February 29th, 11 AM UTC. 

Our Community will choose the best 10 entries through voting on Facebook. The authors of best art will get 1 Sacred Shard, 2 Legendary Tomes, 1000 Gems, and a Riho Bonespear avatar. 

STEP 1. 

Create a winter-themed RAID fan art.

What can be considered a fan art?

- drawings/paintings

- sculptures, models

- comics

- cosplay

- other (the list can be expanded since our community’s talents know no boundaries).

We prefer non-AI-generated entries. Even if your creation is not perfectly drawn, it will have more chances to win than AI-generated art.

STEP 2. 

Publish your artwork on Facebook, Twitter, Instagram with the hashtag #RaidFanart. Make sure that your publication is Public and visible to everyone so that we are able to find it.

If you publish your art on subreddit, use the flair Fanart to submit your entry. 

IMPORTANT! When submitting your art on Facebook, publish your entry under this publication as well to make sure we’ll be able to find your art. Sadly, for some reason, not all art is displayed under the hashtags. 

By publishing your entry with the hashtag #RaidFanart, you agree that we can publish your artwork on our official social media accounts. Of course, your name will be mentioned!

STEP 3. 

Fill in the Google Form ---> - it is needed to make sure your entry does not get lost, and secondly, to collect your Player ID and nickname to be able to deliver your reward if you do happen to win. 

STEP 4. 

We close the contest and the corresponding Google Form on February, 29th, 2024, at 11 AM. After a quick pre-moderation, we’ll publish all entries that meet the requirements of the #RAIDFanArt contest, and ask our Community to vote. 

STEP 5. 

Final Results Announcement: in mid-March, 2024 (not later than March, 20th, 2024). 


- Your art must be dedicated to RAID: Shadow Legends and be winter-themed: it is not a must to draw exclusively “winter Champions” such as Sir Nicholaus or Tormin. You can illustrate any RAID Champion, Boss, or even RAID location in winter style.

- Submission must be an original work made by the participant. All works will be checked for the authenticity of your art. Please do not try to pass someone else's work for your own. 

- Artists who made our top will receive a Riho Bonespear in-game avatar + 1 Sacred Shard, 2 Legendary Tomes, and 1000 Gems. Artists who won’t make out the top 10, but whose entries will be decent and will meet all the requirements, will get a Riho Bonespear in-game avatar too. 

- Graphic violence, or suggestive content is prohibited. 

- Please don't submit your Original Characters (OC) as part of the fan art competition. While we would love to see your creative works, it is better to reserve such artwork for Community Champion concept art contests in the future.

- We encourage you to create artwork dedicated specifically to Raid universe and ask you to refrain from creating crossovers - various mixtures of Raid Champions/Bosses and other IPs (such as Witcher, Marvel etc.) in the context of a single art.

- When choosing the winners, we'll be giving preference to the entries that illustrate Raid Champions/Bosses, not crossovers, and non-AI-generated art. 

Important note: All artwork from the Fan Art contest will also be posted on our Pinterest page on the contest board. The RaidShadowLegendsOfficial Pinterest channel exists only as a resource for easy access and presentation for RAID: Shadow Legends community artwork. However, the channel may also include some official art from the team on separate boards.

Can't wait to see your incredible creations! Best of luck to everyone who is participating in the competition! 


Jul 27, 2024, 05:1207/27/24


Dec 31, 2024, 14:5312/31/24
Dec 31, 2024, 14:57(edited)

I want an avatar of Nicholas and I dont want an avatar of Noel and soul of Nickolas 


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