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Hydra Update FAQ

Hydra Update FAQ

Hello, Raiders!

We know many of you have asked for clarification about the balance changes coming to the Hydra, Shield buffs, and Trunda Giltmallet. In response, our Community Managers have gathered up some of the most frequently asked questions and passed them to our development team, so you can get answers directly from them. We’ve compiled all their answers in a comprehensive Hydra Balance Update FAQ! Check it out! 

  • Hydra just seems to become a harder boss for everyone, especially due to the modified Devouring mechanic, 100% DMG decrease for the [Serpent's Will], and limited HP bar for Hydra heads. Why did you decide to increase the level of difficulty? - These changes are intended, first and foremost, to cap the performance of teams that endure very long battles by abusing specific Hydra vulnerabilities, especially by decapitating new heads as soon as they grow back. Also, we intended the battles to finish with all the Champions either dead or devoured instead of reaching the turn limit. Thus, avoiding Champion devouring becomes increasingly more difficult. By the way, the limited HP bar for an exposed neck creates a good opportunity for Champions whose DMG scales up based on the enemy's Max HP.
  • My modest Hydra teams might be severely affected. Will I be able to achieve even minimal Hydra rewards? - The changes are specifically designed to cap immense amounts of damage certain teams dealt by far surpassing 100 turns, roughly speaking. It is the competitive aspect of Hydra Clash that we aspire to make fairer with these rebalances. If your team manages to deal enough damage for a certain Chest, we expect it to continue doing so with minimal adjustments.
  • Why not just nerfing one single specific Champion instead? -  We consider the issue of overpowered Hydra teams a complex one. By changing the boss's mechanics, we want to prevent new overpowered teams from appearing in the future. We aim for a better balance in this game mode in the long term.
  • Will Trunda become useless? - We want Trunda to remain a good and useful Champion, but at the same time, we want to bring her damage output against Hydra in line with that of other Champions.
  • Why change Shields? - We think that infinite Shields bring imbalance to the battle gameplay to such a degree that some cap is necessary. Still, we decided on a cap that would allow Wixwell to shine when fighting Demon Lord. However, we will be closely monitoring in case the Shield cap or any other change listed here needs any adjustments.
  • Why Change the way Taunt interacts with Mark of the Hydra? - As is briefly mentioned above, we intended Hydra battles to finish with all the Champions either dead or devoured instead of reaching the turn limit. That is why, for considerations of consistency, we are going to change the interaction between Taunt and Mark of the Hydra and also to make sure there are no specific strategies that provide a large advantage over the others or pave the way for abusing Hydra mechanics.

  • We might need to readjust some gear on our Champions after the rebalance goes live on October 16. Will there be anything to help us with it? - Yes, we decided to reschedule this month's Free gear removal event to October 16-20 so that you will have an easier time tweaking your Hydra teams, if necessary.
  • Will you reset Badge achievements after the rebalance is activated? - No, all your badges and achievements will remain in place.
  • Will there be changes to milestones for Hydra Chests or Hydra Clash Chests? - Most of the changes are designed to make a larger impact on the later stages of a battle, so it is scoring hundreds of millions of damage that is going to become more challenging. We expect that securing Hydra and Hydra Clash chests won't become considerably harder for those who have already been able to earn them. However, we are ready to reconsider Hydra Clash point multipliers if necessary.
  • Will the excessive damage dealt to an exposed neck count toward the total score? - Yes, if you manage to deal more damage to an exposed neck than it has HP in one blow, all the damage will count toward the total score.
  • In light of new changes, some players think Trunda will remain overpowered. Alternatively, others presume she will become nearly useless. What fate awaits Trunda, actually? - We never wanted to make Trunda irrelevant, but instead, we wanted to make her DMG capabilities correspond to those of other Champions across the board. For instance, we expect her A3 to become more relevant against Hydra due to HP burn, not dependent on Stun, and also in PvP due to an increased effectiveness against Stone Skin. If her damage is still far beyond the reach of any other champion, we will take further action to rebalance her.
  • Will the rebalanced [Serpent's will] with 100% DMG reduction make it harder to cease devouring a Champion by a newly grown Head, especially considering that devouring becomes increasingly more difficult to stop over the course of battle? - No. The [Serpent's will] buff lasts only one turn, and swallowing a Champion requires the Head to make a turn, after which it loses the protection of the [Serpent's will].
  • If two new Hydra Heads appear at once, only one receives the [Serpent's will] buff. But what if I manage to kill more Heads at the same time? - If you cut down 3 exposed necks at a time, 2 of the 3 new Heads will have the [Serpent's will] buffs. If you dispose of 4 necks at once, still only 2 of the new Heads will have the [Serpent's will] buffs. If you kill exposed necks one by one, this rule doesn't apply, and they might all end up with the [Serpent's will] buffs. However, we expect that facing all the 4 heads at once with the buffs will be a rare occasion.

