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Patch Notes (10.02.21) Update 3.30

Patch Notes (10.02.21) Update 3.30


This update brings a new feature - the Fitting Room - together with changes to some existing features and a few quality-of-life improvements. Here’s all you need to know about this update:

Fitting Room.

The Fitting Room is a special mode that lets you preview how your Artifacts and Accessories will affect your Champions before you commit to equipping them. To find the Fitting Room mode, go to your Artifact Storage, hit Filter, then press the Fitting Room button (the one with the little coat hanger icon!) to enable the mode.

When Fitting Room mode is activated, you’ll be able to see exactly how your Champions’ Stats will be affected by your selection by looking in the bottom-right corner of your screen. Once you’re sure you want to equip your chosen Artifacts or Accessories, just tap Equip and everything you’ve selected will be equipped in one go. As always, swapping Artifacts out if your Champion already has something equipped in that slot takes Silver - so keep an eye on the total cost before you confirm your choice.

Everything else will work the same. You’ll still have access to your Filters, so you’ll still be able to find the gear you’re looking for just as easily - but this should save you a lot of time fine-tuning your builds.

Tag Team Arena Rewards rebalance.

We’ve decreased the number of Gold Bars for Weekly Tier Placement in each Tier, but we’ve also increased the number of Gold Bars you get for each win.

We’ve also added a minimum battle limit to be eligible for Weekly Rewards. From now on, you need to fight in at least 10 Tag Team Arena Series each week to be able to get your weekly Tag Arena Rewards after Tier Placement.

Bazaar additions.

We’ve added:

- Charms to all Tiers.

- Avatars to Bronze and Silver Tiers.

- Champion Fragments of the two non-fusible Rare Void Champions needed to fuse Broadmaw (Huntress and Bloodhorn) to Bronze Tier.

Champion and battle fixes

- Champions will no longer move when under Freeze debuffs placed by Tormin the Cold’s Wintry Wind [Passive] skill. 

- Fixed an error that occurred when Belanor activated Zavia's Poison Rain skill if Zavia was under a Block Cooldown Skills debuff.

- Taurus` Toxic Nova skill (including the Ascended version) now works correctly if Gurptuk Moss-Beard is on the same team.

- Changed the icons of Faceless’ Lightning and Ice Bolt skills.

- Ursala the Mourner now correctly revives allies with her Requiem skill.

- Spiderlings no longer spawn on top of each other in the Spider’s Den.

- Fixed the Stun debuff animation if it is placed directly after a Sleep debuff is removed.

- Fixed how Nogdar the Headhunter is displayed in the Collection when viewed from the back.

- Fixed visual issues that affected Solaris and Purgator in the Collection.

- Fixed an error that occurred when attempting to Replay a battle on Stage 20 of the Spider’s Den after placing Freeze debuffs on enemies in the previous battle.

- Clan Boss HP is now calculated correctly if a battle starts before the refresh and finishes after.

We’d also like to clarify the mechanics of Tormin’s Wintry Wind [Passive] skill: if Tormin places his Freeze debuff on a Champion while they are in the process of placing a chain of multiple buffs, any subsequent buffs after the Freeze won’t be placed as the Champion will be frozen.

Game Experience Enhancements

- Charm slots in the Forge now show the number of Charms of each type you have available.

- Other minor Forge UI improvements.

- Changed the format of the Material tooltips in Crypt Stages. 

- If you have any Classic Arena Tokens in your Inbox as a reward from Quests, you can now use them directly from the Arena interface when you run out of Tokens.

- Purchased Clan Boss Keys are now added to your Inbox separately. This means you will be able to pick them up one-by-one rather than being forced to collect them all at once.

- Fixed the display of effect names in the Turkish language.

- Boss HP bars now correctly show the amount of lost MAX HP when a Champion decreases their MAX HP using Artifacts from the Destroy Set.

- Fixed minor errors that occurred when selling and upgrading Artifacts.

