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Supreme Elhain's Fragment Event

Supreme Elhain's Fragment Event

We're running a new series of Events and Tournaments where you can earn Fragments to summon a powerful new Legendary Champion from the High Elves Faction - Supreme Elhain!

Supreme Elhain is a powerful attacker who excels at taking down opponents weaker than her. She can ignore several protective buffs and can even gain an Extra Turn on killing an opponent, making her a potent assassin!


Supreme Elhain

Rarity: Legendary

Type: ATK

Affinity: Void

Faction: High Elves

To get Supreme Elhain, participate in Events and Tournaments and collect Fragments from the following places:


  • Summon Rush Event (March 17-20) - 20 Fragments
  • Champion Training Event (March 24-28) - 10 Fragments
  • Dungeon Divers Event I (March 10-14) - 5 Fragments
  • Dungeon Divers Event II (March 23-27) - 5 Fragments
  • Artifact Enhancement Event I (March 11-14) - 5 Fragments
  • Artifact Enhancement Event II (March 16-19) - 5 Fragments
  • Artifact Enhancement Event III (March 22-25) - 5 Fragments


  • Champion Chase Tournament (March 10-13) - 15 Fragments (+5)
  • Champion Training Tournament (March 12-15) - 10 Fragments (+5) 
  • Dragon Tournament (March 14-17) - 5 Fragments (+5)
  • Ice Golem Tournament (March 18-21) - 5 Fragments (+5)
  • Fire Knight Tournament (March 21-24) - 5 Fragments (+5)
  • Spider Tournament (March 11-14) - 5 Fragments (+5)
  • Classic Arena Takedown I (March 12-15) - 5 Fragments (+5)
  • Classic Arena Takedown II (March 18-21) - 5 Fragments (+5)

Each Tournament will also award 5 extra Fragments to players who place 1st and 2nd on the Leaderboard. If you place 2nd, you need to be Level 41 or above to receive the extra Fragments, except for the Champion Chase Tournament - you only need to be Level 31 or above to receive the extra Fragments for the 2nd place for that Tournament.

Each person can earn up to a total of 150 Champion Fragments if they can top the Leaderboards, so you can choose which Events and Tournaments to take part in.

Note: Events and Tournaments start and finish for everyone at the same in-game time. Make sure you plan accordingly - check the Events or Tournaments window to see exactly when an event ends in your local timezone.

Today we'll also launch a special Supreme Summon Pack containing items that will help you crush the Fragment Events and Tournaments. This pack will be available in the Shop for 2 days only – don't miss out.

Happy summoning!

Mar 10, 2023, 09:0403/10/23
Mar 10, 2023, 17:4603/10/23
Mar 10, 2023, 17:47(edited)

Seriously? 4 Year Raid anniversary and your way to 'Thank' us loyal fans for playing your game is to empty our pockets? No way a F2P can even get remotely close to half of these fragments, absolute joke.

In defense of FTP.... I can usually do these fragments events as a FTP player.  I save up 2 Sacreds, 6 Voids, and the remaining Ancients to grab the first x5 fragments at 2150pts in the summon rush.... skip the x15 fragments at the ridiculous 4950pts tier, and can carefully plan out the rest of the overlapping events to complete the 100 total fragments.  

Plarium thought they would be sneaky and change the shard total by 5 this time though... which requires a MASSIVE increase in the amount of resources needed.  You now cannot skip that atrocious 4950pt summon rush award of x15 fragments unless you want to try and beat a whale and win a 1st or 2nd place tournament slot for the extra x5 frags.

It's just pure shady BS. 

Mar 10, 2023, 21:1603/10/23

We need a bit more of a chance. I know it's a reward for the dedicated player, and a chance to make some extra funds. But you should meet us half way. Make things about a third mor easy to get these heros ... you say it's a celebration..... prove it !!

Mar 11, 2023, 00:4403/11/23

Plarium - in all seriousness, whoever said that pretty much everything in this event was a good idea, needs to be let go because this is NOT the direction you go if you want to keep players and get us to spend money. 

