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Update 6.10 Highlights

Update 6.10 Highlights

Hey, everyone!

Update 6.10 is about to hit the servers, and though it’s nowhere near the monumental scale of 6.00, we still prepared several pleasant additions to the game. First, we’re laying the groundwork for the upcoming Deck of Fate Event and the next Forge Pass season - they won’t launch immediately, but we’ll have every element in place. We’ll also add a new way to earn Tournament Points to the Champion Training Tournament; the Global Chat will get a pop-up menu that lists the rules; and, of course, we’ll continue our efforts to rebalance the old Champions.

You can find the details below.

Deck of Fate

Halloween Deck of Fate is a new type of Event that we’ll introduce in the coming weeks. If you’ve seen our latest What’s Next In Raid episode, you’ll already know what this is about. In short, you’ll earn Fate Pumpkins for completing various in-game activities: raiding Dungeons, leveling Champions, opening Shards, and so on. Those Pumpkins can be used to flip cards on the Deck of Fate which gives the Event its name, and each card will offer some kind of reward.

Cards come in 3 Rarities, and if you happen to flip 3 cards of the same Rarity in a row, you get a Fate Chest. Basically, that’s a bonus Chest that will award some awesome items. 

As mentioned in the intro, Deck of Fate Events won’t come to Raid immediately with Update 6.10. Keep your eyes on the news - no doubt you’ve already guessed when the first Event of this kind will be launched based on its name!

Champion Training Tournament Update

As of Update 6.10, you’ll receive Tournament Points whenever you upgrade a Champion’s Skill with a Skill Tome. Keep in mind that you will not get any Points if you upgrade Skills with a duplicate Champion - this change only concerns Skill Tomes. The number of Tournament Points earned will depend on the Rarity of the Skill Tome:

Legendary: 200 Points

Epic: 75 Points

Rare: 25 Points

Naturally, you can bulk-upgrade Skills with Skill Tomes of different Rarities. The game will calculate each of them individually according to their Points Value (as shown above).

Forge Pass Season 4

A new Season of Forge Pass is due to arrive in the near future. It will feature the same rewards as Season 3 (including the Bolster Set and Bolster Stones) and a new avatar. As with the Deck of Fate Events, we’ll announce the launch of Season 4 when the time comes.

Global Chat Rules

Upon opening the Chat tab, you’ll see a new " Chat Rules" label. Tapping it will bring up a pop-up menu that lists all the rules you must follow when conversing in the chat. There isn’t much more to say about it, but this little addition should help keep the chat clean!

Champion Rebalance






Sep 27, 2022, 13:1709/27/22
Sep 27, 2022, 14:0009/27/22

Thanks for the news and champion re balance information. 

But! , those Epics are food,  they are not good in the game, no ones care about those Epics...

Why not re balance some Legendaries like Jingwon who is the worst void legendary at the game or someone like that!

We need re balance anothers Legendary champions who really needs a big change and not re balancing food please! 


Sep 27, 2022, 14:0909/27/22

Rebalancing a food Epic is good...but in order to make him more valuable. If a food Epic gets a rebalance and stays a food Epic it doesnt help. 

Sep 27, 2022, 14:2809/27/22

Thx for your work! (I love the new Baron)

I would love a rebalancing of a few really bad void legendaries. Make them unique not just bad or op.

Have a great day!

Sep 27, 2022, 15:3609/27/22

Thx for your work! (I love the new Baron)

I would love a rebalancing of a few really bad void legendaries. Make them unique not just bad or op.

Have a great day!

Do you love Baron? Because he lost his secret skill? Or?

Sep 27, 2022, 16:1609/27/22
Sep 27, 2022, 16:18(edited)

When are you going to clarify the unkillable situation with Iron twins, upgrading and gearing a team for it is expensive, just so you make it obsolete next day is a huge disrespect and honestly if you want to cheese it with paragon and take a whole hour on the daily go hit your head on the wall, but please clarify asap, coming back to the too much time you need to bring down screen time on your game, CB avg 1 hour, dailies 2 hours (doom tower, fw... Etc) use resources another hour, and now another hour for Iron twins on a daily investment, no thank you I'm skipping specially cause of the joke with unkillable, oh and I got fast teams so other players with slow teams can do more time, let battles play in back ground so we can at least do cleanses and do other stuff in the meantime give mobile players their phone back, or straight auto finish instances which is the real correct solution let's say you did something 1000 times, you earned it

Sep 27, 2022, 17:3409/27/22

Do you love Baron? Because he lost his secret skill? Or?

read him over again. He didn't lose his secret skill. It's just no longer "secret" but guaranteed, with a 4 turn cooldown. So you can use it immediately. 

