Greetings, Raiders!
After the fierce Siege battles and an eventful 10.20 release, we believe it’s time to sit back and enjoy our Friday RAID Digest. Without further ado - let’s start!
Hydra Quick Battles
We introduced Hydra Quick Battles in the last release and want to address some common questions. Our goal with Hydra was to encourage team optimization and synergy.
To preserve player interaction, manual or semi-auto battles remain the best strategy for top results. Quick Battles are a time-saving tool for those willing to trade some efficiency for convenience. We recommend fine-tuning your teams first before testing them in Quick Battles.
Another point we would like to highlight regarding Quick battles is their duration. Unlike Demon Lord Quick Battles, the Hydra ones take a little longer (up to several minutes), as it takes time to model all those 1000 turns.
Aspect of Siroth Relic and Its Effect on the Turn Meter Manipulation
In update 10.20, we introduced an Immunity skills fix. Now, when a Champion’s skill states they are “Immune” to certain debuffs or effects, they are truly immune to them.
There is one exception to the rule, though. Turn meter manipulation immunity protects Champions only from effects generated by the enemy. So effects from Relics such as Aspect of Siroth will still apply to the "immune" Champions. We will adjust the skill description to better reflect this caveat
Champion Rebalance Process
After each Champions rebalance, we often see the same questions, so we decided to clarify some of the aspects players were curious about.
Q: How do devs choose Champions to rebalance?
- Player feedback and in-game Champion ratings (now that it has been reset) are essential factors. Players know best the strong and weak sides of the Champion, so we prioritize Champions that players see as lacking and make appropriate changes.
- History of rebalances. If the Champion already had a rebalance recently, they are less likely to receive another one.
- Older Champions have a higher priority than the new ones. However, it is a case-by-case process, so you can still see newer champions in our monthly rebalances.
- Void affinity also affects our decision. Void Legendaries are hard to come by, so we want them to meet player expectations and update their kits when possible.
- Champions from persistent Fusions or similar sources have a lesser priority for rebalance. They are mainly meant to introduce mechanics to players or fulfill somewhat niche roles on the team, so are less likely to receive a rebalance, as long as they serve that purpose.
Q: Why do we not rebalance Champions more often?
Rebalance of a Champion is essentially the same process as creating a new one, with the added bonus that the Champion model is already in the game. While it may not look like it on the outside, it is a long process that involves work from multiple departments, and if we prioritize rebalancing more champions, it will significantly slow down our update release schedule.
Rebalances are an endless process, so when we have any wiggle room in the update, we are more likely to include QoL features than an additional Champion rebalance.
Q: What do we take into account when choosing which Skills to rebalance?
Champion's intended role and function. Performance in that role is what we look into the most, so we boost stats and abilities that will make them better at the role. There are, of course, cases where Champion rework completely changes the skills or event roles of the Champions, but they are an exception, not the rule.
Clan vs. Clan Tournament and Personal Rewards
Prepare your weapons and polish the armor, as the next installment of the Clan Tournament will come with personal rewards. May the strongest Clan hold the victory!
That’s all we have for today, take care, and we’ll see you in two weeks' time.