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RAID-Digest (07.02.25)RAID-Digest (07.02.25)

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RAID-Digest (07.02.25)

Greetings, Raiders!

After the fierce Siege battles and an eventful 10.20 release, we believe it’s time to sit back and enjoy our Friday RAID Digest. Without further ado - let’s start!

Hydra Quick Battles

We introduced Hydra Quick Battles in the last release and want to address some common questions. Our goal with Hydra was to encourage team optimization and synergy.

To preserve player interaction, manual or semi-auto battles remain the best strategy for top results. Quick Battles are a time-saving tool for those willing to trade some efficiency for convenience. We recommend fine-tuning your teams first before testing them in Quick Battles.

Another point we would like to highlight regarding Quick battles is their duration. Unlike Demon Lord Quick Battles, the Hydra ones take a little longer (up to several minutes), as it takes time to model all those 1000 turns. 

Aspect of Siroth Relic and Its Effect on the Turn Meter Manipulation

In update 10.20, we introduced an Immunity skills fix. Now, when a Champion’s skill states they are “Immune” to certain debuffs or effects, they are truly immune to them.

There is one exception to the rule, though. Turn meter manipulation immunity protects Champions only from effects generated by the enemy. So effects from Relics such as Aspect of Siroth will still apply to the "immune" Champions. We will adjust the skill description to better reflect this caveat

Champion Rebalance Process

After each Champions rebalance, we often see the same questions, so we decided to clarify some of the aspects players were curious about.

Q: How do devs choose Champions to rebalance?

  • Player feedback and in-game Champion ratings (now that it has been reset) are essential factors. Players know best the strong and weak sides of the Champion, so we prioritize Champions that players see as lacking and make appropriate changes. 
  • History of rebalances. If the Champion already had a rebalance recently, they are less likely to receive another one.
  • Older Champions have a higher priority than the new ones. However, it is a case-by-case process, so you can still see newer champions in our monthly rebalances.
  • Void affinity also affects our decision. Void Legendaries are hard to come by, so we want them to meet player expectations and update their kits when possible.
  • Champions from persistent Fusions or similar sources have a lesser priority for rebalance. They are mainly meant to introduce mechanics to players or fulfill somewhat niche roles on the team, so are less likely to receive a rebalance, as long as they serve that purpose.

Q: Why do we not rebalance Champions more often?

Rebalance of a Champion is essentially the same process as creating a new one, with the added bonus that the Champion model is already in the game. While it may not look like it on the outside, it is a long process that involves work from multiple departments, and if we prioritize rebalancing more champions, it will significantly slow down our update release schedule.

Rebalances are an endless process, so when we have any wiggle room in the update, we are more likely to include QoL features than an additional Champion rebalance.

Q: What do we take into account when choosing which Skills to rebalance?

Champion's intended role and function. Performance in that role is what we look into the most, so we boost stats and abilities that will make them better at the role. There are, of course, cases where Champion rework completely changes the skills or event roles of the Champions, but they are an exception, not the rule.

Clan vs. Clan Tournament and Personal Rewards

Prepare your weapons and polish the armor, as the next installment of the Clan Tournament will come with personal rewards. May the strongest Clan hold the victory!

That’s all we have for today, take care, and we’ll see you in two weeks' time.


