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 Thor's Fusion Event

Thor's Fusion Event

A new Fusion challenge is here to celebrate the Asgard Divide! Thor Faehammer - a brand-new Legendary Barbarian - will be available via Fusion from September 5 until September 19. To get him, you will need to fuse the Epic Void Champion Dyana Gloompiercer four times.


Dyana Gloompiercer

Rarity: Epic

Type: ATK

Affinity: Void

Faction: Sylvan Watchers

If you're interested in discovering more of Dyana Gloompiercer's backstory, check out her Champion Lore in-game.

To summon all the Dyana Gloompiercers needed to fuse Thor Faehammer, you will need to collect 400 Fragments from special Events and Tournaments. You will be able to earn all the necessary Fragments in these Events and Tournaments. However, there will also be a special additional Summon Rush from September 17 till September 19 where you can earn an extra 50 Fragments.

Here's how many Fragments are available from each Event and Tournament:


[Summon Rush: September 13-16]

- Dyana Gloompiercer x25

[Champion Training Event: September 5-9]

- Dyana Gloompiercer x25

[Dungeon Divers Event I: September 6-9]

- Dyana Gloompiercer x25

[Dungeon Divers Event II: September 10-13]

- Dyana Gloompiercer x25

[Dungeon Divers Event III: September 14-17]

- Dyana Gloompiercer x25

[Artifact Enhancement Event I: September 5-8]

- Dyana Gloompiercer x25

[Artifact Enhancement Event II: September 9-12]

- Dyana Gloompiercer x25

[Artifact Enhancement Event III: September 13-16]

- Dyana Gloompiercer x25


[Champion Chase Tournament: September 6-9]

- Dyana Gloompiercer x25

[Champion Training Tournament: September 13-17]

- Dyana Gloompiercer x25

[Dragon Tournament: September 8-11]

- Dyana Gloompiercer x25

[Ice Golem Tournament: September 15-18]

- Dyana Gloompiercer x25

[Fire Knight Tournament: September 12-15]

- Dyana Gloompiercer x25

[Spider Tournament: September 5-8]

- Dyana Gloompiercer x25

[Classic Arena Takedown I: September 7-10]

- Dyana Gloompiercer x25

[Classic Arena Takedown II: September 14-17]

- Dyana Gloompiercer x25

Note: Events and Tournaments start and finish for everyone at the same in-game time. Make sure you plan accordingly: check the Events or Tournaments window to see exactly what time an Event or Tournament ends in your local timezone.

Also, we're launching the Thor Fusion Pack in the Shop on September 5 to help you kickstart your Fusion progress!

Happy summoning!

Sep 5, 2024, 09:1809/05/24
Sep 5, 2024, 09:4709/05/24


What is different? 

Sep 5, 2024, 13:4909/05/24
Sep 5, 2024, 14:53(edited)


What is different? 

Hi there!  This fusion differs from the usual process, as you'll need to collect Champion fragments to exchange for the Epic Dyana in your summoning portal. After obtaining four copies of Dyana, you can then use them to fuse Thor. 

Sep 5, 2024, 15:5309/05/24
Sep 5, 2024, 15:53(edited)

Plarium found another way to f.. us in this fusion. In the last one it was first the Summon Rush and on the final stage the Champion Chase (that way one could fuse the rare champions to get the epic one and use them to get points for the fusion). This time they put it at first, so you cannot do that. 

Sep 5, 2024, 16:3909/05/24

Plarium found another way to f.. us in this fusion. In the last one it was first the Summon Rush and on the final stage the Champion Chase (that way one could fuse the rare champions to get the epic one and use them to get points for the fusion). This time they put it at first, so you cannot do that. 

It's your choice to do the fusion or don't do it.  

Sep 5, 2024, 22:4909/05/24

It's your choice to do the fusion or don't do it.  

We understand. You must be new around here. 

Sep 6, 2024, 00:4709/06/24

THe worst thing is that they than match you up with other players that are so far above your level and you have very little chances to win anything unless you spend lots of $$ and play almost nonstop.  Us low level players and F2P are way outmatched here.   Guess I have to get lucky later in game and maybe pull from a  Shard.

Sep 6, 2024, 10:2609/06/24


What is different? 

They just copy-pasted one of the previous fusions as a template, no matter.

Sep 11, 2024, 08:5309/11/24

Plarium found another way to f.. us in this fusion. In the last one it was first the Summon Rush and on the final stage the Champion Chase (that way one could fuse the rare champions to get the epic one and use them to get points for the fusion). This time they put it at first, so you cannot do that. 

So does that mean summon rush is only about getting points from shard pulls? What if we summon the epic: Dyana Gloompiercer, from fragments in this fusion? Would it give points for summon rush?

RonnieCommunity Manager
Sep 11, 2024, 11:2409/11/24
Lash Rash

So does that mean summon rush is only about getting points from shard pulls? What if we summon the epic: Dyana Gloompiercer, from fragments in this fusion? Would it give points for summon rush?

Correct, during Summon Rush you can only get points for summoning Champions from Shards. 

Sep 11, 2024, 12:5109/11/24

Correct, during Summon Rush you can only get points for summoning Champions from Shards. 

Ok, thanks, I had better summon the frags for CvC then, but what a pity!

Sep 13, 2024, 18:5909/13/24

too Bad due to multile server issues I have missed many chances I am not FTP only have spent several hundred on this game when I am Lazy and wanna get some 6* but lost some good champions changing to MAC am fraid to try and crossplatform it back to phone.... and This... This was a champion I wanted. too Bad that it isn't just offered to buy reasonably but it seems the business model is spend a shit ton for a slim chnce... bet theyre making some cake... during server errors and updates I have lost so many rewards items etc... that I am now only hFTP ing rarely and need to stop blowing cash. Gambling casino style isnt gaming its gambling.

Sep 14, 2024, 08:4909/14/24
Sep 14, 2024, 08:52(edited)

Hi, there are no 50 fragments from Summon rush... really?

Sep 15, 2024, 06:4509/15/24

The bonus summon rush said 50 fragments could be made up. Only x25 and ill be short x25 now due to server issues. 

That is so many exhausted resources when the math dont math after a server crash shorted me on an event one night.

Can plarium fix this please.

Sep 21, 2024, 09:1509/21/24

It's your choice to do the fusion or don't do it.  

old players know their shenanigans well 

Sep 21, 2024, 09:2109/21/24

THe worst thing is that they than match you up with other players that are so far above your level and you have very little chances to win anything unless you spend lots of $$ and play almost nonstop.  Us low level players and F2P are way outmatched here.   Guess I have to get lucky later in game and maybe pull from a  Shard.

it's simple, and simple is almost impossible... so I agree with you...

only $$ helps,or to play 28 hours a day😉


Sep 21, 2024, 09:3009/21/24

Hi, there are no 50 fragments from Summon rush... really?

they are messing with us

i played almost all day and every day and i didn't manage to collect all the pieces ,i collected 3 champions and 50 parts 

Oct 2, 2024, 11:0810/02/24

Hi there!  This fusion differs from the usual process, as you'll need to collect Champion fragments to exchange for the Epic Dyana in your summoning portal. After obtaining four copies of Dyana, you can then use them to fuse Thor. 

 I have received the four Dyana and cannot fuse them into Thor. 

Oct 2, 2024, 11:1510/02/24
