Hello, Raiders!
We plan to release Update 9.40 soon, and a whole slew of QoL improvements are included. Expanded Clan progression with new Clan Levels and bonuses is the biggest feature in this Update, but we’re also introducing tweaks to Siege, Live Arena-related quests, the Plarium Program, and some miscellaneous changes on top of that. Oh, and there will be new Champions (revealed later) and a balance patch, as usual!
Have a look at the Update Highlights below to learn the details.
With Siege Battles becoming a prominent Clan activity not so long ago, it feels only proper to give Clans more room to grow and show their achievements. Therefore, we’ve decided to introduce 5 new Clan Levels in Update 9.40 - this brings the highest attainable Level to 25 and unlocks new bonuses.
Important note: no one will keep excess Clan XP earned after reaching Clan Level 20 prior to this Update. Everyone who has gotten that far will enter 9.40 as if they had just earned that impressive milestone, and will have to gain more Clan XP to progress further.
At the same time, new Clan Levels come with appropriate bonuses: extra Silver for completing Campaign Stages, more Multi-Battles, and up to two more slots in the Clan Shop. Oh, and there are new items in that Shop as well, including Chaos Dust, Chaos Powder, and Artifact Chests that have a chance of dropping Mythical Rank 6 Killstroke Artifacts!
Upon reaching Level 60, players will have their Arena-themed Advanced Quests changed to one that requires winning a Live Arena Battle. Furthermore, we’ll add a separate Live Arena Quest for all players with access to Live Arena. It requires winning 1, 3, or 5 Live Arena Battles and provides rewards that include 20x Multi-Battle Attempts, 50x Energy, and a Live Arena Chest that contains Artifacts, Charms, Silver, and even has a chance to drop a Legendary Skill Tome once a month.
We are also increasing the duration of each Live Arena activity time frames by an hour and adjusting matchmaking for newer players to make their start in this PvP mode smoother.
Siege will see several QoL changes aimed at making the experience smoother. Here is what you can expect:
"Upon reaching Level 60, players will have their Arena-themed Advanced Quests changed to one that requires winning a Live Arena Battle. "
I will quit over that. No joke.
I loathe Live Arena. Haven't done it since the first day it went active. I depend on Daily and Advanced quests for a bunch of the resources that keep me doing Fusions an other things I love in this game..... forcing me to do it to get my energy flask each day at the top of the Advanced quests is the easiest way to make me delete my account.
"Upon reaching Level 60, players will have their Arena-themed Advanced Quests changed to one that requires winning a Live Arena Battle. "
I will quit over that. No joke.
I loathe Live Arena. Haven't done it since the first day it went active. I depend on Daily and Advanced quests for a bunch of the resources that keep me doing Fusions an other things I love in this game..... forcing me to do it to get my energy flask each day at the top of the Advanced quests is the easiest way to make me delete my account.
I 2nd this. Force me to play LA and I will stop playing at all
Its no improvement trying to force people into playing a game mode that is hated the most. You made a pay2win game with insane prices and now you wanna force people into playing PvP??? really??? Ever thought about the reason people want to avoid playing PvP in your game? Maybe because its broken as hell??? Thats a bad joke.
Do NOT make Advanced Quests, and the Energy Pot that is their reward, dependant upon Live Arena ANYTHING, especially wins. We don't CARE what "rewards" will be given, because you will be increasing the account power level AND TIME NEEDED necessary to gain that Daily Energy Pot. It is NOT worth it to us.
We thought you were trying to institute Quality of Life changes. This is a DETRIMENT!
Live Arena has NO PLACE in the Advanced Quests, just like Hard Dungeons and Amius have no place.
You are basically saying, "If you are not able to play the game during Live Arena time, kiss your free Energy Pot goodbye."
Further, the Marius Missions that involve Live Arena just became harder, since we will have to waste time in Live Arena more than our accounts warrant. We don't WANT to face Pay-To-Win for Advanced Quests.
Are you TRYING to irritate us further and make us quit?
Everything about the Live arena "improvements" is terrible.
Except, *maybe,* the matchmaking for low level players, assuming it works, and that's a HUGE "if".
All are great!
Win ONE battle, you can quit 9 of your 10 to get the 1 easy battle.... all who quit over this should quit anyways, SEE YA!
The other quest is EXTRA FREE REWARDS
Expanded window by an hour for each means you can't complain about the availabilty of LIve Arena
The matchmaking probably only affects low level (sub 60? sub 100?) accounts, idk. But this should alleviate some of the cryimng we see.
People need to stop looking for things to complain about.
All are great!
Win ONE battle, you can quit 9 of your 10 to get the 1 easy battle.... all who quit over this should quit anyways, SEE YA!
The other quest is EXTRA FREE REWARDS
Expanded window by an hour for each means you can't complain about the availabilty of LIve Arena
The matchmaking probably only affects low level (sub 60? sub 100?) accounts, idk. But this should alleviate some of the cryimng we see.
People need to stop looking for things to complain about.
*Changing* the advance quest means having to do Live *instead* of classic or tag to get the same rewards as before.
