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Update Highlights 9.00

Update Highlights 9.00

Hello, Raiders!

Siege, the most ambitious feature of this year so far, is coming to the game in Update 9.00. You heard it right - the long-awaited Clan versus Clan PvP mode is almost here. And the new Update Highlights will provide you with an early glimpse of this feature’s core mechanics and rewards.

So man the ramparts and prepare to face a battle on a scale you’ve never seen in Teleria before!



As always, we’ve prepared a video guide to explain the Siege mode and show its various mechanics in detail. The first part of the preview has already been uploaded to our YouTube channel, and the second half will be released soon. Nonetheless, we’ve also prepared a written recap for the Highlights.

Siege is a new game mode that pits two Clans against each other in a brutal whirlwind of PvP warfare. You’ll need to be part of a Clan and reach Player Level 45 or higher to become eligible for participation; Clan members below Level 45 won’t be able to join Siege battles even when their Clan is engaged in one. To access it, go to the Game Modes menu and select the Siege tab once you’ve met the requirements.

Each Clan will receive its own Clan Fortress - your base of operations in the world of RAID. As the name of the feature suggests, Clan PvP will focus on repelling the opposing Clan’s forces from your Fortress and besieging their own in turn. These Fortresses are, in essence, a collection of various Buildings interconnected by paths, each providing specific Bonuses to help the Clan prevail in Siege battles.

Although the layout of all Clan Fortresses is identical and cannot be changed by any means, you can make upgrades that significantly impact gameplay. To do that, you’ll need two resources unique to the Siege mode: Florins and Mana Orbs. You’ll earn both as rewards for actions completed during Siege battles, but everyone will receive an initial stockpile on July 11 so they can start developing their Fortress ahead of the very first battle. Keep in mind that Florins won’t be transferred if you hop between Clans, so if you plan to do that, it’s best to hurry up and switch before the new feature goes live. Otherwise, you’ll lose a part of that initial gift.

All Buildings in a Clan Fortress start at Level 1, but Florins can be donated directly to each one in order to upgrade it. Upgrading a Building increases the number of Defense Teams that can garrison it and unlocks more powerful Bonuses. The bigger your garrison, the better, because a Building that lost all its Defense Teams during the Battle Phase of the Siege battle is considered to be destroyed. These Buildings no longer provide any Bonuses and need to be repaired by spending Florins before they are back at their full potential again.

Mana Orbs, on the other hand, are needed to activate Bonuses and Conditions. They can be kept in your personal pool or donated to the Clan. You’ll see why both are needed when we discuss all Buildings in detail.


There are 4 types of Buildings in the Clan Fortress, and there are also Posts that stand separately. All Buildings can be upgraded up to Level 3, and most Buildings generate Bonuses, some of which affect other Buildings and Posts.


The Stronghold is the single most important structure in any Clan Fortress. It houses between 12 and 18 Defense Teams (depending on the Level) and provides a Layer Bonus, which affects every other Building and Post. Do not be confused by the name - we already have plans to expand the Clan Fortress by unlocking additional Layers with more buildings and additional Strongholds at some point in the future. When that happens, the Bonus in question will only affect that particular Layer. For now, however, there is only one Stronghold per Clan Fortress.

You can only upgrade all other Buildings to the same Level as your Stronghold, so focus on maxing it out first if you can. Neglecting it will severely undermine your Clan’s overall defense.

Capturing the opposing Clan’s Stronghold is one of the main objectives in Siege, and if yours remains unconquered, everyone in the Clan will receive additional rewards at the end of the Battle Phase.

Mana Shrines

There are 2 Mana Shrines in the Fortress. They provide no Bonuses of their own and house 6-9 Defense Teams in the garrison, but defending them earns the Clan some extra Mana Orbs. Attackers can ‘rebattle’ enemy teams within destroyed Mana Shrines to earn additional Mana Orbs as well (each player can fight each of the defeated Defense Teams one more time).

Magic Towers

Magic Towers can hold up to 4 Defense Teams and generate a special Bonus that applies both to the Tower itself and all other Buildings or Posts directly connected to the Magic Tower via paths.

Only the Clan Leader or their Deputies can activate the Magic Tower Bonus, and they must choose a unique Bonus for each Tower - using the same one over and over won’t work.

Defense Towers

Defense Towers work in a similar fashion and hold up to 4 Defense Teams, but the Bonus they generate only affects the Champions fighting for that tower. On the other hand, they can both strengthen your Champions and weaken the attacker in some way.

Only the Clan Leader and Clan Deputies can activate this Bonus, and once again, you must pick a unique Bonus for each Tower.


Posts are a unique type of location in the Clan Fortress. Unlike Buildings, Posts cannot be upgraded or destroyed - think of them as important tactical locations where a band of Champions can make their stand. Appropriately, only one Defense Team can be assigned to defend a Post.