As is - you've already, yet again, raised the damn points we need for the champion chase - 3200 is a damn insane number. But then you make that point total in Dungeon Divers and nerf the point gains for gear so that Mythic is now what Legendary was. No regular player can pull this off within any amount of reason, which at this point - is standard for this entire 'anniversary' event. Which overall - has really been a middle finger to the player base, and you know what - a lot of us are at the point of giving you two right back, especially on spending money.

Un-nerf the points gained from artifacts, and make Mythic cap at 30 points and use the old point totals from even the Brogni era let alone one of the more fair ones before cause even at 3000 points, it's 100 runs instead of instead of 120, if by magic you get nothing but Mythic, which is still 2000 energy and that is the freaking best case scenario. 2000 points for champion chase, MAYBE 2500 for some god tier legendary, with summon rush maybe 3000 and 3500 respectively at teh top end (I'd still say lower) cause those are at least fixed point totals not RNG off what shard you pull. Make fusions actually freaking doable so we have a reason to participate. And if were close, or want to save time, we'll maybe spend a couple dollars, especially if were happy we can actually do fuisons and participate in things and not the equivalant of you guys going 'here's a fusion for everyone - and by everyone we mean anyone who can shell out 50 bucks or more'.

More so in the fact these are the starter champions - these should be basically modified version of the base resources you have and some of the cheapest damn legendaries you could make, they should be practically free and make your money off particularly Kael and Galek with some decent sales on Lego books to get them to their best state. 

You wanna make it to a 5th anniversary? 6th? More? Stop jerking us around. Stop trying to mug us. Seriously - I would rather have fusions limited to maybe 1 per quarter or to specifically whatever holidays or things like the anniversary (So lets say Valentines, Halloween, Christmas, Anniversary, Thanksgiving) where they are as reasonable to get as Rotos back in the day (where I started teh game at the tail end of January and came fairly close to completing it) or Cillian (who I did get) with some other types of events between if you have to have them than a constant grind of champion fusions that arre constant skips because we save resources, skip them when we can't do them or it's something we don't need, only for you to further up the resources, we still can't do them, and make us question why the hell are we even bothering in terms of trying to be able to do fusions - and play this damn game. But only put a fusion out - if you actually want it to be one people can get for free, and not one where you want us all to pay for it. 

Mar 11, 2023, 07:1703/11/23
Mar 11, 2023, 07:56(edited)

Plarium - in all seriousness, whoever said that pretty much everything in this event was a good idea, needs to be let go because this is NOT the direction you go if you want to keep players and get us to spend money. 

As is - you've already, yet again, raised the damn points we need for the champion chase - 3200 is a damn insane number. But then you make that point total in Dungeon Divers and nerf the point gains for gear so that Mythic is now what Legendary was. No regular player can pull this off within any amount of reason, which at this point - is standard for this entire 'anniversary' event. Which overall - has really been a middle finger to the player base, and you know what - a lot of us are at the point of giving you two right back, especially on spending money.

Un-nerf the points gained from artifacts, and make Mythic cap at 30 points and use the old point totals from even the Brogni era let alone one of the more fair ones before cause even at 3000 points, it's 100 runs instead of instead of 120, if by magic you get nothing but Mythic, which is still 2000 energy and that is the freaking best case scenario. 2000 points for champion chase, MAYBE 2500 for some god tier legendary, with summon rush maybe 3000 and 3500 respectively at teh top end (I'd still say lower) cause those are at least fixed point totals not RNG off what shard you pull. Make fusions actually freaking doable so we have a reason to participate. And if were close, or want to save time, we'll maybe spend a couple dollars, especially if were happy we can actually do fuisons and participate in things and not the equivalant of you guys going 'here's a fusion for everyone - and by everyone we mean anyone who can shell out 50 bucks or more'.

