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Update 5.20 Highlights

Update 5.20 Highlights

Hey, Raiders!

We hope you are ready to start your February with a fresh Raid Update! 5.20 will focus entirely on a number of quality of life improvements, but we think you’re going to love them. Those of you who watched the 4th episode of What’s Next In Raid? will immediately recognize these features as well. We’ll be adding new filters to the Tavern and making a few other renovations, adding more options for Team Presets, expanding the Classic Arena with a new Gold V Tier and increasing the number of positions in the Platinum Tier, and working on decreasing the amount of time farming the Doom Tower takes. We’ll also buff a couple of Champions for the sake of balance.

Oh, and speaking of Champions. We’ll add a bunch of new ones as well, including a very special lovebird couple for Valentine’s Day and a few Champions with the brand new Increase RESIST/Decrease RESIST Skills!

Read on if you want to find out more. 

Tavern Improvements

We know the Tavern can get quite crowded after you’ve spent a few months adventuring in Teleria and summoning Champions to aid your cause. The cellar where XP Brews are kept can get very messy as well. But we’re on the case! As promised, we’ll add a handy filter and sort the XP Brews in a more convenient way.

The new “Show Upgradable Only” filter will hide all Champions who are ineligible for a specific upgrade. For example:

The Upgrade Level tab will only show Champions who have not yet reached max Level for their Rank

Upgrade Rank will do the opposite and only show Champions of max Level for their Rank

Upgrade Skills will hide Champions who have entirely upgraded their Skills

Ascend will not display Champions whose Ascension equals their Rank

Just don’t forget to flick the filter off after you’ve chosen the Champion you want if you are looking to upgrade their Rank using other Champions. Also, you’ll be able to switch between Ascending and Descending order of Champions to ease navigation. 

All XP Brews will be grouped into a single slot according to their Affinity, so you won’t have to scroll through dozens of them to get the kind you want. When they are selected to upgrade a Champion’s Level, you’ll see a neat little slider to regulate the number of Brews you wish to consume. Cranking it up to “MAX” will add as many XP Brews as are needed to increase the lucky Champion’s level to whatever limit their current Rank allows.

Team Setup

Here’s another change we’ve mentioned a few times already. Update 5.20 will expand the existing PvE Saved Teams into 3 distinct categories: General (Campaign, Dungeons, Demon Lord), Faction Wars, and Doom Tower. Hydra Battles and PvP will retain their own Saved Teams, of course. 

To make things even better, each of those 5 categories will have 15 Saved Team slots (up from 10)! And we’ll also make a tiny change to the selection mechanics. Now, whenever you remove a Champion from a Slot in a Saved Team, the Slot will remain empty without the rest of the team shifting - we know it can be quite annoying to re-select the entire team if you only wanted to give it a new Leader.

Classic Arena Upgrade

The Platinum Tier is going to see a significant expansion in Update 5.20. Where it could only allow 300 players before, now it will grow to 500. We’ve also increased the number of Magisteel ingots in Platinum Tier Battle rewards to 7-8.

Furthermore, we’re adding a whole new Tier - Gold V - that will occupy the position between 3500 and 3800 Arena Points. Those who managed to earn more than 3500 in the Gold IV Tier will be promoted to Gold V, while those in the Platinum Tier below 3800 Points will be demoted to Gold V instead. The changes will take effect immediately with the Update, so don’t forget to restart your game to see your new position in the Classic Arena Tiers correctly.

Super Raids in Doom Tower

We know that the volume of content in Raid has grown a great deal with all the new game modes and Bosses that we’ve released. We also know that you guys can’t spend your entire day saving Teleria, so we’re taking steps to decrease the amount of time you need to farm the content you’ve already beaten. To that end, we are going to run a few tests and make Super Raids available for the Doom Tower.

There won't be many changes as far as the mode itself is concerned. Super Raids will be available for the duration of one Doom Tower rotation and will only affect Boss floors after they’ve been beaten the first time in that rotation. As with Super Raids in the Dungeons, they will consume double the resources required, but also provide double the rewards!

