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Patch Notes (08.04.21) Update 4.10.1

Patch Notes (08.04.21) Update 4.10.1

Greetings, Raiders! We've updated Raid to version 4.10.1 with some fixes and changes in the Doom Tower 2 rewards.


Here is what you need to know about this update: 


We made several changes to the current Doom Tower rewards on Normal, namely for Floors 100 and 120.  From now on, the reward for achieving Stage 120, Normal will include 1 Void Shard instead of Silver Keys. Accordingly, the reward for Stage 100 changes, too: you’ll be getting 2 Ancient Shards and Boss Reward Materials. 

Overall, the value of rewards in the Doom Tower 2 is pretty much the same (in some places better, actually) as in Doom Tower 1 - we have just rearranged the list of them a little bit. 


  • A visual bug - empty squares instead of status icons over Tormin - that happened in Doom Tower 2 when Tormin revived himself after having been killed by Agreth, has been fixed.
  • Clan Deputies won't see the option to remove members of other Clans anymore while browsing Clans’ rankings. In fact, the "Remove" button has never been active for Deputies - it was a visual bug. Deputies should be able to remove members only from their own Clan.
  • The button “Quick-Join Clan” works properly now even when changing a desired Clan's primary language. 
  • Fixed an error  "BattleSetupsDoNotMatch" that popped up at the end of the battle in the accounts of some players. 
  • Set the correct background in Secret Rooms of the Doom Tower 2 so that they do not look like regular Doom Tower 2 Stages. 

That’s it, guys! Thank you for your attention, and have a wonderful day!

Apr 8, 2021, 12:0104/08/21
Apr 10, 2021, 19:0204/10/21

I like the shard reward  over  keys. Thankyou :)

Apr 11, 2021, 02:2304/11/21

thank you for making hard doom tower harder now i cannot even finish floor 1 

jesus freaking christ 

Apr 14, 2021, 07:0004/14/21

Игроки с Арбитром сражаются на 2 арене тоесть их опустили  а как быть тем кто арбитра не успел получить как с ними тягаться ?