More so in the fact these are the starter champions - these should be basically modified version of the base resources you have and some of the cheapest damn legendaries you could make, they should be practically free and make your money off particularly Kael and Galek with some decent sales on Lego books to get them to their best state. 

You wanna make it to a 5th anniversary? 6th? More? Stop jerking us around. Stop trying to mug us. Seriously - I would rather have fusions limited to maybe 1 per quarter or to specifically whatever holidays or things like the anniversary (So lets say Valentines, Halloween, Christmas, Anniversary, Thanksgiving) where they are as reasonable to get as Rotos back in the day (where I started teh game at the tail end of January and came fairly close to completing it) or Cillian (who I did get) with some other types of events between if you have to have them than a constant grind of champion fusions that arre constant skips because we save resources, skip them when we can't do them or it's something we don't need, only for you to further up the resources, we still can't do them, and make us question why the hell are we even bothering in terms of trying to be able to do fusions - and play this damn game. But only put a fusion out - if you actually want it to be one people can get for free, and not one where you want us all to pay for it. 

I can understand the underlying frustration as I am feeling the same way. 

However, I want to stress out that the points for Dungeon divers have always been lower than the points for Dungoen events/tournaments. They might not have lowered them specifically but the immense increase in points required is a slap into the face by itself.

While I am as frustrated as you by the development and am skipping the fusion just because of this and the more important fact, that you are FORCED to do the full Summon event because of the reduced availability of fragments (155->150), I do not think that they actually reduced the points for the artefacts gain in respect to dungeon diver.

Mar 11, 2023, 09:4603/11/23
Mar 11, 2023, 09:47(edited)

I'll start doing the fusion. In the end, I will collect 95 fragments, because its reduced by 5. Plarium, who, do you think, will remove the game from all devices after this and dissolve the clan where there are donaters. Bravo!

Mar 13, 2023, 05:5003/13/23

So what happen if get 80 fragments and don't  get 100 fragmentsis, is there  a way to get it from the market or I just stock with this unsummon Champion like the rest of 14 champions that I have over a year waiting for this insane company who does not play by the rules.

Mar 13, 2023, 19:4903/13/23

this is just a stupid event from a not so bright company. First off they are all void legos, why? now even less of a chance of pulling a decent void lego.. what you should have done instead was make them login champion shards and give people the option of selecting the one they want like when they started. 

You could have even made them login fragments on last day of week because most of us don't need the useless materials you give with some of these daily logins. im at max for both top level mats for perception and the other useless one.. i dont need any more. people don't need silver, you really need to fix your game and stop being so greedy give blue shards during the month and don't limit them in the shop because 5 a month is a joke.

 i don't go for fusions mainly because you either have to hoard for months or spend some money on a f2p game. then a month later guess what guys, we have yet another fusion... i only play because i have a dope ass clan im with if it wasn't for them i would have stopped playing this annoying game when they introduced artifact ascension. stop with the predatory tactic to make people get a character that might get a nerf in the next patch... since yall like doing those kind of things and don't give your players nothing back in return. i want my books back for urogrim and geo... 

Mar 13, 2023, 21:3903/13/23

I have to echo the sentiments of most of the other posters here, which is why I logged into the forums today. I've had several people in my clan QUIT over this event, both quitting the game overall and quitting the clan. It looks like I lost two overnight last night. My family is now grumbling at me if I remind them to log in, being antagonistic towards me for still playing, and my grandson calls this "a 'gottcha game' and is comparing it to scammer games on the Google Play store. 

His exact words were "Nana, the only reason I still play at all is so you get your shard, then I'm deleting it from my phone. It's a gottcha game, they only want you to buy stuff and you have to do the same stuff over and over and over again until you get sick of playing. And it's not like you can actually WIN any of the events unless you spend money which mom and dad won't let me do, and even if they would I'm not spending my allowance money unless I'm actually *buying* something, not buying a *chance* of getting something. That's gambling and someone should turn them in and make them change the game - isn't gambling illegal in some states?" 