Feb 7, 2025, 15:0002/07/25
Feb 9, 2025, 00:4102/09/25

Aspect of Siroth - I assume you are going to revert this immediately?  I mean, seriously read what you just wrote in this.  You made a HUGE to do about how being immune means you are actually immune damn it!  Then in the very same patch, you decided to throw the brand new rule and consistency in the garbage and then take a dump in the garbage.  It makes zero sense from a design standpoint and makes Aspect of Siroth by far the most garbage lego relic in the game.  It had two use cases: characters who are cancer in the arena by not dying (Marichka/UDK and Rotos primarily) and characters who were immune or partialy immune to turn meter (Marius, Ronda if a3 isn't on cooldown, Kaja with timit or 50% without timit).  The more viable use case for a larger percentage of the player base (and the entirety of the playerbase who don't like to be cancer in arena) is now gone.  In the same patch where you said immunity means immunity damn it.  Seriously, read what you just wrote in this today.  It makes no sense.  My best guess is a temp went in and messed up Siroth and instead of just fixing it (despite how it went 100% against your big immunity fix) you doubled down on this massive mistake.  The relic is currently worthless.  Your immunity fix that you made such a big to do about is currently a lie and worthless.  Anyone who got this ludicrously niche relic now has a relic that is even more double-plus ungood ludicrously niche and completely worthless.

Feb 10, 2025, 08:2302/10/25

Aspect of Siroth - I assume you are going to revert this immediately?  I mean, seriously read what you just wrote in this.  You made a HUGE to do about how being immune means you are actually immune damn it!  Then in the very same patch, you decided to throw the brand new rule and consistency in the garbage and then take a dump in the garbage.  It makes zero sense from a design standpoint and makes Aspect of Siroth by far the most garbage lego relic in the game.  It had two use cases: characters who are cancer in the arena by not dying (Marichka/UDK and Rotos primarily) and characters who were immune or partialy immune to turn meter (Marius, Ronda if a3 isn't on cooldown, Kaja with timit or 50% without timit).  The more viable use case for a larger percentage of the player base (and the entirety of the playerbase who don't like to be cancer in arena) is now gone.  In the same patch where you said immunity means immunity damn it.  Seriously, read what you just wrote in this today.  It makes no sense.  My best guess is a temp went in and messed up Siroth and instead of just fixing it (despite how it went 100% against your big immunity fix) you doubled down on this massive mistake.  The relic is currently worthless.  Your immunity fix that you made such a big to do about is currently a lie and worthless.  Anyone who got this ludicrously niche relic now has a relic that is even more double-plus ungood ludicrously niche and completely worthless.

Hello Quintinar :) 

I have never thought that some day I would post something in favor of Plarium :D, but sometimes, when they do things right, it worth to praise them ;), so may I disagree here with you.

Reason is that, for me the relic is still fine and does what it states. 

Also, the statement from Plarium about guaranteed "immune to turn meter reduction" etc. is also great.

Please correct me if I am wrong, but if "immuned to turn meter reduction" champoions, don't loose their turn meter when the relic "protects them from being taken down", this will:

1) add a flaw in the stated behavior of the relic

2) will make such champions, pretty much "immortal" ;), especially if there is missing turn metter / counter on the relic effect or the "protected" champion does not lose their turn metter, so other team can have an opportunity to take some extra turn etc.

For me, the relic if sine and as it was tated in this post: "Immuned to turn metter reduction champions, will stay immuned against other champions/bosses' skills which have a turn metter reduction effects BUT will not be immuned for turn metter reduction from relics, due to the above two reasons.

It is similar to the "Serpent Will" buff, which was added to the Hydra heads, after they get raised again. If this buff was not added, other champions like Trunda, Acrizia etc., who can  "1 hit" the heads, the balanse in this area will never be OK and will allow some more advance users to exploit this vulnerability for the Hydra Clash.

Feb 20, 2025, 23:3002/20/25

Hello,  I was wondering are you able to buy rank chickens?  I hope this is where to even ask.

Feb 21, 2025, 22:2002/21/25

Hello Quintinar :) 

I have never thought that some day I would post something in favor of Plarium :D, but sometimes, when they do things right, it worth to praise them ;), so may I disagree here with you.

Reason is that, for me the relic is still fine and does what it states. 

Also, the statement from Plarium about guaranteed "immune to turn meter reduction" etc. is also great.