- Large numbers of Artifacts or Accessories no longer cause display issues in the Artifact Storage.

- Added sound effects for destroying Artifacts and Accessories.

- Added the ability to go back to the Bastion directly from the “battle limit reached” error.

We'll be adding a whole bunch of new Champions in the next couple of days too. Keep an eye out on the News to see when they go live!

That’s everything we’ve got for you! Let us know what you think of these changes on our forums.

Feb 10, 2021, 11:4602/10/21
Feb 10, 2021, 11:5102/10/21

A gold 3v3 avatar being added or are my 100k gold bars getting yeeted?

Feb 10, 2021, 11:5302/10/21

When are you going to fix Annie's passive? She doesn't dec max hp when enemy has heal reduction like the passive says. 

Feb 10, 2021, 11:5502/10/21

Great work on the updates, keep the coming!

Feb 10, 2021, 11:5702/10/21


number of items I can make in the forge - useful, the red dot in the middle of my screen - very annoying 

Feb 10, 2021, 11:5902/10/21
  • - Added the ability to go back to the Bastion directly from the “battle limit reached” error. 

Why not just automatically count the total number of turns and cause our teams to lose the battle once 1500 turns have been counted?

Feb 10, 2021, 12:1102/10/21

I see in tag team arena after update only avatar usefull, void rare and sub stast charm and type charm useless

Feb 10, 2021, 12:3502/10/21
Feb 16, 2021, 11:25(edited)

Okish update. 

The Fitting Room seems like a good start but it is not the kind of solution that will actually wanted/ hoped for.

Moreover, increasing per win gold bars is fine but decreasing the weekly gold bars received, is a bad move. Doing 10 TTA for tier placement is restricting enough. There literally was no need to reduce the weekly rewards as well. And tbh, no one enjoys playing the uninteresting headache mode, named TTA. 

Laslty, the avatars could have been better and not this ugly. Well, not buying them if they're all the ones available. Just wondering, why not use avatar of RAID champions like you guys used to up until BP? 

That would be all. Thank you for reading up till end.


PS - Please fix your comment box for mobile devices. It just always continuously keep bugging for every word entered.

Feb 10, 2021, 12:3902/10/21

Nice work, is there any chance that you can confirm that the duplication rng for the forge will be addressed ? 

Seems pointless collecting mats from Doom Tower and Faction Wars to create artifacts in the Forge if your return is - for example -  6 gauntlets, or eight chests etc ... especially if your trying to craft a set.

Feb 10, 2021, 12:4402/10/21


Thanks for the update have some good things and bad things as well. But for us is more important to change the gear whe we want not just to see it.because you add allot of content but we don't have resources to compete everywhere. Besides that the chances to get a good gear are lower than to get a legendary champion we still need to pay to swap it.why? It's like you buy 2 pairs of shoes but you are still paying every time when you want to wear them... the artifacts are ours we spend allot of time and energy to farm it.let us swap it when we want.and what about the books? I literally get 11 legendary skill books in 5 months.The new champions need more books where we will get it?how we can progress without spending thousands of euro per month?or you don't care about low spenders and F2P player's?about the duplicates, why you don't make on bazaar  trade section where we can exchange duplicates champions? Even 1 time per month a legendary and 2 times per month a epic? Instead you add does fragments for the some who is using that bad epic champion? Check you challenge in the game and after make some changings.

Feb 10, 2021, 13:1702/10/21

I am very confused by this fitting room thing?  Was this not already a feature?  I have always been able to see the increase or decrease in stats for a new piece of gear.  Looks like all this feature does it  combine base stats to the green additional stats in a single column.  Am I just missing something here?  Really not seeing how this feature has improved anything.

Feb 10, 2021, 13:3402/10/21

I fully agree with @cherub above: the changes you made to Tag Team Arena are punishing in a way that only hurts the largest amount of your player base. The 1 extra bar on the lowest level doesn't at all make up for the 200 battles you'd have to win in order to equalize it. Terribly shitty move.