And he's 12...

If a 12 year old can see that, why can't your marketing department? 

Having been in sales and customer service my entire adult life, it's well known that there will be more buyers of moderate priced items than the fewer buyers of high priced items, especially in the current economy. People in the U.S. are struggling to keep from being homeless - the image of the U.S. being the walking on diamonds and flinging money all over the place is HOLLYWOOD, not reality for 99% of the population (hence the phrase "tax the 1%" that's popular in some circles.) And it's well known in Mental Health circles that a large percentage of people who gamble, use drugs or spend large amounts of time on their phones (especially playing games) are struggling with some level of depression and/or childhood trauma. How many of your player base might be spending money in the game to 'feel better' only to have to then take a loan out to pay their rent, car payment, or put food on the table for their children? 

Is that your fault? No. Do you contribute to it? Absolutely. Is it unethical? Well, I guess you can judge from your marketing budget... How much are you increasing your advertising budget to make up for the loss in revenue from declining in-game sales and declining player participation? Have your executives asked WHY the player base is dwindling or WHY sales are dismal? Even my clan members who *were* spenders have said they are no longer spending. And the family members who have quit playing handed their accounts over to me (so I can keep the clan alive) and I can't GIVE AWAY the accounts...  And that really says something...

The margin of failure for fragment events (in this event a mere 10 - for a void no less) is obcenely small for a champion where there is NO OPTION to even BUY the remaining fragments, much less earn them afterwards. NO ONE I KNOW even TRIES for the events. Even the spenders, much less the F2P players. They'll get what they want or can of the other items (shards, silver, tomes,) with absolutely ZERO aspirations towards the fragments or champion. If there was even a *remote* chance a non-spender or even light spender would be able to pick up the missing shards later to complete the champion, people would at least TRY. Wouldn't that be a much better use of company resources than a massive advertising budget? Which by the way isn't working in your favor either. I can't get enough friends to join so I can get Djarmarsa's partner, because people either already played and quit due to the above issues, or they won't even try it because they're sick of seeing the advertising everywhere.

Do your company a favor and LISTEN to your player base. We've already demonstrated a loyalty by not uninstalling the game, show us loyalty by giving us the respect of at least being heard. Or people will CONTINUE to talk with their feet and walk away, not only from Raid, but Plarium overall. Blizzard didn't with World Of Warcraft, and they went from something like 12Million+ to a current estimate of 2.3 Million (Per just now.) Blizzard/Activision sold out their entire game library to Microsoft, and as of yet Miscrosoft hasn't found value in cross-platforming W.O.W to the xbox - a feature players BEGGED for at it's height. Because no one wants to play anymore. They wern't listened to, wern't valued. Don't be a Blizzard...                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                              

Mar 13, 2023, 21:4503/13/23

I have to echo the sentiments of most of the other posters here, which is why I logged into the forums today. I've had several people in my clan QUIT over this event, both quitting the game overall and quitting the clan. It looks like I lost two overnight last night. My family is now grumbling at me if I remind them to log in, being antagonistic towards me for still playing, and my grandson calls this "a 'gottcha game' and is comparing it to scammer games on the Google Play store. 

His exact words were "Nana, the only reason I still play at all is so you get your shard, then I'm deleting it from my phone. It's a gottcha game, they only want you to buy stuff and you have to do the same stuff over and over and over again until you get sick of playing. And it's not like you can actually WIN any of the events unless you spend money which mom and dad won't let me do, and even if they would I'm not spending my allowance money unless I'm actually *buying* something, not buying a *chance* of getting something. That's gambling and someone should turn them in and make them change the game - isn't gambling illegal in some states?" 

And he's 12...

If a 12 year old can see that, why can't your marketing department? 