Conditions are another thing that further separates Posts and Buildings. At the beginning of every Siege, each Post will receive 3 random Conditions from a Fortress-wide pool (the higher your Stronghold Level, the more Conditions you have). Any player who assigns their Champions to a Post can spend Mana Orbs to activate one of those Conditions.

It’s important to remember that Conditions affect both the defender and the attacker at the same time. For example, they may limit both players to using Champions of a specific Affinity or Rarity, disable revives, or make all Champions immune to Turn Meter manipulation. Think carefully about the Condition you choose, and make sure it benefits your Champions and puts your potential opponents in a bind!


Each Siege is divided into 4 phases: Prep, Matchmaking, Battle, and Result Calculation.

Prep Phase

The Prep Phase lasts 12 days after the previous Siege ends. The Clan can repair and upgrade Buildings, assign Defense Teams to garrison them, and activate the Bonuses and Conditions for the upcoming battle.

You’ll also be able to pick up any uncollected rewards and review battle reports to see how your Clan fared in the last Siege. During the Prep Phase, you cannot see any other Clan Fortresses or declare any attacks.

Matchmaking Phase

The Matchmaking Phase begins immediately after the Prep Phase and lasts a day. If you meet all the necessary requirements to participate in a Siege, your Clan will be matched against an opposing Clan of a similar strength. But if your Clan hasn’t set at least 15 Defense Teams within the Clan Fortress during the Prep Phase, you won’t join the matchmaking pool. This way, inactive Clans will be excluded, and newer Clans won’t be thrown into a fight that they can’t win yet.

CvC performance, Clan League position, and a few other factors will determine every Clan’s first match, but Siege Victory Points will determine matchmaking in all subsequent battles.

Battle Phase

Once Matchmaking is over, the Battle Phase begins. Your opponent’s Clan Fortress will be revealed, and you’ll get 2 days to conquer it while simultaneously defending your own from counterattacks. No Buildings can be repaired during this Phase, nor can you reassign Champions or Bonuses - be sure to set everything up during the Prep Phase or suffer the consequences of bad planning!

Results Calculation Phase

The final Phase is focused on calculating the results of the current Siege battle and lasts 3 hours. You won’t be able to do anything in the meantime: no more attacks, no repairs, etc. Once the calculations are finished, both Clans will be presented with the final scoreboard, and various Siege rewards will be unlocked.

Siege Mechanics

There is another important resource in Siege battles besides Florins and Mana Orbs - Scrolls. Three types of Scrolls exist, each with its own purpose.

Defense Scrolls allow you to assign Champions to garrison a Building or Post. One Defense Team will cost one Scroll, though you can reassign that team later during the Prep Phase without losing the Scroll, should you change your mind. Each Clan gets enough Defense Scrolls for 30 Clan Members to fill all the open slots in their Fortress. Clans with fewer than 30 members will be at a disadvantage, so step up recruitment before Siege goes live!

You can’t assign the same Champion to two separate Defense Teams (unless you have a duplicate), but you can use a defending Champion in offensive battles in the enemy Fortress at the same time.

Larger Buildings will have their garrison divided into several groups. For example, a Level 3 Stronghold is composed of 6 groups, with each group containing 3 Defense Teams. An attacker will have to defeat the first team in each group before they can challenge the others. And since only the player who assigned their Champions to a specific position can reassign them (not even the Clan Leader can do that!), it would be prudent to talk strategy with your Clanmates instead of just dropping your fighters into the first slot you see.

You can also assign Champions to a Reserve Team. Should any Building slots be left empty at the end of the Prep Phase, the game will try to fill them by randomly choosing Reserve Teams from the Clan’s shared pool.

Presets are the last thing to remember about defense. The game will remember your Champion combos between Sieges, so you won’t have to set them manually every time if you don’t want to. Alternatively, you can pick one of your Saved Teams meant for the Arena to fill a slot.

Attack Scrolls are required to initiate battles against the opposing Clan’s garrisons. Their exact number can differ from one Siege to another, but all Clan members will get 1 guaranteed Attack Scroll, and then an additional number will be divided among the entire Clan depending on how many eligible players there are and how many garrison slots exist in their opponent’s Fortress.

You won’t be able to attack whatever Building you want, however. A limited number of locations will be open to assault at the beginning of each Siege, and only once the attackers seize those Posts and Buildings can they proceed further into the enemy Fortress. To do that, you need to defeat all Defense Teams within. Buildings that have been captured in this manner are considered to be destroyed, and any bonuses they provided will be nullified. But if even one Defense Team remains undefeated, the Building won’t be captured and won’t provide any Victory Medals for the attackers.

Once a battle has been initiated, no one else can join - the Defense Team engaged in it will be greyed out for the duration of the fight. Only if the attacking player loses can one of their Clanmates attack the same team. Empty slots are captured without a fight, albeit you still need to spend an Attack Scroll to claim them.