And while it's honestly not gonna affect me personally at all, it's gonna be a significant detriment for some of my clustermates.
"Hey, people don't like this feature we added; how can we get engagement up?"
"Make it mandatory in order to complete dailys"
*Changing* the advance quest means having to do Live *instead* of classic or tag to get the same rewards as before.
And while it's honestly not gonna affect me personally at all, it's gonna be a significant detriment for some of my clustermates.
"Hey, people don't like this feature we added; how can we get engagement up?"
"Make it mandatory in order to complete dailys"
People who don't do Live at all either don't care about progressing in the game (super casuals) or are just plain stupid (offense intended). It is honestly easier to get to Gold than classic arena and the rewards are outstanding. The 8 hours of limited availability has been increased 50%, many stated that this was the reason they couldn't do live. I'll take credit for this suggestion :)
And yes, making it mandatory is the only way to guarantee increased engagement. I ensure you that 100% of people "quiting" over this, likely idle threats contribute 0% of revenue and have an expected LTV of .... ZERO.
This will hurt casual clans, of course, but that doesn't mean shit.
Sometimes when you try to explain changes it makes no sence at all. Im super regarding the Q&L part of Seige. Attack Scroll distribution will be adjusted:
Do we get 90 scrolls as before? Do we get 60 same as maximum DEF teams + 5 extra? Do we get less then 60 if the enemy has less then 60 DEF teams. Can Leader and Deputies hand them to whom ever they whant?
I understand why you are doing this sice we got farmed last Seige for 30 wins in the last 30 min aka ranked up becuase if this abbility for the oponent to do this sice they are deranking at the same time. Ad we lost this Seige.
I mean, I use all my live tokens, every day, mostly because I'm grinding the great hall bonuses, but also because I'm a pavlonian conditioned sheep to complete stuff
But when I do live arena, it is also, unquestionably, the worst part of my day.
(note: I'm making a generaliztion in this part, not talking *specifically* about live arena:)
Take away quest requirements, take away rewards, and see how many players do it for nothing more than fun, and maybe bragging rights; If the vastly overwhelming majority of your players stop participating, it means it is a BAD part of your game.
Example: make the advanced quest "use 4 champions of the same affinity in classic arena, OR tag arena, OR live arena" and see how many people do live. :P
Every day there is an arena themed Advanced Quest... so that means every day it will be changed to a Live Arena quest. That means 7 flasks a week... 910 energy. 1820 energy over the course of a Fusion. Will be tied to a PvP feature that is time locked for a good percentage of each day.
It's a lousy idea to force an increase in Live Arena, so they can point at the metrics for their investors and say, "Look! See? They all love it! It's got 90% daily engagement!"
I refuse. Collecting Fusions is one of the last things i love doing in this game. I alreay made announcement on my Clan's discord that I will be handing over leadership and leaving the game if Plarium goes ahead with this change.
"But when I do live arena, it is also, unquestionably, the worst part of my day."
Yup.... I loathe PvP. I avoid it at all costs, and was accepting to a point that I had to spend a few minutes losing 5 Tag Team battles, or searching for a solo Arbiter Classic Arena team to fulfil my quests... but Live Arena is where I draw the line.
So I have had this thought for a while now, but since Live Arena quests are being added in to Daily Quests I feel I need to bring up my thoughts.
Advanced Quests should have a required number of quests to be completed in order to get the Advanced Quests final reward. For example, there are 10 quests that show daily, players would have to complete 8 to get the reward. Could even increase the number of quests to 12 and require the current 10 to complete daily.
This would make it more enjoyable for all players and give them choices and those that don't want to participate in Live Arena will not be forced to participate
I play live arena practically every day and actually enjoy it most of the time but I understand how this quest will make some people miserable. I have two suggestions.
1. As suggested elsewhere, let us get our Advanced Quest energy for completing 9 of 10 quests. My most hated thing in Raid is the daily hydra quest because I want to run it when I have time, as I care about the result. Since Plarium hasn't removed it or made it a weekly quest (!!), this is another way to avoid it. Why not let every player choose something to skip?
2. Put in the fix already for losing 3 Live Arena fights in a row that makes us wait for 60 seconds and time out while looking for the next opponent. Plarium acknowledged this is a bug but there have been several patches since the acknowledgment that have not fixed it.
People who don't do Live at all either don't care about progressing in the game (super casuals) or are just plain stupid (offense intended). It is honestly easier to get to Gold than classic arena and the rewards are outstanding. The 8 hours of limited availability has been increased 50%, many stated that this was the reason they couldn't do live. I'll take credit for this suggestion :)
And yes, making it mandatory is the only way to guarantee increased engagement. I ensure you that 100% of people "quiting" over this, likely idle threats contribute 0% of revenue and have an expected LTV of .... ZERO.
This will hurt casual clans, of course, but that doesn't mean shit.
Trips, I like many of your comments but this is just not true.
Doing a ref account for a Farbstoff support event, I was able to be in Gold arena after 5 days...I stil am not even allowed for LA on the ref account.
And forcing players into content they do not want with rewards (energy pot) which is not even remotely connected to LA...this is just plain stupid and demotivating.