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RAID Digest (22.03.24)

RAID Digest (22.03.24)

While Teleria continues celebrating the RAID’s 5th Anniversary, we keep our finger on the pulse of the most discussed topics in the Community and, in this RaidDigest, we'll try to give comments on some of them. Without further ado, let's take a look at what we've prepared for you!

Marius Progress Mission “Clear Stage XX of the Cursed City”

Let's start with some noteworthy clarifications on the most recent questions about the game. We have been frequently asked whether the Cursed City-related Missions for receiving Marius the Gallant are retroactive for the current location. So the answer is yes, if you've already completed Stage XX of the Cursed City before receiving the Mission to clear it, the Mission will be marked as completed retroactively. This applies during the ongoing rotation of the Cursed City when the Mission becomes available. Please note that beating Stage XX in previous rotations won't be retroactively counted towards the Mission completion.

Siegfrund the Nephilim’s Passive Skill

Many of you might have noticed that Siegfrund the Nephilim’s Stay the Blade [P] Passive Skill doesn’t proc, and as a result, a [Block Damage] buff is not placed on the Champion to prevent his death, when taking fatal damage from [Bombs], [HP Burn] or [Poison] debuffs. This is not a bug, the Passive Skill gets activated when the Champion receives damage from a fatal hit, not from damage inducing debuffs. The same logic applies to Goffred Brassclad’s Brass Clad [P] Passive Skill.

Saved Teams in the Cursed City

As a nice addition, we would also like to mention that the Cursed City saves your teams for a particular Stage by default, so when the same rotation is back, the Champion slots for each Stage will be auto-filled with the Champions you used last time in this same rotation.

Progress Missions Bugs and Fixes

Currently, there is a bug with Progress Missions preventing players from claiming Arbiter. We will fix this with the next major update. However, as a temporary workaround, our Support agents will complete the Mission manually for you, if you reach out to our Support team.

We are aware of the issues with Marius Mission “Deal 2kk Damage to the Hydra in 1 attempt (min. Difficulty: Normal)”. It appears that the dealt Damage sometimes does not count towards the Mission, especially if the dealt Damage is more than 2 billion. As a result, you might see an error message when checking out the status of the Mission. We plan to fix it in one of the next major updates. Meanwhile, all affected players can contact our Support team so that our agents can close the Mission manually if they confirm you’ve managed to deal enough Damage.

And, finally, one more Mission worth mentioning here is Marius Mission “Finish within the Top 20 in a Tournament Group”. Currently, the Mission works retroactively, even if it shouldn't. This will be fixed with one of the next major updates.

Other Bugs and Fixes

Fyna, Blade Of Aravia appears not to place all the buffs she should with her A3 [Exalted Lineage] when there are more than 3 High Elves in the team. We will fix this in the next major update.

For now, Wight King Narses’s A3 [Spirits, Claim you!] and Karnage the Anarch’s A3 [Infernal Stars] do not apply a [Block Revive] debuff when they are under an [Enfeeble] debuff or in any other weak hit case. This is incorrect behavior and will be fixed with the next major update.

Clan vs Clan and Personal Rewards

And last but not least, the next CvC Tournament will feature Personal rewards.

That’s all for today’s Digest. Stay safe and in a good mood!

Mar 22, 2024, 16:3303/22/24
Mar 23, 2024, 19:2903/23/24

now that I am no longer auto bot banned from chat I can say

great update = love it

but still waiting on the


just saying = love this game :)

Mar 25, 2024, 11:4903/25/24

now that I am no longer auto bot banned from chat I can say

great update = love it

but still waiting on the


just saying = love this game :)

Hey, thanks a bunch for your kind words! Make sure to keep an eye out for our upcoming news and awesome videos. Happy gaming!  🌞

Mar 28, 2024, 05:4703/28/24

Игра да прикольная. Кто знает когда будет призыв Тёмных Эльфов? 

Mar 28, 2024, 13:2403/28/24
(Kael) 1?

Игра да прикольная. Кто знает когда будет призыв Тёмных Эльфов? 

Привет! Благодарим вас за вопрос. События, связанные с гарантированным призывом определенных Героев, проходят периодически, следите за нашими новостями, чтобы не пропустить подобный призыв. Какого Героя из фракции Тёмных эльфов вы хотели бы видеть в таком событии? 🤓

Mar 29, 2024, 22:5703/29/24

Hey, thanks a bunch for your kind words! Make sure to keep an eye out for our upcoming news and awesome videos. Happy gaming!  🌞

OH you mean like this??

a teaser  on Leila Fox RAID channel

Mar 30, 2024, 14:1203/30/24

мій комент