Having been in sales and customer service my entire adult life, it's well known that there will be more buyers of moderate priced items than the fewer buyers of high priced items, especially in the current economy. People in the U.S. are struggling to keep from being homeless - the image of the U.S. being the walking on diamonds and flinging money all over the place is HOLLYWOOD, not reality for 99% of the population (hence the phrase "tax the 1%" that's popular in some circles.) And it's well known in Mental Health circles that a large percentage of people who gamble, use drugs or spend large amounts of time on their phones (especially playing games) are struggling with some level of depression and/or childhood trauma. How many of your player base might be spending money in the game to 'feel better' only to have to then take a loan out to pay their rent, car payment, or put food on the table for their children? 

Is that your fault? No. Do you contribute to it? Absolutely. Is it unethical? Well, I guess you can judge from your marketing budget... How much are you increasing your advertising budget to make up for the loss in revenue from declining in-game sales and declining player participation? Have your executives asked WHY the player base is dwindling or WHY sales are dismal? Even my clan members who *were* spenders have said they are no longer spending. And the family members who have quit playing handed their accounts over to me (so I can keep the clan alive) and I can't GIVE AWAY the accounts...  And that really says something...

The margin of failure for fragment events (in this event a mere 10 - for a void no less) is obcenely small for a champion where there is NO OPTION to even BUY the remaining fragments, much less earn them afterwards. NO ONE I KNOW even TRIES for the events. Even the spenders, much less the F2P players. They'll get what they want or can of the other items (shards, silver, tomes,) with absolutely ZERO aspirations towards the fragments or champion. If there was even a *remote* chance a non-spender or even light spender would be able to pick up the missing shards later to complete the champion, people would at least TRY. Wouldn't that be a much better use of company resources than a massive advertising budget? Which by the way isn't working in your favor either. I can't get enough friends to join so I can get Djarmarsa's partner, because people either already played and quit due to the above issues, or they won't even try it because they're sick of seeing the advertising everywhere.

Do your company a favor and LISTEN to your player base. We've already demonstrated a loyalty by not uninstalling the game, show us loyalty by giving us the respect of at least being heard. Or people will CONTINUE to talk with their feet and walk away, not only from Raid, but Plarium overall. Blizzard didn't with World Of Warcraft, and they went from something like 12Million+ to a current estimate of 2.3 Million (Per just now.) Blizzard/Activision sold out their entire game library to Microsoft, and as of yet Miscrosoft hasn't found value in cross-platforming W.O.W to the xbox - a feature players BEGGED for at it's height. Because no one wants to play anymore. They wern't listened to, wern't valued. Don't be a Blizzard...                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                              

BRAVO! Couldn't have said it better myself.

Mar 13, 2023, 21:5303/13/23

Exactly Gameblossom. I came here to say pretty much the same thing, you just said it better and with no cuss words. Thx. 

And I'm one of these ex-WOW players and that's exactly why I quit. I'm getting close to quitting with this game, for exactly the reasons you and your family said. Plarium is looking for a class-action lawsuit... Wish I was a lawyer, I'd make a name for myself AND a fortune representing the player and ex-player base. 

Mar 13, 2023, 22:3703/13/23
Mar 13, 2023, 22:41(edited)

Exactly Gameblossom. I came here to say pretty much the same thing, you just said it better and with no cuss words. Thx. 

And I'm one of these ex-WOW players and that's exactly why I quit. I'm getting close to quitting with this game, for exactly the reasons you and your family said. Plarium is looking for a class-action lawsuit... Wish I was a lawyer, I'd make a name for myself AND a fortune representing the player and ex-player base. 

Just saw a comment about GameBlossom's post on YT (Ash's channel) and CAN"T AGREE MORE. 

Plarium, listen to Gameblossom. 

I agree with LadyIsarma's comment on the Ash video too, the big budget/big names of Plarium's Raid Animated series they just announced explains where all our money is going. Shame on your Plarium. Hope it worth it, I just deleted my account 5 mins ago.

Mar 15, 2023, 17:3803/15/23

shame on plarium!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!🙁

Mar 17, 2023, 11:4503/17/23

I have played PC and Video games for about 45 years now. I played World of Warcraft for over 9 years.