Note that this feature may not be available for each and every rotation!

Champion Balance Changes

Thea the Tomb Angel

  • Base stats changed: Base SPD increased from 85 to 95.
  • Aura Skill added: Increases Ally ATK in all Battles by 30%.

[Skill 2 – Hexreaper]

  • Effect changed: Now doesn’t remove [Hex] debuffs from enemies after attacking.
  • Cooldown decreased from 6 to 5 turns.

[Skill 3 – Not Of This World]

  • Cooldown decreased from 6 to 5 turns.


  • Base stats changed: Base SPD increased from 94 to 100.

[Skill 3 – Crumble] (Un-Ascended)

  • Skill changed. New version: Attacks all enemies. Has a 75% chance of placing a [Block Active Skills] debuff for 2 turns. (Old version: Attacks all enemies. Has a 50% chance of placing a [Block Active Skills] debuff for 2 turns.)

[Skill 3 – Crumble] (Ascended)

  • Skill changed. New version: Attacks all enemies. Has a 75% chance of placing a [Block Active Skills] debuff for 2 turns. Also has a 75% chance of placing a 60% [Decrease DEF] debuff for 2 turns. (Old version: Attacks all enemies. Has a 50% chance of placing a [Block Active Skills] debuff for 2 turns. Also has a 50% chance of placing a 60% [Decrease DEF] debuff for 2 turns.)

New Champions

New Effects

Increase RESIST 25/50% - Increases the Champion’s Resistance (RESIST) Stat by 25% or 50% respectively for X turns.

Decrease RESIST 25/50% - Decreases the target Champion’s Resistance (RESIST) Stat by 25% or 50% respectively for X turns.







Fusion Champions







Feb 8, 2022, 15:3402/08/22
Feb 10, 2022, 12:1802/10/22

Whilst the announced QOL features tend to direct in the right way, it rather seems to me merely to be a 'quick win' or 'low hanging fruit' regarding the effort put into implementation, however, thanks for the fish, yet I really would love to see something more substantial being realised.

Many areas in the game have tedious and redundant steps (read: "too much tapping/clicking") required to perform a certain kind of action.

I'd like to criticise some of them here and utter my suggestions on these.

1) Bulk-summon champions:

   When I open green shards, most of the time I go for 30 to 70 at once, which is lot's of clicking in the end.

   Since I do have a defined:

- maximum of space in the tavern

    - amount of silver

- amount of shards

summoning-amounts would be calculable, hence I'd like to have a slider to summon X champions, the result could be displayed in a similar manner as the sum-up of a set of finished "Multi-Battle"

2) Enhancing items by applying glyphs:

Let's assume we do have an item with multiple substats (e.g. 4)

Currently, I do have to single select a single glyph per substat and apply it to the item or attempt an upgrade of the current glyph-bonus.

For each attempt I do have to select glyph and click, for the 3 other substats too.

Least I would want to have is a "max stat with this glyph"-option,

e.g. apply a Speed Rank 5 Glyph to the speed substat until either:

- maximum roll was achieved

- no more glyphs for selected rank available

- lack of silver to perform upgrade attempt

And if I'd be the insatiable feature urchin I am, I'd like to have it like this:

Similar UI as in the champion-fusioning menu.

topmost: my item and its mainstat

split into 4 coloumns beneath:

substat #1, substat #2, substat #3, substat #4

left bar: my glyphs I may select to assign per substat

a) One Button with "perform upgrade"

b) One Button with "perform until maxed"

Whilst a) is just a check for "does the current amount of silver suffice to perform the upgrade attempt",

I am aware b) would be bit more complex, however:

Let's cut it down to let it run from left to right through the individual glyph application attempts and stop for all if the silver is depleted.

Aside of that 2 possibilities:

- Columns for substats which ran out of glyphs/ are maximised should just become inactive whilst the rest keeps running.

