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Raid Digest (28.01.2022)

Raid Digest (28.01.2022)

So suddenly, in the blink of an eye, two weeks flew by. 

Dear Raiders, the time has come to dive into the new issue of the #RaidDigest. For now, we stand between the two releases - the one that passed and the one that is lurking silently from February. However, that’s no reason to get bored. Without any further ado, we invite you to read what we prepared for you. 

Champions and Their Fragments

Guurda Bogbrew - New Champion from the  Daily Login Program

As some of you might have noticed, a new Legendary Champion Guurda Bogbrew from the Faction Ogryn Tribes appeared in your Index. Guurda is the Champion, whom Raiders might get starting January 30, 2022 as a part of the Daily Login Program after collecting all the Scion Fragments.  Guurda Bogbrew is an HP Champion who specializes in applying a considerable number of Debuffs on their opponents.Guurda’s Passive Skill [Malign Tendrils] slows down your opponents each time they receive Debuffs, thus turning the course of a battle in your favour. A1 [Brew Mama] fulfills a similar function. And finally, their A3 [Hemlock Surprise] helps get rid of the debuffs imposed on your allies.  Guurda Bogbrew might be useful in the Arena and Doom Tower Stages due to her ability to decrease Turn Meter.

Yannica’s Fragments in the Clan Shop

Some of you have already collected Yannica’s Fragments, and started wondering if we are planning to add Fragments of any other Champion to the Clan Shop. For now, as soon as you summon Yannica from Fragments, you’ll start getting Glyphs 4* as a reward in that Clan Shop slot. Will another Champion  be added to the Clan Shop in the future? Only time will show. We’ll keep you updated on it. 

Mithrala Lifebane - Hydra Clan Boss Reward 

Another Legendary Champion who sparks discussions from time to time, is powerful sorceress Mithrala Lifebane. Mithrala is a unique reward, similar to Lydia, so you won’t be able to summon her from Shards or get 2 Mithralas from Hydra. As soon as you summon Mithrala Lifebane by collecting all needed Fragments from Hydra Clan Boss battles, you won’t get any other possibility to get a second one. As soon as it happens, her Fragments will disappear from the rewards pool, but worry not - you’ll keep getting other valuable Resources such as Clan Gold, Clan XP, Stone Skin and Protection Artifact Sets some of which might be in Mythical Rarity. In addition, we will be expanding the pool of Hydra rewards in future. Stay tuned. 

The Upcoming CvC Tournament

Let’s move to another question - CvC Tournaments. The next CvC Tournament will unfold on February 1st and will feature Personal rewards. We wish you all good luck in the upcoming fight! 

Shadowkin-themed Fan Art Contest

And last but not least, we would like to invite all artists to take part in our #RaidFanArt contest dedicated to Shadowkin Faction. The contest runs until March, 4, 2022.  All you need to do is share your Shadowkin FanArt on social media with the #RaidFanArt hashtag between January 13th and March 4th and we'll pick the best 10 entries to send their authors 1 Sacred Shard, 1000 Gems, and a brand-new Jintoro avatar. 

Follow the link to read more about the contest:

That’s all for now. Have a wonderful weekend ahead and happy raiding!

Jan 28, 2022, 12:3001/28/22
Jan 28, 2022, 13:0301/28/22

I try to sum up my reactions to this:

Guurda Bogbrew: After playing Raid for close to 2 years, I do not need this champ as a login reward. It will not bring much progress to my account. I would like to have the 4 sacred shards and 4 5*-chicken back as login rewards as they would help me much more in progressing the account. Do not try to tell me that with these login-champs after more than a year you want to explain mechanics to the player....this is just insulting.

Yannica's fragments: Well...I do not think that 4* Glyphs are really rewarding...or attractive for players. Neither are 2* or 3* chicken for anyone who passed 2nd class math. This is just another step in the wrong direction as it lessens the motivation for players to take part in CvC. 

Mithrala: the only reason to play Hydra...if you do not adequately replace her fragments after a player has gotten I said, she is the only reason to invest the heavy amounts of time to play Hydra. But good that you mentioned it I can stop playing Hydra after getting Mithrala. As for the other rewards: They are for mostly Plat arena...and I seem to have a bad stream of luck and getting almost 80% of flat stat items..can do without the frustration of running Hydra for some hours until I got the right series of RNG to be able to get some godd damage on it and than being rewarded with some 5 or 6* blue flat stat chest... Clan Gold? What can you do for it? Buying 4* Glyphs?   Aehm...the clan shop does not really hold many attractive offers...those that are present I can get with the weekly Clan quests...Clan XP?..Who cares?

Next CvC: Who without a credit card cares about that? Who with a real mind would think of personal rewards being tied to the success of the Clan instead of being...personal rewards?