The mentioned rebalances will be applied starting from the next Hydra rotation on October 16.

Thank you for taking a look! We hope that the introduced changes will make Hydra a fair mode in the long run. However, we are ready to consider further tweaks if necessary.

Oct 11, 2024, 15:0910/11/24
Oct 14, 2024, 16:0010/14/24
Oct 14, 2024, 16:09(edited)

Porto il mio modesto e personale esempio (personale, anche se credo piuttosto comune a molti altri utenti).

Gioco a Raid da quasi 5 anni in totale FTP se non contiamo i premi ricevuti dalla mia iscrizione Amazon Prime che avrei in ogni caso avuto.

Ho una rosa di campioni ed equipaggiamenti tale da avermi consentito diversi traguardi, tra i quali completare le guerre di fazione, clan boss ultra incubo con 1 chiave, sand devil e shogun livello 25 e molti altri, oltre ad  avere 3 team idra capaci di sconfiggerla in ogni difficoltà con una chiave ottenendo il forziere più alto...almeno questo è ciò che accade oggi, e dopo anni di perfezionamento e fatica.

Certo, non ho mai fatto punteggi strabilianti in idra.

Porto come esempio idra incubo; il mio massimo punteggio è stato 117,23 milioni (senza moltiplicatori di punteggio)...e credo fermamente che dopo il 18 ottobre farò fatica ad avere la prima cassa in ogni difficoltà. 

Credo altrettanto fermamente che questo aggiornamento, queste modifiche , non tengano minimamente conto della generalità dei giocatori medi. Di fatto chi ha a disposizione ingenti risorse economiche da utilizzare in Raid sarà sempre in vantaggio e va anche bene così, d'altronde Raid è pay to win , ma ricordo ai manager e sviluppatori Plarium che la maggioranza della platea giocante e FTP o low spender. 

Di fatto state penalizzando la maggiorparte dei vostri utenti giocatori, che peraltro non sono MAI STATI l'origine del.problema a cui state tentando di porre rimedio.

È come se metteste in commercio auto che vanno a 320 km/h e, dopo che le persone le hanno comprate, imporre su tutte le strade il limite a 30 km/h.

Mossa intelligente?

Quante "auto" pensate di poter vendere il mese successivo?

Fate voi..

Conto su un logico e sano ripensamento da parte di Plarium nel merito della questione o di altre simili situazioni.

Un saluto


Oct 14, 2024, 16:0210/14/24

Funniest change ever, great job! 

I knew something was up when they made Warchief viable in 1 area of the game.

Oct 14, 2024, 16:0510/14/24

That's it, I'm done with this game. No one cared about the overpowered Hydra teams. Now champions I've been chasing to do the same thing are useless to me. Lots of grinding all for nothing now. Thanks alot Plarium. Keep being greedy as hell and treating your player base like crap. 

Oct 14, 2024, 16:0710/14/24
Oct 14, 2024, 16:29(edited)

I'm ... discusted by the changes, no more money to Plarium, ... them, switching to F2P and waiting for Godforge.

Whoever asked this is stupid but I think the entire Q&A section was just invented by Plarium to try explain the changes:

Will you reset Badge achievements after the rebalance is activated? - No, all your badges and achievements will remain in place. 

Mod note: language

Oct 14, 2024, 16:3410/14/24

This is the worst update in the game. I'm a F2P player, and I got the trunda by accident. I was very happy. And I also wore it for almost a year so that it could play well on Hydra. Thank you, I've had enough. That's enough for me. 