Feb 10, 2021, 13:5002/10/21

Fix the Doom tower ...

Feb 10, 2021, 14:0002/10/21

I like the concept of the tag team arena rewards but I don't like how it was implimented right now. We don't need charms or trash rares that are part of a fusion no one cares about. We should be able to buy champion fragments or something similar instead. Also get rid of the charms in bronze their and add it to where bronze their can buy a 4-5 star artifact. No one really enjoys playing tag team arena and feels more like a chore so at least make the rewards more desirable, not less so. Also when it comes to the silver issue maybe adding the ability to get silver from faction wars fights and from every Doom tower fight would be helpful (like we get it from dungeons and such). Also pleaaaaseee try adding generic champion fragments into rewards for tournaments so people can be able to fragment fusion past champions they did not complete.

GreenKnightCommunity Manager
Feb 10, 2021, 15:0902/10/21

A gold 3v3 avatar being added or are my 100k gold bars getting yeeted?


Sadly, there will be no new avatars for the Tag Team Arena's Gold Tier in this patch.  Earlier, in the 3.30 highlights, we mentioned that the avatars would be added to each Tier in the Bazaar, but, unfortunately, that was a mistake. The avatars were added only to the Bronze and Silver Tiers, and due to a human factor, we mistakenly added the Gold Tier to the list, too. We're sorry for this. At the moment, we don't have an ETA for when new avatars will be added to the Gold Tier (we are working on them, though), but the avatars for the Bronze and Silver Tiers are already in the game. Again, please, accept our apologies.

GreenKnightCommunity Manager
Feb 10, 2021, 15:1002/10/21


number of items I can make in the forge - useful, the red dot in the middle of my screen - very annoying 

I will forward your feedback to our development team.

GreenKnightCommunity Manager
Feb 10, 2021, 15:1202/10/21
  • - Added the ability to go back to the Bastion directly from the “battle limit reached” error. 

Why not just automatically count the total number of turns and cause our teams to lose the battle once 1500 turns have been counted?

It will have to perform a check every turn to do so. It is an additional process to control and might cause small errors in the future. Therefore check is made only after the battle. Sorry for the inconvenience.

GreenKnightCommunity Manager
Feb 10, 2021, 15:1202/10/21
Feb 10, 2021, 15:13(edited)

I am very confused by this fitting room thing?  Was this not already a feature?  I have always been able to see the increase or decrease in stats for a new piece of gear.  Looks like all this feature does it  combine base stats to the green additional stats in a single column.  Am I just missing something here?  Really not seeing how this feature has improved anything.

This feature gives you the ability to compare your current build with the new one in one window, not item by item. The main addition is convenience.

Feb 10, 2021, 15:1802/10/21
Feb 10, 2021, 15:36(edited)

why does Plarium just not get that 3v3 is garbage ! no one in the community enjoys it nor do we think its cool

but can grind for months for an avatar to let everyone know how much of your time u wasted...lmao

Feb 10, 2021, 15:2202/10/21

side can jump in the fitting room and find out just how bad the silver screwin is before you take it....geeez smh

GreenKnightCommunity Manager
Feb 10, 2021, 15:3402/10/21
I like the concept of the tag team arena rewards but I don't like how it was implimented right now. We don't need charms or trash rares that are part of a fusion no one cares about. We should be able to buy champion fragments or something similar instead.

Thank you for your feedback. The rares for the fusion are mainly added as proof of concept and to help the newer players complete the fusion. We are still working on further improvements to the Bazaar feature.

Laslty, the avatars could have been better and not this ugly. Well, not buying them if they're all the ones available. Just wondering, why not use avatar of RAID champions like you guys used to up until BP?

I will forward your suggestion to our development team.

Please fix your comment box for mobile devices. It just always continuously keep bugging for every word entered.

Thank you, we are working on the solution. It will be added to the forum as soon as possible.

Have a nice day and stay healthy