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Lord Entertainer Fabian FusionLord Entertainer Fabian Fusion

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Lord Entertainer Fabian Fusion

The Festival of Creation is in full swing, celebrating Raid's 6th anniversary, so what better time to fuse this years' marvellous host - Lord Entertainer Fabian! From March 10 until March 26, this Legendary Champion from the Undead Hordes Faction will be available to Fuse at the Portal. You can read more about this stylish spectre by checking out his Champion Lore.


To get Lord Entertainer Fabian, you will need four Lightward Siendras.

Each Lightward Siendra can be fused from four Hidestitcher Boorns.

Below is the full breakdown of Events and Tournaments where you can get Hidestitcher Boorns.

- Champion Training Event (March 10 - 14)

- Dungeon Divers Event I (March 10 - 13)

- Dragon Tournament (March 10 - 13)

- Gear Enhancement Event I (March 12 - 15)

- Ice Golem Tournament (March 13 - 16)

- Summon Rush Event (March 14 - 17)

- Dungeon Divers Event II (March 14 - 17)

- Classic Arena Takedown I (March 15 - 18)

- Champion Training Tournament (March 16 - 20)

- Gear Enhancement Event II (March 17 - 20)

- Spider Tournament (March 17 - 20)

- Fire Knight Tournament (March 20 - 23)

- Dungeon Divers Event III (March 21 - 24)

- Champion Chase Tournament (March 21 - 24)

- Classic Arena Takedown II (March 21 - 24)

- Gear Enhancement Event III (March 22 - 25)

Note that you can also get Lightward Siendra in the Summon Rush Event (March 14 - 17).

Note: Events and Tournaments start and finish for everyone at the same in-game time. Make sure you plan accordingly: check the Events or Tournaments window to see exactly what time an event ends in your local timezone.

Today, we are also launching a special Fabian Fusion Pack containing items that will help you crush the Fusion Events and Tournaments. This pack will be available in the Shop for 2 days only – don't miss out.

Jump into all the activities coming as part of the Festival of Creation!

Good luck, and happy raiding!

Mar 10, 2025, 10:5803/10/25
Mar 10, 2025, 14:2603/10/25


Mar 10, 2025, 15:3203/10/25

I'm there

Mar 10, 2025, 15:4103/10/25


Mar 10, 2025, 17:1403/10/25

Auf geht's.

Mar 10, 2025, 20:1003/10/25

Supreme Galek (Void Legendary) A4 [P]

Whenever this Champion receives a [Fear], [True Fear], [Freeze], [Provoke], [Sleep], [Stun], or [Petrification] debuff, instantly removes it. 


Then, fully heals this Champion, and grants an Extra Turn. 

4 Turns Cooldown

Lord Entertainer Fabian A4 [P] 

Removes any [Stun], [Freeze], [Provoke], [Fear], [Sleep], [True Fear], and [Petrification] debuffs from this Champion before the start of their turn. 


Whenever an enemy is revived, places a [True Fear] debuff on that enemy for 2 turns. If there are multiple Champions on the team with this skill, this effect will only activate once.

No Cooldown

Guys, would Galek's passive be broken if it didn’t have a cooldown? 

For some reason, I don't really think so, to be honest. I recently started playing and picked up Galek. It's great that they decided to give him to new players, but if anyone here is collecting feedback, I think Galek could be improved in just two clicks. Personally, I would add a Crit Damage bonus to his A2. His damage coefficients are weak compared to other damage dealers, and he also requires Accuracy to land debuffs, which means sacrificing damage. A Crit Damage bonus or an Accuracy bonus would help compensate for this drawback—I wouldn’t even mind giving him both.

As for Lord Entertainer Fabian, he's actually an amazing champion, but I'll never have him because I can't complete the fusion, and pulling him from shards has an extremely low chance. It's frustrating to miss out on such an opportunity... sigh. 

Mar 11, 2025, 17:0603/11/25


Mar 12, 2025, 09:0603/12/25

 Champion Training Event -------->6500 points

How many champions should be raised? 

Mar 13, 2025, 13:0103/13/25

Hello to all. Just a question, as I don't find any info in regard the rare, Hidestitcher Boorns. Can be summoned from shards, because as per calendar there are 16 events. If you missed 1, then is over.

Mar 14, 2025, 16:0503/14/25

Why did the calendar show the Champ training event to last until late today when it's already done?

Mar 14, 2025, 18:4403/14/25
Mar 14, 2025, 18:45(edited)

Why did the calendar show the Champ training event to last until late today when it's already done?

Ended on the 14th, time depending on where one is in the world - which makes the calendar accurate along with the schedule in text form.

Mar 14, 2025, 18:4503/14/25

Hello to all. Just a question, as I don't find any info in regard the rare, Hidestitcher Boorns. Can be summoned from shards, because as per calendar there are 16 events. If you missed 1, then is over.

They can be summoned from shards, as can the epic.

Mar 14, 2025, 20:0703/14/25

Yeah I can attest to that, got lucky during the summer rush and on my fourth void, managed to pull the necessary epic for Fusion

Mar 14, 2025, 20:0803/14/25

Saved a whole lot of shards versus having to pull to get the full 6100 points or whatever

Mar 14, 2025, 20:1003/14/25

Also.. as a side note, 25x is a total sham, wish this summon Rush would have had a 2X or anything else to make burning shards worth it for this one when there's another one coming up in several days

Mar 20, 2025, 00:526 days

Plarium has Screwed me on this one! I have completed EVERY SINGLE event, but somehow checked today and only have 10 Boorns. I should have 11. Somehow they never gave me one of my Boorns, which means I am screwed on the fusion unless by the grace of God, I can pull a Boorn, or the Epic Void during The Champion Chase