Greetings, Raiders!
Update 10.20 brings a slew of QoL improvements to make your time in RAID that much easier, and the Highlights we have prepared will give you an early heads-up about these upcoming changes. Hydra Quick Battles may be the most significant thing on our list, but Super Raids for Campaign Stages, Clan Level increase, AI improvements, UI changes, and more should not be overlooked either!
Let’s take a closer look.
Reducing the time required to deal with the Hydra has been among the most frequent requests we’ve heard from the Community, and now, we have a solution. As promised in the 8th episode of What’s Next In RAID, Hydra Quick Battles are coming to the game, and here is how they will work.
Quick Battles will be available once you’ve dealt enough damage to receive the highest value Hydra Chest with just one Key on a specific Difficulty. Doing so will immediately unlock Quick Battles for that Difficulty and every Difficulty below it. Once unlocked, you will have a total of 5 Quick Battles available per Weekly Hydra Cycle (overall, not 5 per Difficulty).
Once activated, Quick Battles will launch a background Auto mode fight against the Hydra and calculate the results. This may take up to several minutes, depending on the number of turns your team can survive. Then, you can either commit a Hydra Key and keep the results or discard them without spending the Key. You’ll see an info pop-up on the Team Selection screen before the Battle; tapping it will give you a refresher on how it works and how many Quick Battles you have remaining.
Important Disclaimer: Hydra Quick Battles will become available at 12:00 UTC on the day of the Update, which means some players will get their Hydra Weekly Cycle reset before that. Keep an eye on the news in-game, and don’t spend your Hydra Key immediately if you want to test the Quick Battles ASAP.
Another feature aimed at reducing the time required for menial game tasks is the introduction of Super Raids to the Campaign. With that option available, you can farm Silver and Experience much faster, which means faster progression for your Champions! To unlock Super Raids, you just need to complete the Campaign Stage in question with at least 1 Star.
Otherwise, they work exactly the same as Dungeon Super Raids: one Battle fought, twice the Energy spent, twice the rewards earned. They will also count as two Battles for the purpose of various quests.
As of Update 10.20, we will add 5 more Clan Levels (to a total of 30). Furthermore, 2 new Slots will be added to the Clan Shop - these will contain some awesome new goodies such as Rank 1-3 Basalt, Gemstone Boxes that contain a random Gemstone, and Relic Crafting Materials to create Relics of the new Clan Group.
There will be 8 Relics in that Group: 2 Rare, 2 Epic, 2 Legendary, and 2 Mythical Relics.
- For the sake of convenience, we’ll add Champion names and Factions to the Soul Collection, Soulstone x10 Summons, and Limited Summon Event in the Altar of Souls.
- 20 Champions will have their AI adjusted to perform better in Auto Battles, including Hydra Battles. We will release a separate news article to describe those changes later.
- Another change we’ll implement is to make sure that when a Champion’s Skill states that they are “Immune” to certain debuffs or effects, that they are truly immune to those things. If another skill states that it will place guaranteed debuffs, ignore a portion of the target’s RES, or ignore [Block Debuffs] buffs, it will still not bypass “Immunity”.
- A new option to hide Faction Guardians will be added to the Champion Filter.
- Tapping the Champions button on the Team Selection screen of Doom Tower Secret Rooms and Faction Wars, will take you to the Champions window with Champion Filters already active.
- New Avatar Frames will be added to the game.
- Event Tab UI will be updated to highlight the rewards you can expect in Events and Tournaments.
5 quick battles don't allow us to test multiple teams and configurations. It would make HC much more competitive, somehow you want us to do tests with different lineups manually or 'old auto way'. That's NOT competitive approach. We may have a hidden gem lineup somewhere in the roster that we don't know because hydra tests take so long. We need more quick battles.
5 years, no mino changes......
Give us super raids already, bonus points for super raids and additional levels.
The clan relics, will likely be years before we get to level 30 unless they add in more ways for clan exp.
This company, so short sighted, it is amazing they can be this bad by accident.
Took one month to come up with "improvement" for Ultan who remains trash after the update.
Would be nice for clans below level 20 to also get some relic stuff in the clan shop, whats the point to limit those to high end clans, another failure.
But thanks for trying ;)
Maybe couse its Endgame Stuff!?
I think it's good when clans that exist for a long time are rewarded!👌
5 years, no mino changes......
Give us super raids already, bonus points for super raids and additional levels.
The clan relics, will likely be years before we get to level 30 unless they add in more ways for clan exp.
This company, so short sighted, it is amazing they can be this bad by accident.
We need mino changes
5 more levels of mino, super-raids for mino, quick battles for mino.
letting folks pay percentage gem cost for 'the rest of the scrolls' for a champ.
always be able to show the team that did the lowest battle count and fastest times in any content.
more storage for accessories and gear.
more rebalances for much older champs per unit time. Make a general 'rule' for champs to keep it consistent like 'all legos have a passive'. Make one sweeping update for all legos to do that in just one month not 10 years. Without that we have many epics much stronger than a number of legos, that doesn't make any sense. Simply count the number of ability, maybe scoring them based on single target/multi-target/AOE for increased score, put that on a spread sheet and compare your epics vs your legos to help you make a more consistent set of Buffs. A 2nd level of that could be to 'rank' the abilities by strength. You can get a rating that way that will give you some general guideline of who is most important to buff and then you buff say 10 or 20 champs per month. Just 'get it done' so you can not worry about it for a while.
Add another post Marius Mission set.
Make it only one click total to give up in Live Arena and be back in the live arena stage, not more than one.
Take Daily Chimera and Hydra advanced challenges away, they can be weekly only. You can add weekly challenges if you want.
Add either more DT champs or add a DT chest for secret rooms that has some fraction of a shard of some type, maybe white or red so folks have a reason to collect those and bother to do the secret rooms after they finish the DT champs. Especially on DT Hard.
You could add DT Nightmare, not sure that's a big gain, though. Probably not.
Add a 'send to shop' button on your 'flash' offers. In principle i won't do a flash offer, it is questionably feeding anyone's gambling additiction. 'send to shop' allows them to save that one (maybe save only one) in the shop to consider later. So one slot for saved popup flash offer.
as a free to play player i find the pop up ads at the bastion the most annoying thing in this entire game... can't you make them a red dot item in the shop instead of interfering with game play... especially the lightning offers... i turn them down just to have to second click them when i didn't want them in the first place... god pop up ads are so irritating...