Hello, everyone!
It hasn’t been that long since we released Siege, but a new Update is already due to go live! This time, we’ll focus on QoL features such as new milestone rewards for the Hydra Clash, a new Clan League, and improvements to Summon Pool Events.
Take a look at the Highlights below to get the details.
And here’s a little teaser for you: we have a new Event in the works and will dedicate a separate Highlights article to it quite soon.
Update 9.10 will introduce new personal rewards to the Hydra Clash. The idea is simple: you participate in the Clash, accumulate points until you reach a certain Milestone, and unlock its respective reward.
There are 4 Milestones, each offering one of the Hydra Clash Chests similar to those you would normally receive if your Clan performs well enough in the Clash. They feature Stoneskin and Protection Accessories.
You will earn these points over multiple Clashes. And once you claim the last Chest, your points will reset so you can repeat the process and earn Milestone Rewards anew.
The Platinum Clan League will become available in the new Update. We will tweak CvC Tasks to match the change, and, more importantly, we’re introducing new Siege Tasks to reward the Clans that perform well in this new PvP mode.
Summon Pool Events will receive a couple of quality-of-life changes in 9.10. Powerful Legendaries will appear in certain Summon Pool Events as Headline Champions and will have a separate summoning chance from the rest of the pool. They can only be summoned once per Event.
Furthermore, we will add a mercy system explicitly tailored for Summon Pool Events that will gradually increase the chance of summoning Legendaries, including the Headline Champion. You’ll be able to see the details in the Event’s info tab once these changes go live.
Can someone confirm or deny the personal rewards are the only change planned for clash in the immediate future?
I love that it gives less end-game clan members rewards even if they aren't able to reach the regular milestones, I'm all in favor of that part,
But it does nothing to address how much of a massive time sink clash is. Speculation was that the max turn count might be lowered, is that something in the works?
Great job with the buffing champions and boosting us with another Hydra accessories chest!
Could i just ask why does it take so long to buff champions? is it low on priority or it takes a long testing queue before it can be released?
i would love if this could be done every 2weeks in the same cycle riots does theyre patchs, theres a ton of champs that deserve buffs like Ignatius (wink wink) you could make his cooldowns a 3turn both his burn and provoke to make more Hydra friendly since he doenst fit anywhere else in the game.
Great job keep the good work.
Stop releasing crap mythic champions ffs... half the pool already are terrible champions, people are less likely to drop a wad of cash knowing champions like mezomel, calamity, androc, galleus and frolni are in the game... it's absolutely ridiculous!!
Buff these champions plarium they are mythic, and don't give the same stupid response you did with legendaries and say "not all legendaries can be great". THEY ARE MYTHICAL AND GENERALLY COST $1000 EACH SO BUFF THEM!!!
Can you please add more slots to all of gold in tag team arena.....
This x10000000000000 i would imagine the biggest block for most ppl getting Ramantu in the reach gold 3v3 mission, Plarium know how garbage that mission is because you can get Marius who is a way better champ without getting to gold 3v3 lol
You need to adress the huge issues with Clan Siege.
There is probably more - But this is what we have for current suggestions.
This gamemode deserves to work much better than it currently does - And I hope this list of issues can help fix it.
You need to adress the huge issues with Clan Siege.
There is probably more - But this is what we have for current suggestions.
This gamemode deserves to work much better than it currently does - And I hope this list of issues can help fix it.
Very well said! I agree with you on everything.
And also #5: What!? How the hell did someone think giving the other team *way* more attacks if you upgrade your base was a good idea?
You need to adress the huge issues with Clan Siege.
There is probably more - But this is what we have for current suggestions.
This gamemode deserves to work much better than it currently does - And I hope this list of issues can help fix it.
And please give us a way to see how many attack scrolls are left, on our team and on the enemy's team. Just like you in Hydra clash are able to see how many keys you and they have used.
You need to adress the huge issues with Clan Siege.
There is probably more - But this is what we have for current suggestions.
This gamemode deserves to work much better than it currently does - And I hope this list of issues can help fix it.
One thing that I'd add is that there is zero reason to not be able to actually set a defense with presets in Siege mode. I don't have enough spots from regular arena and CVC to be able to add 3 from siege as well. Even if you were to claim that I should have enough, it is still absolutely silly for a mode that has different auras to have the same presets. It is as dumb as having clan boss be on the dungeon preset page. Fix that nonsense.
One thing that I'd add is that there is zero reason to not be able to actually set a defense with presets in Siege mode. I don't have enough spots from regular arena and CVC to be able to add 3 from siege as well. Even if you were to claim that I should have enough, it is still absolutely silly for a mode that has different auras to have the same presets. It is as dumb as having clan boss be on the dungeon preset page. Fix that nonsense.
I've been begging for more pre-sets for months. hard dungeons, turn tournaments, clan quest teams, faction tournments, IT, SD, Shogun, etc
They keep adding content but not the space to manage the teams for it
Great job on the update, thanks team. Quick feedback on Lady if Ireth buff. mistwood healing skill honestly should have been a "remove all debuffs from ALL allies" the single Ally remove does not really help for most mid game to endgame content
Also, will this bring her to a three turn cool down after being booked? Otherwise, if not still remains a bit then toy
Stronghold Level 2: Your opponents then gain 1 extra Attack scroll and 1 extra Re-battle scroll PER PLAYER.
I NEVER would have pushed to upgrade our Stronghold to level 2 if I had known this. This is utterly stupid. So we spend 10,000 florins, and our OPPONENT GETS THE BENEFIT!!??
Who on earth thinks this makes sense?? Can someone from Plarium PLEASE tell us the rationale behind this lunacy?
Can someone confirm or deny the personal rewards are the only change planned for clash in the immediate future?
I love that it gives less end-game clan members rewards even if they aren't able to reach the regular milestones, I'm all in favor of that part,
But it does nothing to address how much of a massive time sink clash is. Speculation was that the max turn count might be lowered, is that something in the works?
This is definitely an improvement in rewards, but it does nothing to improve the ridiculous amount of time it takes to run Hydra.
Great job with the buffing champions and boosting us with another Hydra accessories chest!
Could i just ask why does it take so long to buff champions? is it low on priority or it takes a long testing queue before it can be released?
i would love if this could be done every 2weeks in the same cycle riots does theyre patchs, theres a ton of champs that deserve buffs like Ignatius (wink wink) you could make his cooldowns a 3turn both his burn and provoke to make more Hydra friendly since he doenst fit anywhere else in the game.
Great job keep the good work.
100% Agree. Ignatius needs a buff badly.
Hi there! Thanks for your comments and suggestions on improving Ignatius skills. We’ll be sure to pass them along to the team for consideration. 👌
Thanks for your comment. My detailed thoughts on improving Ignatius' skill kit can be found in this thread, along with some other Legos that I think are in dire need of a buff, like Norog & Ginro:
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