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Raid Digest (04.11.22)

Raid Digest (04.11.22)

Just like Sylvan Watchers silently came to Teleria from the ancient and eerie Mistwood, the misty November came to Raid with its winds and fallen leaves, bringing with it another issue of the #RaidDigest. Sit back, wrap yourself in a blanket, with a large glass of cocoa and sweets, and read our regular topic to be aware of what’s happening in Raid. 

New Faction and New Buff Taunt

Sylvan Watchers Crypt. We’ll keep expanding this Faction with the new Champions throughout many upcoming updates. That's why, the Sylvan Watchers Crypt will not be opened for the following six months, at least. Do not worry, we’ll let you know about its release as soon as we come closer to this moment. Still, if you’re close to getting Lydia, it makes sense not to hesitate with it - time flies so fast. 

While we’re talking about Sylvan Watchers, we would like to comment on the Clan Quests that feature the new Champion. For example, the ones where you need to clear one of the Dungeons with the Champions from the new Faction. These Quests appeared too early in Raid, that's why we’ll temporarily remove them until the moment when there are enough Sylvan Watchers in the game to complete this mission comfortably. The removal of these particular Quests will happen in the near future - we’ll let you know as soon as it is done. 

And, talking about the Taunt, a new buff that forces enemies to attack the Taunting Champion, we’d like to add some clarifications about its mechanics against Bosses immune to Provoke. 

Briefly stated, yes, Taunt will work against such Bosses, but there are a few things to keep in mind:

- if the Boss has AoE, then the damage will pass through all your Champions 

- if the Boss has a Single target attack, then Taunt won’t prevent them as well as other Champions from using their other Skills. Taunt is not a Provoke that forces you to use the first basic skill.

- if the Boss has all their Active Skills on cooldown, and the basic Skill is a single target attack without additional conditions, then the Boss will target the Champion under Taunt. Let us shed some light on which “ additional conditions” we mean. Here are some examples: 

 1) Hydra Head of Decay. A1. Attacks 1 enemy with the lowest HP.

 2) Hydra Head of Mischief. A1. Attacks the enemy with the most buffs.

These kinds of single-target attacks will have a higher priority than Taunt, and as a result, these Hydra Heads will basically ignore Taunt. These Heads will attack according to the conditions - attack the enemy with the lowest HP or with the most buffs. 

Another scenario that we’d like to comment on. If a Champion has some supporting abilities, they do not have to target an enemy under the Taunt buff and may choose to heal, revive or buff their allies instead.

Bug Fixes and Other Tricks

Clan Ranking - the first Position is missing! 

As some of you might have noticed, the 1st position disappeared from the Clan Ranking. We’re aware of the issue and will fix it in one of the next big releases. 

Myciliac Priest Orn's - bug fix 

In one of the next releases, we'll fix a bug in the Myciliac Priest Orn's A3 Skill "The Colony Expands" that resulted in Myciliac Priest Orn healing themselves even if the Poison was resisted. Since it is a bug, not the normal behavior of the Champion according to the skill's description, it should be fixed. 

Referral Program - 51 level is better than 50

Sometimes your Referral Program does not give you access to 4th Sacred Shard and other additional rewards even if all 3 of your invited friends have reached level 50. This is a bug that we are going to fix in the future. Meanwhile, a short workaround is to wait until one of your friends reaches the Level 51, after which you'll be able to collect the bonus Sacred Shard and proceed to further rewards.

CvC Tournament - to be or not to be?

Also, we haven’t forgotten about the next CvC Tournament. The next CvC Tournaments will be without Personal Rewards.

That is it, guys! Thank you for your attention, stay safe, and have a fantastic weekend!

Nov 4, 2022, 15:4111/04/22