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RAID-Digest (26.07.24)

RAID-Digest (26.07.24)

Hello Raiders! Our very first Siege swept over Teleria: the Battle Phase is over, and it is time to take a step back and look around: analyze how your Clan fared in the first Siege,  think about new strategies, and start preparing your Clan Fortress for the new round.

Siege is our newest feature; while some of the balancing may seem a bit off-mark at the moment, we are dedicated to making this game mode as fun and rewarding as possible. That’s why we will closely monitor everything that happens on Siege during the next few launches, analyzing internal data and all the Siege-related feedback shared by the Community and making appropriate adjustments along the way.

We encourage you to keep posting further feedback on Siege—it helps us find ways to improve the feature. Thank you for your effort.

Without further ado, let’s delve into the SIEGE Digest!


During the first launch of the Siege, all Clans were divided into Tiers in accordance with their Tiers in the last 4 CvC Tournaments. Additionally, clans were sorted by the time of creation to make the in-game experience a bit more balanced. As you know, it wasn't perfect, but this distribution was relevant only for the first launch. Starting from the next Siege, the game will match Clans depending on the number of Victory Points they earned from the current Siege, which will gradually improve matchmaking during the next few Sieges. 

Siege Points

There are 2 types of points in Siege: Victory Medals and Victory Points

Victory Medals are needed to declare the winner in Siege and to get Milestone rewards. 

Clans earn Victory Medals by destroying opponents’ Buildings and keeping their own Buildings standing  - at least one defense team needs to remain standing within a building to prevent it from being captured.

Each building has its weight in Victory Medals. 

Stronghold - 1250 Victory Medals;

Mana Shrine - 500 VM;

Magic Tower - 250 VM;

Defense Tower - 150 VM;

Posts - only 50 VM.

Overall, a Clan can earn max. 10.000 Victory Medals during each Siege, provided that all opponent’s buildings were destroyed to the ground and your own - remained uncaptured.

Let’s move to the Victory Points.  They are needed only for matchmaking and for moving from one Tier to another.

In short, Clan members earn Victory Points for each victory in attack or defense. But keep in mind, that you won’t get any points for rebattling victories within Mana Shrines.

If you haven't checked the feature guide in the game yet, it's about time. Open Siege, find the Information sign “i,” and dive into reading.  

A Bit Of Nuance In Matchmaking.

It is a rare case, but it can happen. Each Siege Tier should contain an even number of Clans -  it is a rule. Since Siege Tiers are not limited by the number of players, sometimes, the number of Clans in a Tier will be odd. In this case, the game will match one of the weakest Clans from the higher Tier with one of the strongest Clans from the lower Tier. 

Clans will get the rewards according to the Tiers where they are currently placed because the only way how you can move to the higher Tier is to increase your Victory Points.

Draw: When Clans Are Performing At The Same Level

As you know, to win a Siege, your Clan must destroy the enemy’s Stronghold and earn more Victory Medals. If both clans have the same amount of VM by the end of the battle Phase, it is considered a draw, so both clans lose. In short, you must overrun your opponent to win.

Developers are aware that Clans are concerned about such cases and how often they may happen, and are carefully monitoring the statistics to see if they can grow into an issue. 

ATK Scrolls And No Ability To Use Them

Clans have more ATK scrolls than required to cover all locations and defeat all defense teams in Siege. If, for various reasons, some players can not participate in the battles in the first few hours after the Battle Phase starts, they might have no chance to use their scrolls, which will eventually prevent them from receiving milestone rewards. The situation is unpleasant, and our developers are analyzing it and looking for possible solutions so that all Clan members have a chance to use the scrolls. 

Ninja duplicates for new players

A few players managed to claim 2 Ninjas. It was a deviation, which we addressed, and extra Ninjas were removed. There can be only 1 Ninja in each gaming account.

The next Clan vs Clan Tournament (July  30th - August 1st) will be with Personal Rewards - 

Good luck and have fun!

That's pretty much it for today's RAID Digest.

Jul 26, 2024, 15:1207/26/24
Jul 28, 2024, 14:5407/28/24

Вон аж по два Ниндзя получил, а у других даже набора Ниндзя в магазине не появилось. 

Jul 28, 2024, 21:5707/28/24


Jul 29, 2024, 07:2007/29/24

Lost the ninja i got with the promo code, why cant i get the opportunity to use another promo code to get a different champion? 

Aug 9, 2024, 18:1008/09/24

I would llke to see Leaders and Deputies, have a better way of messaging individual clan members, so that we can direct them in what they need to do. To help in Siege, and generally improve their teams

Aug 17, 2024, 00:1608/17/24


Aug 17, 2024, 03:2108/17/24

All I can do at this point as a new player is speculate.