Fan Art contest? Not my world...not my interest. While I love looking at those pictures, I think that the rewards are just way too low for the time and energy most people put into this.

The only 2 news items I want to read about is:

TAVERN QoL improvements is going live.

Plarium cuts down on the time needed to play the game.

You can forget about all the rest...not important for me.

Jan 28, 2022, 19:4501/28/22

Guurda Bogbrew is pretty meh but at least she isn't a slap in the face like the epic.  Seriously though, just replace the 5 star chicken and the sacred gem.  Whoever you are paying who is claiming that retaining players doesn't matter should be fired instantly.  They are giving you horrendous advice and will cost you tons of money over time.

Yannica's fragments - The replacement you have is just laughable.  

Mythrala - Good, so we get her and then stop playing hyrda.  Considering how much Plarium decided to quadruple down on RNG instead of actually making unique and rewarding gameplay, it is good that most people can just ignore that complete swing and a miss.  Even the krakens who have spent tens of thousands think it is way overtuned.

CvC - Nice to know I guess for those who care.  There isn't any reason for you not to tell us about the next one in advance as well.  More communication is almost always a good thing.

What you didn't mention:

Arena:  You have messed it up beyond belief again.  Even the end-game krackens are noticing.  Just triple the tiers, add them all above gold but keep the per-battle rewards the same as gold 4.  That would mean that 2/3rds of the playerbase can effectively farm for PvE which is the actual core of the game.  Your proposed fix (gold 5) is laughable. That isn't close to enough of a fix.  While you are at it, remove the player power aspect of matchmaking.  I have a referral account with account power of around 100k which sits in silver 4 fairly comfortably while people with much better accounts cannot find a win in silver 4.  Why is that? Because someone thought a ranking system in a PvP area should have pretty much nothing to do with the actual ability to do PvP against others of the same rank.  It is just a mockery of a ranking system.

Jan 29, 2022, 11:0101/29/22

I try to sum up my reactions to this:

Guurda Bogbrew: After playing Raid for close to 2 years, I do not need this champ as a login reward. It will not bring much progress to my account. I would like to have the 4 sacred shards and 4 5*-chicken back as login rewards as they would help me much more in progressing the account. Do not try to tell me that with these login-champs after more than a year you want to explain mechanics to the player....this is just insulting.

Yannica's fragments: Well...I do not think that 4* Glyphs are really rewarding...or attractive for players. Neither are 2* or 3* chicken for anyone who passed 2nd class math. This is just another step in the wrong direction as it lessens the motivation for players to take part in CvC. 

Mithrala: the only reason to play Hydra...if you do not adequately replace her fragments after a player has gotten I said, she is the only reason to invest the heavy amounts of time to play Hydra. But good that you mentioned it I can stop playing Hydra after getting Mithrala. As for the other rewards: They are for mostly Plat arena...and I seem to have a bad stream of luck and getting almost 80% of flat stat items..can do without the frustration of running Hydra for some hours until I got the right series of RNG to be able to get some godd damage on it and than being rewarded with some 5 or 6* blue flat stat chest... Clan Gold? What can you do for it? Buying 4* Glyphs?   Aehm...the clan shop does not really hold many attractive offers...those that are present I can get with the weekly Clan quests...Clan XP?..Who cares?

Next CvC: Who without a credit card cares about that? Who with a real mind would think of personal rewards being tied to the success of the Clan instead of being...personal rewards?

Fan Art contest? Not my world...not my interest. While I love looking at those pictures, I think that the rewards are just way too low for the time and energy most people put into this.

The only 2 news items I want to read about is:

TAVERN QoL improvements is going live.

Plarium cuts down on the time needed to play the game.

You can forget about all the rest...not important for me.

"I seem to have a bad stream of luck and getting almost 80% of flat stat items..can do without the frustration of running Hydra for some hours until I got the right series of RNG to be able to get some godd damage on it and than being rewarded with some 5 or 6* blue flat stat chest... Clan Gold? What can you do for it? Buying 4* Glyphs? Aehm...the clan shop does not really hold many attractive offers...those that are present I can get with the weekly Clan quests...Clan XP?..Who cares?"

Not just for you. I dont remember when i got not flat just percentage subtats 6star epic or legendary items from spider. At least minimum 2 subtats always flat always. It is a very strange RNG when i playing over 2 years and completed several thousand battles and got several thousand 6 epic and legendary items from Skavag. 


Jan 29, 2022, 11:4101/29/22
Jan 29, 2022, 11:41(edited)

Aehm, the amulet is a bad example, as the main is always flat (except crit damage) and the only % substat that can happen in an amulet is also %crit damage...

Feb 1, 2022, 11:0102/01/22

Guurda Bogbrew  would help me NOW!! in the Faction Crypt. Since I have only pulled till now crappy Ogryn. And Ghrush alone won't get me to 3Star.

