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RAID Digest (07.03.25)RAID Digest (07.03.25)

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RAID Digest (07.03.25)

As Teleria marks its 6th Anniversary and your Champions revel in the festivities, we invite you to unwind with the first spring RAID Digest. Grab your favorite beverage, settle in, and see what's new in the realm!

Background Multi-Battles

You might wonder where the promised Background Multi-Battles are, which should have been implemented into the game in the latest update. Worry not! Background Multi-Battles are being gradually rolled out to all players, so it may take a couple more weeks until you receive access to them. This is done to properly test the Live Server workload and to ensure everything works as it should.

We would like to emphasize that this is only one of the first steps towards time-saving optimizations. We're only getting started with this feature. Ideally, we want you to be able to fight in Arena and other game modes while your Background Multi-Battles are running. But we still have a lot to do before we can reach this goal.

Clarification on Live Arena Changes

Let’s start with Seasonal League, which becomes unlocked for all players who have reached Gold League: 

  • first and foremost, it is a separate feature, that’s why it won’t diminish your progress in Live Arena;
  • winning a battle earns LA Points, with which you progress in both Seasonal and Gold Leagues;
  • after reaching Gold League, you cannot drop back to Silver;
  • gaining/losing Points is in accordance with Gold League balance;
  • gaining or losing Points is counted for both General and Seasonal ratings;
  • Seasonal League runs for a duration of 4 weeks, followed by a 2-week Mid-season break.

By the way, starting from the latest update, we’ve increased the number of gained Points per victory in both LA Silver and Gold Leagues (for Silver to +7 Points, for Gold to +9 Points) and decreased the number of Points you lose for Defeat in LA Gold League to -3. The inactivity penalty was also decreased to -1 Point per day. In other words, earn more, lose less! (wink-wink)


  • The inconvenient placement of the Refresh button in the Market will be fixed in the next big update.
  • There was a bug with Chronocube when this Relic granted not one, but multiple Turns to its wearer using Team Attack. It has been addressed and fixed. 
  • We’ve seen that some Raiders can’t enter their nickname on the Anniversary page, which prevents them from claiming their reward for solving the puzzle. In order to get the personal promo code, please make sure that you enter the correct nickname (from your RAID account). In case you need help, please reach out to our Support team via the game, or at

Clan vs. Clan Tournament and Personal Rewards

The next 100th installment of Clan vs. Clan Tournament will be a festive one and will feature Personal Rewards. By the way, there will be a surprise, so sharpen the swords! (wink-wink)

Thanks for checking out today's RAID Digest. Have a great weekend ahead!

Mar 7, 2025, 15:4003/07/25
Mar 8, 2025, 03:1703/08/25

как в игру попасть

Mar 8, 2025, 04:3203/08/25

нажимая на кнопку обновления игра не обновляется,и теперь не могу зайти в игру 

Mar 13, 2025, 01:4103/13/25

i need help!!

Mar 13, 2025, 02:4803/13/25

i need help!!

What's the issue?

Mar 14, 2025, 18:5003/14/25

Zdravím vás, môže mi niekto vysvetliť prečo zas hrám hrám Raid Shadow Legends už štvrtý krát od začiatku? Ako je to možné?

Mar 14, 2025, 19:1203/14/25

No nič, žiadna odpoveď ani na mail ani tu. Tak sa s vami lučim.