Also, keep in mind that each Champion can only participate in 2 offensive battles per Siege. Don’t waste your best on something a weaker team can take out!

Rematch Scrolls will be useful if you lose a battle and want to try again. You can swap your Champions around if need be, so don’t be afraid to try new tactics. Every player gets as many Rematch Scrolls as they have Battle Scrolls.


There are two main objectives that a Clan must complete to win a Siege Battle: capture the opponent’s Stronghold and earn more Victory Medals overall. To achieve the former, your Clan must defeat all Defense Teams holed up in the Stronghold. Victory Medals are earned by either capturing the opponent’s Buildings and Posts or successfully defending your own.

It’s important to remember that the number of Victory Medals doesn’t depend on the Building Level, so it may be smarter sometimes to capture an empty, low-level Defense Tower than to besiege a heavily defended Shrine and waste precious Attack Scrolls on a pitched battle with no guaranteed result.

If neither Clan manages to achieve both of these goals, there will be no winner in the Siege, and both Clans go home with limited rewards.


Siege battles feature a number of different rewards, both individual and those meant for the entire Clan. Keep in mind that you need to have won at least one offensive or defensive battle, otherwise you won’t be eligible to claim any of these rewards!

Winning offensive battles and maintaining undefeated Defense Teams at the end of the Siege will yield you some Florins, and you can fight in the previously destroyed Mana Shrines of the enemy Fortress to earn Mana Orbs. Furthermore, capturing those Shrines, capturing the enemy Stronghold, or defending your own will provide a reward of Mana Orbs for the whole Clan.

Milestone rewards become available for the entire Clan once you’ve earned enough Victory Medals to unlock them.

Should your Clan prevail and achieve both victory conditions, you can expect to enjoy the awesome Siege Victory Chest. It contains all sorts of goodies, including Champion Fragments for Authoratrix Lamasu - a powerful Legendary Support Champion that you simply don’t want to miss! We’ll release a dedicated Champion Spotlight to talk about her soon.

Finally, victorious Clans will earn Siege Trophies to be displayed alongside CvC Trophies as a mark of excellence. Siege Leaderboards featuring the number of victories and the resources donated to the Clan’s cause will be available as well.

New Champions






Rebalance: Champions



Jul 9, 2024, 15:4007/09/24
Jul 9, 2024, 16:1307/09/24

That new mythic bomber compared to Mezo or Aphidus. Hahahahahaha.

Gosh he's so insanely strong.

Jul 9, 2024, 17:5207/09/24

Can we get a confirmation that matchmaking phase lasts a day, video shows an hour and it seems like more suitable time for matchmaking.

Jul 9, 2024, 18:1307/09/24

Can we get a confirmation that matchmaking phase lasts a day, video shows an hour and it seems like more suitable time for matchmaking.

exactly, i faced same opponent all the 5 tokens i had. And i'm full blond bronze

Jul 9, 2024, 18:4407/09/24
Jul 9, 2024, 18:45(edited)

exactly, i faced same opponent all the 5 tokens i had. And i'm full blond bronze

Are you talking about Live or Siege? Cause it sounds like Live as Siege isn't released yet.

Jul 10, 2024, 05:1007/10/24

Please change the Loriaca skill 3 buff to a heal, not increase accuracy? 

Jul 10, 2024, 09:0707/10/24

The last thing this game needs is yet another anti-f2p game mode that is ripped off from Summoners War but made overly-complicated. I don't see this as being enjoyable to participate, much less try to win against the bad algorithms of matching with whale clans we have to deal with as is with CvC PR.

Jul 10, 2024, 11:4407/10/24

Are you talking about Live or Siege? Cause it sounds like Live as Siege isn't released yet.

To clarify, i was talking about siege, in the post it says that "The Matchmaking Phase begins immediately after the Prep Phase and lasts a day".

That seems to be a unnecessarily long time, and it have an implication of one siege cycle lasting 15 days, which means siege battle phase would "move" through the days of the week, in times doubling up with CvC.

Is it possible to get a clarification on that matter?

Jul 10, 2024, 20:4007/10/24

To clarify, i was talking about siege, in the post it says that "The Matchmaking Phase begins immediately after the Prep Phase and lasts a day".

That seems to be a unnecessarily long time, and it have an implication of one siege cycle lasting 15 days, which means siege battle phase would "move" through the days of the week, in times doubling up with CvC.

Is it possible to get a clarification on that matter?

Siege will last two weeks, yes. Is that the clarification you're looking for?

Jul 10, 2024, 20:5007/10/24

Siege will last two weeks, yes. Is that the clarification you're looking for?

I think it makes it clear enough, thanks.

Jul 13, 2024, 02:5507/13/24

During prep, you use Mana Orbs to set bonuses and conditions. What happens in the next Siege? Do bonuses and conditions persist until you remove/change them? If not, are previously spent Mana Orb just lost?