But now I have to wait a half year for the Champ. Hopefully the shardpulling will be in my favour. 

What I  want to say is, that the Champ comes way to late even for me and my crappy Ogryn Champs. 

Please reconsider bringing back the Shard and the Chicken. This would help my progress and interest in the game way more. Since Shardpulling is is way mora appealing than waiting for a Champ over half a year.

Mithrala I can't wait to get mey Hands on her, but since I'm stuck in the lowest tier and my clan cant beat the Hydra it is only 1 to 2 fragments every week. So if I'm lucky I will have her by the beginning of 2023. That is. If I'm still playing the game.

When I got all the Yannica's fragments which will be this week the Clanquests will be way less interesting for me. Since it will take ages before my clan has reached the level where I can buy the intesting Shards and Books.........

I'm realy not sure what got into the person who thought up the "(un)personal" Rewards at the CvC. Clanexperincepoints are great, but this is not a personal reward.

Also I would realy like to get the PERSONAL rewards. Even if me and my clan do not win the CvC. Since it is a personal reward. Or is it?


The only 2 news items I want to read about is:

TAVERN QoL improvements is going live.

Plarium cuts down on the time needed to play the game. 

You got a good point. The only thing why I'm still playing this extremely timeconsuming game is because I have a great community in the discordchannnel I'm in. Otherwise I would have quitted the game long ago.

Everything is way to tedious and takes way to much time. 

Feb 2, 2022, 22:1102/02/22

After reviewing the forums to find something current on this release, it seems this is the only dialogue. That said, I'm only curious about one thing after these last couple releases.

1) Why did I see a "Power" Value decrease for nearly 70% of my characters? How do I know this occurred you may ask, well let me tell you.  I regularly review the status of all my characters to determine their power level and their areas of expertise for 5*/4* referral along with several other factors which I keep all on a spreadsheet. Now I am sure this is overkill, but its better than building out an entire Access database to manage all my characters.

Anyway, my concern is that the majority of my characters lost anywhere from 200 to 2000 points in "Power" value all in the last couple weeks. I know this also because during my regular reviews I verify what the previous values were to the current and then determine what Artifacts and Accessories I need/want to improve upon for specific characters.

Now this may seem unimportant to some, but for me to continue having fun playing this game, which is decreasing by the week, it sure would be nice to have some basic consistency and for you guys to quit making thoroughly tested updates.

That's enough of a soapbox for now. Rest assurred in the future I will be commenting more as this "game" has become more of an investment than I had planned for it to be. I have an F2P and P2P account each and I'm finding considerable differences between the two which is also off putting but I'll save that for another day.

Feb 3, 2022, 02:5302/03/22

After reviewing the forums to find something current on this release, it seems this is the only dialogue. That said, I'm only curious about one thing after these last couple releases.

1) Why did I see a "Power" Value decrease for nearly 70% of my characters? How do I know this occurred you may ask, well let me tell you.  I regularly review the status of all my characters to determine their power level and their areas of expertise for 5*/4* referral along with several other factors which I keep all on a spreadsheet. Now I am sure this is overkill, but its better than building out an entire Access database to manage all my characters.

Anyway, my concern is that the majority of my characters lost anywhere from 200 to 2000 points in "Power" value all in the last couple weeks. I know this also because during my regular reviews I verify what the previous values were to the current and then determine what Artifacts and Accessories I need/want to improve upon for specific characters.

Now this may seem unimportant to some, but for me to continue having fun playing this game, which is decreasing by the week, it sure would be nice to have some basic consistency and for you guys to quit making thoroughly tested updates.

That's enough of a soapbox for now. Rest assurred in the future I will be commenting more as this "game" has become more of an investment than I had planned for it to be. I have an F2P and P2P account each and I'm finding considerable differences between the two which is also off putting but I'll save that for another day.

Did you fall down a rank in arena?

Feb 7, 2022, 19:5602/07/22

how will we  know who the winners are

Feb 9, 2022, 04:4902/09/22

how will we  know who the winners are

They are typically announced in the Discord and contacted there as well.

Feb 17, 2022, 17:1602/17/22

what is the discord name so i can see the winners

Apr 19, 2022, 16:3904/19/22

@Harbby  If my leveling up and down in Arena is the reason why I constantly see a change in Power, then it's no wonder I continue to have challenges in so many other areas, i.e. dungeon and campaigns.

The recent changes to Arena have not seemed to make any differences in my opportunity for advancement. If anything, its seems worse.

Anyway, thanks for the response. I'm getting tired of all the issues I'm having now with this issue and so many others that it's about time I quit playing. Not worth the money nor the hassles I continue to run into.

Keep on trudging on everyone else and good luck with all the challenges.