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RAID Digest (13.12.24)RAID Digest (13.12.24)

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RAID Digest (13.12.24)

Greetings, Raiders! As many of you are busy working out your best strategies against the Chimera, it will be the primary subject of today's RAID Digest. So, without further ado, let's get started.

Clarifications about Chimera's Reset Time Frame

Chimera reset day begins at 11:30 UTC on Thursday and ends at 11:30 UTC on Friday. During this period, players cannot participate in Chimera battles and earn Clash points. If a battle ends after 11:30 UTC on Thursday, the player will receive rewards for Trials they completed during it, but otherwise, the damage dealt during such a battle won't count towards Chimera Chests or Chimera Clash. After 7:00 UTC on Friday, players can claim the Chimera Clash Chest. After 11:30 UTC on Friday, players can claim the Chimera Chests and start the next Chimera Clash.

As for the time frame to change the Clan, if a player leaves the Clan before 7:00 UTC on Friday, they cannot claim the Chimera Clash Chest. If a player leaves the Clan after 7:00 UTC on Friday, they will still receive the Chimera Clash Chest but will not receive the Chimera Chest for damage dealt. If a player joins a new clan immediately after receiving the Chimera Clash Chest (and forfeiting the Chimera Chest for damage dealt), they will be able to participate in the Chimera Clash in their new Clan. However, if a player waits to claim both the Chimera Clash Chest and the Chimera Chest for damage dealt and then switches clans afterward, they will not be able to participate in the Chimera Clash in their new Clan.

Comments on Chimera Battle Mechanics and Known Bugs

  • Relic Diadem of Death currently has effects it shouldn’t have, including increasing damage for skills that scale based on enemy MAX HP more than it should, causing Champions to land debuffs on bosses that otherwise are immune to them, etc. Some other Relics (Tempus Sanguinis among them) seem to also indicate similar bugs in the way they function. We’re working on the fix to deliver it as soon as possible.
  • Ram Trials - currently, if a Champion delivers an attack on the boss but dies from the reflected damage, the damage of that attack doesn't count towards the Ram Trial that requires damaging the Chimera within 3 turns while it is under a [Decrease DEF] debuff and players' Champions are under [Perfect Veil] buffs, which is a bug to be fixed in the next major update.
  • Lion Trials - the description of the Trial "Damage the Chimera while it is under 1 or more debuffs and your Champions are under [Increase DEF] buffs" is incorrect and will be rectified. To complete the Trial, the player has to deliver the specified amount of damage to the Chimera in a single skill while the beast is under 5 or more debuffs.
  • Damage Cap in the Passive skill [Almighty Chimera] - as you may know, the damage from skills that scale based on the enemy's MAX HP cannot exceed a certain amount (100k on Easy, 120k on Normal, etc.). However, you may notice damage numbers that do exceed the supposed cap. That happens because the restriction applies to the initial amount of damage before all the contributing factors get calculated, like critical DMG, buffs, debuffs, passives, etc.
  • Another description error we've recently noticed is the additional effect of Ramantu's A2, which might be especially important for particular Chimera Trials. The skill lands [True Fear] debuffs on all the enemies that have 4 or more debuffs, excluding the initial target of the skill. The skill has been working that way all along, as it is supposed to do, but the nuance about the initial target has been missing from the skill description, so we will fix that.
  • Please note that when the Chimera changes forms during the battle, it loses all debuffs, even those protected from the usual cleanse (have the yellow border around them), because otherwise, completing trials would be considerably messier.
  • While we're on the topic of shapeshifting, it has been found that Mythical Sylvan Watcher Nell Blackteeth curiously doesn't metamorph during battles due to an ancient curse known as a code bug that we are going to dispel in the next major update.

Clan vs Clan Tournament and Personal Rewards

The 95th installment of CvC Tournament starts on December 17 and will feature Personal Rewards. By the way, it will be the last CvC Tournament this year, with the next one planned on January 14, 2025.

That's all for today's RAID Digest! Have a great weekend, and happy holidays!

Dec 13, 2024, 14:1212/13/24