Oct 14, 2024, 16:4910/14/24

This is completely written. I'm quitting the game

Oct 14, 2024, 17:1210/14/24
Oct 14, 2024, 17:13(edited)

What an absolutly oblivsion take or outright lie Plarium.  Putting Trunda aside the changes absolutly punish starting up to mid game players and even some late game players.  End game players will just carry on almost as if nothing happened.  The top damage is just lower for them.  In fact the way this was done punshes lower players for even daring to play the mode.  And this 1000% hurts players relying on Wixwell in CB.  Help shine is total bull.  And the low cap affects low end Brogni teams as well.  So it nerfs two champion, because you refuse to address the actual problem.

Which will actually continue to be a problem, because you can't be bother to properly test.  So as we get Champs that over perform we will continue to get nerfs to the rest of the game becuase of Hydra, which is the mode that is meaningless to a large number of players.  Because it doesn't even open up till later and has the second highest requirements to be able to effectivly play(Curse City being the highest now).

You also totally invalidate Emic and Packmaster after people used resources for champions when just a few months ago you confirmed taunt was working as intended.

Oct 14, 2024, 17:1510/14/24

I spent thousands of dollars to build up my champions like Trunda so I could maybe get into tier 1 of hydra and now not only are you nurfing her your making it harder to play hydra. I will not spend another dime on this game if you just waste my money. This is greed plain and simple. Who cares if these whales can play their teams forever what does it do??  Nothing!!! it is an excuse and everyone knows it. I am done with this. Seriously your losing my money.

Dont worry , they`ll make a hard and expessive to get fusion hero that will solve it all :)))))

Oct 14, 2024, 17:1910/14/24

ok my problem with this is i spent a lot of time and resources to build wixwell knowing how much he could benefit my account, on top of that I purchased a pack of books in order to get him booked, now you are telling me I have wasted my time and money on him because he will just be an ordinary champion now, and not worth the investment, you cant just move the goalposts once you have made people work so hard on his fusion, to book him, and to do an event to get his soul, because you arent going to refund our efforts when you make him next to useless

Oct 14, 2024, 17:1910/14/24

Are you serious? There are just 2 Champions which are causing Trouble and you change a whole content? This ist just like if you were at the dentist and he pulls out all of your teeth because you have 1 tiny hole. 

I already stopped spending a while ago, when you screwed me up at a Lizardmen Summon Pool Event on which I spent 240,- € for wich I didn´t get a single Legendary and the only thing your support had to say was: "If our mercy System didn´t kick in then you just haven´t spent enough!" 

I just barely managed to get the Rewardchests for Hydra Clash, just because I was able to endure like 200 Turns. But what´s the Problem with that? If everyone reaches max turns it´s just a matter of who has built up the better team. I don´t see any reason, why you should be swalloed whole in turn 100. Sure loosing a mere 100 turns will definitly not result in loosing like 50% of your dmg done, rather like 70% becaus you can´t just leave it at this no you even have to go on and reduce the dmg taken by the Hydra Heads. 

The Hydra is already an annoying Encounter, where you start over again and again several times from 0 because mechanics overlap and you are not able to get rid of a Shield Buff castes just in the moment were one of the Heads is feeding of your Main dmg Dealer. And now you want to even make it worse because Trunda is OP? What the actual Fuck? 

If you really do this and I am not able to retain at least 80% of my Actual dmg I will be out for good!

Oct 14, 2024, 17:2010/14/24

I play the game since forever. I'm FTP and advanced bit by bit. No super champions to show off, no super rolls on gear, just time investing. I've pushed to get Wixwell for his abilities. So i had all the champions required for a Wixwell-Yannica team (no Emic though). Still couldn't do it.. It was too gear intensive, later became a lot of RNG. In short, closely manual the run, and many retry. With good RNG i managed to get 1 battle done (NM). My second attemt was only possible only in HARD. So hard work and not even close to a good team. Does Plarium think of the base player? The answer is NO. I think the problem is just that they don;t want a FTP player to be able to compete (relatively speaking) to a PTP (or pay-to-win).  They can relax though, i never intended to compete in the first place. But  with this modifications, they basically make a fun of my (and others) hard work.  I believe in balancing, nerfing, buffing, etc, but the NERF should come SOONER, rather then LATER. From me you get a 2 - you can SIT DOWN.

Oct 14, 2024, 17:2210/14/24

Trunda is a bad hero. She hits an unrealistically high amount of damage, so we need to cut her damage. But we released a new hero who will be better than Trunda. Why do you release heroes who do this unreal damage?