Sep 27, 2022, 17:5309/27/22
Abolition 00101101

When are you going to clarify the unkillable situation with Iron twins, upgrading and gearing a team for it is expensive, just so you make it obsolete next day is a huge disrespect and honestly if you want to cheese it with paragon and take a whole hour on the daily go hit your head on the wall, but please clarify asap, coming back to the too much time you need to bring down screen time on your game, CB avg 1 hour, dailies 2 hours (doom tower, fw... Etc) use resources another hour, and now another hour for Iron twins on a daily investment, no thank you I'm skipping specially cause of the joke with unkillable, oh and I got fast teams so other players with slow teams can do more time, let battles play in back ground so we can at least do cleanses and do other stuff in the meantime give mobile players their phone back, or straight auto finish instances which is the real correct solution let's say you did something 1000 times, you earned it

We have a few threads on the Unkillable situation in the forum proper, in the game discussion section.

To summarize for clarification though, it looks like one of the Iron Twins skills will Ignore Unkillable. This is in an effort to prevent a single rare champion from being able to solo cheese every affinity and every stage without even needing good gear.

As far as your autocomplete suggestion, I'll take that to Plarium. Right now the plan is to help people save more time with more quality of life changes with more Super Raids, more instant upgrades like the new artifact button, more improvements like the Tavern changes with the sliders, etc etc... But I'll take your feedback back.

Sep 27, 2022, 18:3609/27/22

The deck of fate does not sound that enticing at the first glance. 

If it is an additionally to other events it might be okay and perhaps a bit of fun but as a standalone event it would be not motivating from my point of view to consider spending ressources for it. 

If I spend ressources I want to have at least an impression of what rewards I would get for my efforts. Hiding these rewards behind another layer of RNGesus...well...not what I consider worth spending ressources for...

Sep 27, 2022, 19:5209/27/22

Thx for your work! (I love the new Baron)

I would love a rebalancing of a few really bad void legendaries. Make them unique not just bad or op.

Have a great day!

Some videos are cropping up about how he's hardest hitting champ in the game on his AoE now.... 

This Is THE BIGGEST Buff Ever... Not Controversial... New Baron 

Sep 28, 2022, 10:3609/28/22

Do you love Baron? Because he lost his secret skill? Or?

Good question. :D Because now , not chance to proc for all 3 skills. :D That's nerf for me, not buff.

Sep 28, 2022, 10:4409/28/22

Rebalancing a food Epic is good...but in order to make him more valuable. If a food Epic gets a rebalance and stays a food Epic it doesnt help. 

But not this epics. They are stay still foods, because they stay bad.

Sep 28, 2022, 12:3909/28/22

Nice new 1 sided promo code. Paylarium,  Apparently people that only play on a phone can go to hell.. thanks 

Sep 28, 2022, 15:3809/28/22

Meanwhile, Vrask still being like "Hurr-durr, I have an ability that's worse than my basic attack with only a negligibly higher multiplier" Yeah, I know, he's still of the best healers probably but come on, even Commons have more useful skills than his A2... And he's an Epic (for whom Deathknight ALMOST level 2 was sacrificed, never forget)

Sep 29, 2022, 01:0509/29/22

Rebalancing a food Epic is good...but in order to make him more valuable. If a food Epic gets a rebalance and stays a food Epic it doesnt help. 

Ripper was pretty good for Scarab King before his buff.  Now he becomes even better and has potential late/end game uses.

The other 2 are FW champions that will help early-mid game players. Bloodfeather's 30% turn meter reduction was pretty good in FW against bosses, and gets better with 50% in a booked 3 turn cooldown.  Snorting Thug's debuff stealing abilities improved.

Nothing bad with those buffs at all.   

Sep 29, 2022, 11:4309/29/22

Untill now my favorite hit man was Baron. I do not satisfy this modification. Because until now the hidden skill was generate pure damage, which is really helpfull at DT and Iron Tower too.

At Iron Tower level 7 ( I am not really top guys in this game ) -  Baron is my DMG in team, ( Warlord, Baron, Urogrimm, Carinal, Arbiter ) - previous version hidden skill cause 90k - 100k dmg to boss the current one down to 35k -> 45k

With current modification this guys a little better in arena, and speed up 12/6 farming to constant 5sec from previous 7 or 5 sec (if first 10% rolled)

So I like the previous version of Baron.