- soon as one column is running out of glyphs/becomes maximised, stop the entire stack (probably easier to implement, yet not optimised usability imho, still a big improvement here)

3) Upgrading ranks of champions:

Upgrading Champions from Rank X to Rank X+1 is a pain regarding the amount of clicks and time I have to invest.

I'd love to have something similar like in the Champion fusion.

Similar UI as in the champion-fusioning menu.

topmost: 4 Cells for champions to get rank-upgraded, connected to each cell is a box consisting of 4 (better: 5) cells to assign chicken/champions for the upgrade.

This way I could reduce amount of clicking required, create tons of happy faces from your players and still keep the implementation effort for the feature on a decent level so stakeholders and product owners probably would give it a go ;)

Feb 10, 2022, 12:3602/10/22

I  don't  understand the  new  effects.

Lets  say  your  in  Arena.

The  Enemy  is  using  Speed  Team.

They  go  first  and  your  team  survived.

At  that  point,  Your  Resistance  Team  will  go.

It  will  be  turn  2  in  the  Arena  fight.

Lets  say  your  hero  in  battle  has  600  Resistance.

510  from  his  stats  +  90  from  Resistance  Aura  =  600  Resist.

Now  what  happens when  you  do  the  Increase  Resistance 50%  Buff?

The  effect  Description  says  Increase  Resistance  50%  times  X  turn.

It  is  turn  2  so  does  that  mean  my  heroes Resistance  will  increase  by  1  Resistance point?

They  will  go  from  600  to  601?

It  doesn't  make  sense  to  me.

Is  that  truly  what  will  happen or  am  I  understanding  this  new  effect  wrongly?

Feb 10, 2022, 15:1102/10/22

In my perspective as casual player with limited times to play, this fusion event seems promising, because I calculated: don't have chanche to collect lego - wich one is really coole looking ronin, great work -, so I would like fusion to Andryssia. But shame just Fylja the only epic which one fusionable. I don't  have chanche to race with unlimited time players.

Arena: Why faced in Gold I arena lot of player with Arbiter as team leader? My progression is blocked the quest: reach arena Gold II. that is very fustrating: many players after reach Gold IV ... requirement for earn Arbiter is go down in rank to Gold I?

How works arena teams, I think much realistic way if player play against other player which have near same day of game play.

Feb 10, 2022, 17:5202/10/22

The legendary pool keeps getting diluted yet no changes to summoning rates or mercy system. 

Under Fylja's description of her A3: "Attacks all enemies. Fills this Champion's Turn Meter by 15% and heals them by 15%....." Who is "them?" Them as in the enemies or Them as a pronoun being used to describe the champion? 

There has to be one individual at Plarium capable of revising ghetto English and correcting the grammar in the descriptions before release. 

I mean, that actually is correct grammar.  I have a ton of issues with Plarium wording things incorrectly but that one is fine.

Feb 10, 2022, 17:5702/10/22

90 is her fully ascended base stat currently. If you look in the portal at her unascended speed it's 85. So with the update her unascended speed will be 95 and fully ascended it will become 100 speed. 


Speaking of things which should have been in the game since launch, they really should have something in the game (linked from the index page perhaps) showing what increases you get for leveling/ascending a character at different levels.  It is pretty frustrating to have no idea.

Feb 10, 2022, 18:0202/10/22

Actually, if the "them" is referring to just this champion then it should be "her". Them is plural.

That's incorrect.  In French (and in the other romance languages) they have a non-gendered third person singular which everybody uses.  We don't in English.  In English we have a non-gendered third person plural which everybody uses.  They don't in French.  So in both languages we make due by reusing the third person non-gendered pronoun that we do have for both plural and singular.  It is silly and we should just add a word that we all agree upon to remove the issue, but as things stand (and as they've stood for hundreds of years) "them" is both plural and singular in English.  You can check out editing standards from 300 years ago pointing this out and it has never changed.