Pretty much this, it's absurd that a champ that is even more 'broken' than Trunda was isn't 'fixed' like her

Oct 14, 2024, 17:2410/14/24

Totally typical of a company more devoted to the almighy dollar than the people spending those dollars. And prey tell, whose "feedback" did you use to determine that Hydra needs to be "rebalanced"? Certainly nobody that I have ever talked to has said it was too easy!! Do you have any idea at all what you're doing? I doubt it. I also doubt that you have any idea that most Clans have minimum requirements for Hydra and you are liable to leave dozens of players Clanless. As with so many games these days, you cater to the whales and don't give a rats ass for the rest of us.

Instead of messing up the 90% of us who don't have money to burn on... this... how about putting the 5 - 10% in a league of their own, where they can spend their thousands per month and not negatively affect the rest of us?

Companies like you make a VERY strong case for stand-alone PC games that you only need to spend a couple of hundred bucks - TOTAL - over a couple of years to play and get thousands of hours of enjoyment. Save me a lot of money over crap like this that never really works properly anyway.

Oct 14, 2024, 17:5910/14/24
Oct 14, 2024, 18:28(edited)

I'm into the game since Feb 2019 and have spent some money at the beginning. 

Soon I recognised the type of business concept which I experienced the first time in a game (gatcha and rng well wrapped). I did not quit because I liked the game. 

Nowadays I'm only a very, very low spender. I have a bunch of champs and keep going on only because of the progress I have made. 

With adequate artifacts I would probably be easily able to cope with every endgame content, but I have lost that intense feeling of wanting to make progress all the time. 

The offer of new champs after nerfing champs or changing existing content makes that loss even more intense. 

A game manufacturer perhaps thinks that these changes feel like new game content for the players, but it does not. Instead it is a more sophisticated tactic as like selling new champs directly which is often done to compensate decreasing earnings. Latter is only an assumption, but what other reason would Plarium have to act like this. Really to rebalance or to bind players to the game of shadow and to rule them? ;) 

It really feels more like loosing players.

Post Scriptum: Guys in my clan are playing up to 10 hours a day. Not a joke!!! This is insane. I am working 10 hours a day and playing perhaps one active hour a day. What's right, what's wrong? Help, I need some champs, help, not just any champ. :)

Oct 14, 2024, 18:1010/14/24
Oct 14, 2024, 18:11(edited)

If you do this Plarium I can guarantee so many people are going to walk away from your game, you cant give us things that are intended to work and make a video showing us how to do it then take it away because we work out ways to do more damage Than you want us to.

Get ready because I as well as many others are ready to walk and close our wallets.

You keep screwing us all and I've had enough.

Oct 14, 2024, 18:2210/14/24
Oct 14, 2024, 18:24(edited)

What the biggest pile of turd you guys talk at plarium.....first you ask us to choose the kit of the champ we want, then you realise your complete idiot staff made the champ too OP so change him so much NO ONE will ever use him ....then you take little legs (trunda) and basically chop her legs off so she can't do that why you gave her a cigarette lighter? brought taunt into the game and it had no use, we find a use and you ban it 😆 like seriously read my name it's a veiw into your future.....ROLL ON HH GAMING AND GOD FORGE 

ISNT IT YOUR POLICY TO GIVE (us) the gamer entertainment? Well the only entertainment is watching you ruin your own game with your total lack listening skills or reading skills read the comments and do the exact opposite. 

            THE END (maybe more ways than one)

Oct 14, 2024, 18:4010/14/24

The average player barely scratches hydra, I've been playing for over 2 years and just made my first team that reliably beats EASY. any kind of buff to hydra/nerfing champions because they are good in hydra is INSANE.

Oct 14, 2024, 18:4110/14/24

Desde hace ya un buen tiempo han hechos cambios a jefes y campeón,cambios buenos como también malos.

Pero hay algo que se les está olvidando cambiar y mejorar como por ejemplo.

La arena 3vs3, el mercado, la tienda del clan,la tienda de bazar, el ring de campeones son cosas que hay que mejorar no se que esperan en hacer esos cambios. Esas estrellas que tiene el clan en su bandera son solo adornos no aportan nada al clan ni ningún beneficio a los miembro del clan.

Oct 14, 2024, 18:4210/14/24

Well, that's the end of running HYDRA as I can barely make the minimum score on normal.  One less thing for Low and Mid players to do.

Oct 14, 2024, 18:5210/14/24

Thanks for making the game harder for mid to low-end accounts.