We are testing our brand new Live Arena PvP mode, as well as implementing Champion balance changes and some other updates and fixes. Let’s dive into everything coming to Raid with version 7.00.0:
Live Arena is a PvP mode that unlocks at Level 50 and allows players to fight against each other in real-time, 4v4 Champion battles.
Here are some reasons why you’ll want to test your mettle in Live Arena:
- To prove your superior skills and strategies against other players, in real-time.
- To win Live Arena Crests so you can unlock powerful Area Bonuses at the Great Hall.
- To earn Live Arena Chests that feature valuable rewards.
Before rolling out Live Arena to everyone, we’ll be checking the server load via a beta test with a select number of players, picked from those who are most active in Classic Arena. Once this beta test is finished, the doors of Live Arena will be thrown open to everyone. For those who took part in the beta test, your progress will be reset when the feature goes live for everyone, but you’ll keep the rewards you earned so far.
Live Arena will open several times a day on a set schedule. During the beta test, the schedule will be the following:
Monday, April 3:
10:00 UTC - 12:00 UTC
14:00 UTC - 16:00 UTC
Tuesday, April 4:
07:00 UTC - 09:00 UTC
10:00 UTC - 12:00 UTC
14:00 UTC - 16:00 UTC
20:00 UTC - 22:00 UTC
Wednesday, April 5:
00:00 UTC - 02:00 UTC
06:00 UTC - 08:00 UTC
14:00 UTC - 16:00 UTC
20:00 UTC - 22:00 UTC
Thursday, April 6:
00:00 UTC - 02:00 UTC
06:00 UTC - 08:00 UTC
14:00 UTC - 16:00 UTC
20:00 UTC - 22:00 UTC
Friday, April 7:
00:00 UTC - 02:00 UTC
06:00 UTC - 08:00 UTC
We’ll have a dedicated News post to inform everyone when Live Arena becomes available for all players, so keep an eye out for that!
Among the Live Arena Rewards, there will be Fragments of a new Legendary Void Champion - Quintus the Triumphant.
Quintus the Triumphant
Rarity: Legendary
Type: ATK
Affinity: Void
Faction: Banner Lords
Please note that this Champion will be excluded from all Shards and only available from Live Arena.
The Great Hall is now divided into two tabs - Affinity Bonuses and Area Bonuses. The Affinity Bonuses tab is where you can see all the bonuses you may have previously unlocked with Arena Medals. The Area Bonuses tab will contain new bonuses for Champions when fighting in specific locations, and are unlocked using Live Arena Crests. This new expansion to the Great Hall will be available when Live Arena is open to all players.
To commemorate the arrival of Live Arena in RAID, we’ve updated the loading screen to be Live Arena-themed. Can you recognize all the Champions in this titanic clash?
We have added two new Champion Tags - Arena Build I and Arena Build II, so it’s easier for you to find the Champions you need for Arena battles.
Now you can filter Champions by Tags in the Team Selection interface in all locations except Faction Crypts and Doom Tower Secret Rooms. If this filter is active, the Champions who have any Tags applied will be displayed at the beginning of the Champion list. If there are no Champions with Tags, the filter will be disabled.
Suzerain Katonn
[Skill 2 – Hex of Years]
- Skill changed.
Old version: Attacks all enemies. Has a 50% chance of placing a 25% [Weaken] debuff for 2 turns. Places a 60% [Decrease DEF] debuff for 2 turns if a [Weaken] debuff is not placed.
New version: Attacks all enemies. Has a 70% chance of placing a 25% [Weaken] debuff for 2 turns. Also has a 45% chance of placing a 60% [Decrease DEF] debuff for 2 turns.
- Damage multiplier increased.
[Skill 3 – Banish From Time]
- Damage multiplier increased.
[Ascended skill 3 - Banish From Time]
- Damage multiplier increased.
[Skill 2 – Dead Stop]
- Skill changed.
Old version: Attacks 1 enemy. Puts the target's skills on cooldown.
If the enemy team has any duplicates of the target Champion, will also put all their skills on cooldown.
New version: Attacks 1 enemy. Puts the target's skills on cooldown. Also places a [Block Buffs] debuff for 2 turns.
If the enemy team has any duplicates of the target Champion, will also put all their skills on cooldown and place a [Block Buffs] debuff on them for 2 turns.
[Skill 3 – Ghost Rage]
- Skill changed.
Old version: Attacks all enemies. Has a 75% chance of removing 2 random buffs. Has a 75% chance of decreasing all enemies' Turn Meters by 20%. Decreases enemy Turn Meters by a further 0.2% for every 1% of HP this Champion loses.
New version: Attacks all enemies. Has a 75% chance of removing 2 random buffs. Also has a 75% chance of decreasing all enemies' Turn Meters by 20%. Decreases enemy Turn Meters by a further 10% for each removed buff.
[Skill 4 - Spurned by Death [P]]
- Skill changed: Now heals this Champion by 30% of their MAX HP instead of 10%. Also, now fills this Champion’s Turn Meter by 30% instead of 20%.
- Aura added: Now Increases Ally ACC in all Battles by 60.
[Skill 2 – Pierce the Carapace]
- Skill changed
Old version: Attacks 1 enemy. Will ignore [Strengthen], [Increase DEF], and [Ally Protection] buffs, as well as damage reduction granted by [Stone Skin] buffs.
If this attack kills an enemy, fully heals this Champion and places a [Stone Skin] buff on them for 1 turn.
New version: Attacks 1 enemy. Will ignore [Strengthen], [Stone Skin], [Increase DEF], and [Ally Protection] buffs.
If this attack kills an enemy, fully heals this Champion and places a [Stone Skin] buff on them for 1 turn.
That’s everything we’ve got for you!
The one head that needed a nerf gets a massive buff instead that makes everything 30x harder. Fun. They could have changed that head so that it only had a 1 turn duration on the heal reduction. Instead this. Plarium really is offended that someone out there thinks that anybody who works there plays the game I guess. Just want to prove beyond a shadow of the doubt to the biggest plarium defender that no they don't play and no they don't test.
Can we have a talk about why directly nerfing some of the best champs/strats for Hydra is worth 4th place on the minor bug fix list? Most forms of healing don't even work with Miracle Heal, if the thought was plugging in another reason to push Blessings. This not getting given more attention and the impact that it has on team composition makes it feel like you haven't actually tested the result of this change.
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