I played Star Wars TOR for about 5, along with War Thunder, World of Warships, and a few other where you subscribe. 

Now I am learning Character Creator, and Unreal Engine as a hobby to maybe be able to make my own game, or games.

I started playing Raid to look at the characters/designs ane allI can say is this game is just one big Circus/Carnival/Casino type BS that is designed to prey basically on the Gambling Addiction nerve of people.

I actually play a game called Disciples 2, and Total War Napoleon, and as old as those games are, I only payed the money to buy them, and or expansion packs, and there are things about them that I wish could be upgraded, but they don't cost me a dollar to hundreds of dollars to play a month.

Yea I know that technically you can play this game for free, and other than throwing about 100 to you in a 2 month period (that I chose to do) I basically play it for free.

Now the choice to do that means I can play it for about 1 to 2 hours and accomplish a little.

Thats fine, but when you hype my ass up about getting a cool champion and then I figure out that I am going to get 45% of her unless I want to throw down 1 to 3 hundred dollars to get her, than I believe I have gleaned all I need to know about this game. 

Its a total rip off, unless you just don't have anything else to do for an hour or two, LOL.

The problem with that in my case is that I do. 

So at this point, I just use it as a screen saver, and I play the daily/get my cookie treats each day, and I learn programing, or 3D design Star Trek 3D print models while this plays in the background.

As far as all your Casino events and Tournaments, If I accidently get things from them for being in 14th place then TY. Other than that I hope you can continue to feed your families with the money that you rob from the weak minded.

If you do get sued over your silver stealing practices and cease to exist, then I guess its been nice knowing you, because it seems to me that it doesn't take to long to figure out how greedy you are, and its going to hit critical mass where you are going to have a mass exodus of players leave.

So last word of advise. Invest the money you are conning out of the sea life wisely.

Mar 17, 2023, 11:4903/17/23

I can understand the underlying frustration as I am feeling the same way. 

However, I want to stress out that the points for Dungeon divers have always been lower than the points for Dungoen events/tournaments. They might not have lowered them specifically but the immense increase in points required is a slap into the face by itself.

While I am as frustrated as you by the development and am skipping the fusion just because of this and the more important fact, that you are FORCED to do the full Summon event because of the reduced availability of fragments (155->150), I do not think that they actually reduced the points for the artefacts gain in respect to dungeon diver.

For me I have only played not even 2 months yet, and the Silver stealing on gear upgrades BS, and the 4 days of gem mining leting you play like 10 campain runs is just blatent highway robbery.

LOL. I am pretty much done with this game. Hell I can go sell Amway an feel the same emotions about being taken advantage of.

Mar 17, 2023, 14:4803/17/23

Guys, you are doing too much like the first person l had was elhain, and l have never spent money on this game ever. The only reason why l am on this fragment challenge is to get supreme elhain and l just saw on the summon quest that we basically need to pay a whole lot of money for at least 10 sacred shards like WHAT!!!!!!

I may not come back to this game.

Mar 17, 2023, 16:4503/17/23

If you guys would go on to everybody's account and see the person that they picked you should do a free seven day legendary for the their first character. I had elhain and l would love if you guys would do a free seven day for her.

Mar 18, 2023, 16:1603/18/23

So is there a way to get more fragments for this champion in the future? Or is this the only time you can get this champion with fragments?

 I'm new and don't know how this works. 

Mar 24, 2023, 11:2703/24/23

You could, ended on the 20th, summon Supreme Athel from void shards so maybe you can summon all of them from void shards. 

Mar 29, 2023, 06:1503/29/23

Will there be any other way to earn fragments for Supreme Elhain? I currently have 80 and I need 20 to finish her off. Or will this just be another missed champ sitting forever? I used massive amounts of resources to get this 80 and it is sad if I cannot finish her off

Apr 2, 2023, 18:2504/02/23
