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Jamey&Megan’s Love Story

Jamey&Megan’s Love Story

It is not a fairy tale, but a true love story, much lighter than Rotos’ and Siphi’s drama, and more realistic than Khoronar’s and Minaya’s adventures. It is a story about two loving hearts that found a perfect synergy - their special key to happiness. 


We learned about Jamey&Megan’s love story quite by chance - they made a publication about their happy marriage and their passion for Raid in one of the groups dedicated to our game, and we could not just walk away without asking them a couple of questions. 

Jamey and Megan met almost a year ago, and ever since then, they have been inseparable. They became instant best friends and soulmates and felt as though they had known each other for centuries already! Neither of them believed in love at first sight up until that moment … Some time after they first met, they moved in together and have never spent a day apart since! Jamey&Megan got married ten months later on January 13th this year. 

Jamey, what do you remember about the first time you met Megan? It was outside of Raid, am I right? 

Yes, it happened not in Raid - we met on Facebook Dating. We both had children and we both had been married before. Neither of us expected to find each other at this stage in life. Before even meeting Megan in real life I uncharacteristically told my children that I was going to marry her someday! Within minutes of meeting her, I knew I was right. 

Now a little bit about me. I have HFA, which is High Functioning Autism (this will become relevant to the story later). Having Autism has made things difficult in every area of my life. Being misunderstood and frustrated was a daily part of my life … and then I met Megan. She took the time immediately to learn everything she could about it and about how it affected me directly.

How and when did you start playing Raid? Jamey, did you discover Raid first, or maybe Megan?  Tell us about how it all started. 

January of 2021. I found Raid and was in love immediately. It appealed to my intellect and to my inner DnD nerddom on a new level. It truly was exactly what I needed. If I had to describe Raid in one word, it would be "cerebral". Well, by the time I met Megan, I had been playing for about two months.

How did Megan react when you showed her the game and offered to play together? Did you expect that she would share your hobby with you? 

She supported me! I was so happy just to have a girlfriend who didn't get mad I played it, I never thought to ask her to play with me. Lol

Not only did she want to play it, but it was all her idea to join me in my hobby! It started as a way to understand my special needs at the same time and share something with me she knew I loved, and turned into our common passion!

Did Raid help you become closer?

Absolutely yes! We play together every day! Not only is Raid a big part of our daily life, it is an even bigger part of our love story! 


Is this true that you raided on your honeymoon night? ; ) 

Yes, the rumors are true. We did indeed Raid on our honeymoon night! All be it, very short amount of time we did it because like the United States Postal Service ... neither rain sleet nor snow... (nor even honeymoons lol) nothing will stop us from raiding!

Are you both in the same Clan or do you play separately? Tell us a bit more about it! 

We have two Clans... Our main clan with a minimum of 700k to join and a starter Clan that has no requirements.  It's a recruitment Clan to help the active players with the game so they can grow and join the main Clan.

The names are “Empty but Whole” and “Empty but Whole 2”. 

Btw, we were gifted a pretty much dead Clan in April of last year and have worked nonstop to build it up! We are very proud of our peeps and have a lot of really loyal and active members that have been with us since right after we took over. We absolutely love running the Clans, and treating it like the family we feel Raid has become has proven to be an effective leadership strategy!

How do you feel when one of you summons a great Champion or a Champion that you have been wanting for a long time? Aren't you envious at all? Or, vice versa, are you happy? 

We absolutely do not get jealous of Champs we get or levels we reach etc. With several accounts just between my wife's accounts and mine, we definitely have the gambit of differences and similarities. We support each other through all of it, that's the beauty of RAID ... So much going on you really can't get envious of someone because two seconds later you got something or did something they hadn't yet. It's a never-ending cycle so it's really easy to just be supportive, and happy with what you have at the same time!

Although I will say when Megan first started she burned rearguard Sargeant for food, and I still don't let her live that one down 😂😂😂

Where do your views on Raid coincide, and where do they differ?

They coincide on every level, but such is how it goes when you are soulmates. We really do agree on everything with the game ... Good and bad. 

We both love the visuals, and both wish there was a faster option than 2x. 

We love comparing builds and helping each other figure out the best strategies, etc. But we both aren't fond of grinding for gear as hard as we have to just to get one useable piece lol

Is there a competition between you? For example - who will advance further in the Doom Tower or deal more damage to the Demon Lord?

We do not compete within our family but we are so super competitive in the game for sure! We support each other in all areas of the game 100 percent and see eye to eye on pretty much all of it from the beauty of the design and graphics to the complaining about the little things we like to complain about when things don't go our way, like say, a bad gear roll or falling 10k short of the big chest in Clan Boss!

We have been watching and reading all the lore from the game as a family and we all have our favorites, some that we do have and some that we don’t have! (ARBITER I'M COMING FOR YOU!)

Are there any jokes or funny stories related to Raid that other people (who do not play Raid) are unlikely to understand, but they are close to you?

Honestly, the best story related to RAID that no one but Raiders understand ... is this experience right here. Since posting my story of our wedding and a smaller version of our story, the love we received from the community made my new wife cry tears of joy and melt our family's collective hearts. At a time when my sole mission in real life is to make her happy raid family came through more than my real family did! Over 350 positive reactions, 100 comments on just one post, and not one piece of hate!!

Getting to tell our story, getting to shout from the mountain tops about my love for her, to the Raid community... is the highlight of our experience so far! Thank you!

If you could become a part of the Telerian world and be a couple there, which Champions would you be and why? 

We really are Cupidus and Venus… A love so pure of heart, that it transcends immortal boundaries!

Who is your favorite Champion (or Champions) in Raid and why? 

Well, favorite Champion is a tough one because there's no one Champion that would be a favorite in all areas. Together... Our favorite champs are Cupidus and Venus as I stated earlier. Favorite that we own currently would be, for me, Bad-El-Kazar for his insane versatility through the whole of the game.

Megan's that she has currently is Scyl of the Drakes as she only recently got her and has transformed her game as only Scyl does! 

Both of us have a favorite we don't have is Arbiter for obvious reasons. Cannot wait for her... If it ever happens lol

What are your plans for the future? Do you have some common goals in Raid for 2022? Or maybe each of you has an individual plan? 

Well, we are still young and we travel the country with our kids enjoying the best this country still has to offer. As for plans in the game, we both are setting the goal of finishing Faction Wars by the anniversary of when we met, March 23rd! I personally am a little further ahead of her so I am also focused on the arduous journey of trying to upgrade a hall bonus from lvl 6 to lvl 10 in order to get ARBITER. 

Our interview has come to an end, but it does not mean that it is the end of the story - true love stories never have endings as one well-known writer told. 

Guys, it was such a pleasure talking to you. Thanks for taking the time and sharing with our Community your story.  

Feb 14, 2022, 09:2502/14/22
Mar 4, 2022, 03:4503/04/22


Nov 3, 2024, 22:2311/03/24
Nov 3, 2024, 22:24(edited)

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