Please correct me if I am wrong, but if "immuned to turn meter reduction" champoions, don't loose their turn meter when the relic "protects them from being taken down", this will:

1) add a flaw in the stated behavior of the relic

2) will make such champions, pretty much "immortal" ;), especially if there is missing turn metter / counter on the relic effect or the "protected" champion does not lose their turn metter, so other team can have an opportunity to take some extra turn etc.

For me, the relic if sine and as it was tated in this post: "Immuned to turn metter reduction champions, will stay immuned against other champions/bosses' skills which have a turn metter reduction effects BUT will not be immuned for turn metter reduction from relics, due to the above two reasons.

It is similar to the "Serpent Will" buff, which was added to the Hydra heads, after they get raised again. If this buff was not added, other champions like Trunda, Acrizia etc., who can  "1 hit" the heads, the balanse in this area will never be OK and will allow some more advance users to exploit this vulnerability for the Hydra Clash.

If you are going to make a big to-do about the MAJOR consistancy change being that "immune to x" champs are always immune to X, then you follow through on that.  You don't in the VERY SAME PATCH go: Lol, nope!  Our big design philosophy was actually a lie!  Lol and giggles!  

Design philosophy should come first and then you fix everything else after.  That is how any decent game ever is designed.  The main point of the patch ended up being: nope we have no design philosophy and our big discussion about how we had one was just a joke!  Early april fools!

And the relic is now garbage unless you happen to have Rotos.  Not sure the point of having a relic for one champ.

Feb 25, 2025, 07:5002/25/25

If you are going to make a big to-do about the MAJOR consistancy change being that "immune to x" champs are always immune to X, then you follow through on that.  You don't in the VERY SAME PATCH go: Lol, nope!  Our big design philosophy was actually a lie!  Lol and giggles!  

Design philosophy should come first and then you fix everything else after.  That is how any decent game ever is designed.  The main point of the patch ended up being: nope we have no design philosophy and our big discussion about how we had one was just a joke!  Early april fools!

And the relic is now garbage unless you happen to have Rotos.  Not sure the point of having a relic for one champ.

To be honest, I would rather do the design right so I won't need to do some "fixes, of the fixes" patches etc. at later stage :)

I understand that this is not always possible and for such complex software and not only, there might always be some flaw(s) or something to be adjusted "just a littbe bit more" :)

Anyway, I agree with you. It is not very handy to have such a niche equipment, not to mention a champion :)

With regards to the relic and Rotos, I have him, unfortunatelly no Siphy :), but I ahve and the relic :). Hopefully I wil get Siphy at some point. Probbaly the relic seems to be perfect fit for him but I am not much impressed at least for the moment. Maybe I need to upgrade the relic to max starts and I might have not built my Rotos in perfect way, but so far I have not seen what was shown in some of videos online.

However, I think that the relic might also b ehandy for champions like UDK to help him survive while protecting other's with his passive.

Mar 21, 2025, 20:515 days

To be honest, I would rather do the design right so I won't need to do some "fixes, of the fixes" patches etc. at later stage :)

I understand that this is not always possible and for such complex software and not only, there might always be some flaw(s) or something to be adjusted "just a littbe bit more" :)

Anyway, I agree with you. It is not very handy to have such a niche equipment, not to mention a champion :)

With regards to the relic and Rotos, I have him, unfortunatelly no Siphy :), but I ahve and the relic :). Hopefully I wil get Siphy at some point. Probbaly the relic seems to be perfect fit for him but I am not much impressed at least for the moment. Maybe I need to upgrade the relic to max starts and I might have not built my Rotos in perfect way, but so far I have not seen what was shown in some of videos online.

However, I think that the relic might also b ehandy for champions like UDK to help him survive while protecting other's with his passive.

Oh yeah, it is handy for UDK too.  Probably pretty good on Tormin.  I don't use either of those champs anymore and if I do pop UDK out he doesn't really need help (I never even bothered booking mine or getting masteries since he does the job as is).  But yes, super annoying champs who only need to exist to do their job of being annoying work with the relic too.