Greetings, Raiders! Here comes the RAID Digest, in which we would like to touch upon some of the most active discussions of the past fortnight. Without further ado, let's jump right in.
Recently, there have been talks about us taking action to nerf Wixwell. Worse still, some players assumed that it will be the only change we are going to introduce in order to address the issue of overpowered anti-Hydra teams.
As for the Hydra mode overall, we've already implemented the system of Hydra Clash consolation rewards for players in Clans who performed well but didn't get into 1-3 places. Now, we are nearing the phase of rebalancing certain battle mechanics for both Hydra and Champions. Here we’re talking about a complex solution that would influence many aspects of Hydra battle, so stating that Wixwell will remain completely unaffected would be inaccurate. In essence, the changes in question are aimed at preventing the few overpowered teams from thoroughly dominating any other Champion combinations.
You'll get all the information about the rebalance closer to its release date which is coming soon.
Unfortunately, a couple of UI bugs endured the update 9.30, so we are preparing their fixes in future updates:
Yep, you guessed it right. This is Freyja's time to shine. On October 7, we are launching the Asgardian Deck of Fate event which will feature exactly 100 fragments of Freyja Fateweaver. You will be able to earn points for this event by Summoning Souls from Soulstones and Upgrading Champions. But don't rush to summon the Champion on the very first day because…
The 90th installment of CvC Tournament is coming on Tuesday, and you can gain some easy CvC points by summoning Freyja Fateweaver. However, please note that there will be no Personal Rewards involved this time.
Now, that's enough text for this article. Let's get back to earning new Badges and Avatar Frames. Stay safe, stay healthy. See you in two weeks' time.
Привіт у мене прохання Зробіть будь ласка Особисте повідомлення, щоб кожному в клані можна було написати щоб була в повідомленнях третя вкладка особисте повідомлення коли хтось напише щоб там горіла червона лампочка
Привіт! Дякуємо за твою пропозицію - ми вже помітили її в попередніх обговореннях.😉 Можеш бути впевнений, що вона передана команді для розгляду. Бажаємо успіхів!
Esiste un modo per inviare un messaggio a chi ti sta invitando nel suo clan?
Lamentablemente, la función de mensajes privados no está disponible en el juego por el momento. Estamos trabajando para mejorar la experiencia de juego, y si hay planes de agregar esta función, te mantendremos informado. (translated by Google Translate)
I uninstalled the game because of the slap in the face that was this deck of fate. I saved up exactly enough soul shards to complete this deck with the past ammounts then they nerfed the price by over %30. It was a fun 3 years but im off to something better.
Hello! We completely understand your disappointment, as the event's requirements seemed sudden and caught the community off guard. The main reason the current Deck of Fate with Freya had different point values is that Freya, as a Champion, holds more value compared to previous guaranteed Champions and Artifacts in similar events. That being said, we will definitely pass along your feedback and impressions. We hope you’ll continue your adventure with us!