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Patch Notes (14.01.20) Update 3.20

Patch Notes (14.01.20) Update 3.20


Hello, everyone!

This time, we’ve focused on making some highly requested improvements to a few existing features. Here’s all you need to know about this update:

New Daily Login Rewards. 

Now, after you collect your 270th Daily Login Reward, you’ll start a brand-new daily login program with 30 Days of rewards! This new 30-day program will reset after you collect all of the rewards, then you’ll be able to start all over again each month. The new program includes Accessories, Glyphs, Gems, Chickens, Silver, Shards, Energy, XP Boosters, Tomes, Charms, Forge Materials and XP Brews.

More slots for your gear and Champions. 

We are increasing the number of slots in your Artifact and Accessory Storage from 700 to 1000. We are also increasing the number of slots in your Champion Collection from 200 to 300.

Champion and battle fixes

- The Scarab King’s Vile Absorption skill has a new visualization. He now places one hit for each buff on the target, instead of one single hit.

- Champions killed by the Magma Dragon’s Overburn skill now die properly instead of remaining standing with an empty HP bar. That was, uh, weird.

- Fixed some visual bugs for Rhazin Scarhide’s, Longbeard’s and Skullcrusher’s skills in the Doom Tower.

- Fixed the order of actions in Faceless’ Lightning skill according to the description.

- Master Butcher’s Heat Exchange passive skill now works correctly with the Robar’s Wild Swing skill.

- The Evil Eye Mastery now works correctly with Skullcrown’s Wave of Souls skill, decreasing all enemies’ Turn Meters.

- Candraphon now places an extra hit with his Punish Hubris skill if the target has buffs.

- Cupidus will now correctly be frozen by Freeze debuffs placed by Tormin the Cold.

- Prince Kymar now doesn’t remove Unkillable debuffs from Skullcrown before attacking her with the Abyssal Gaze skill.

- Steelskull now heals allies correctly with the Cleansing Spell skill after removing a Heal Reduction debuff.

- Fixed the bug that caused dead Spiderlings to show up in the Info popup in battles in the Spider’s Den.

- Fixed visual bugs with Freeze debuffs and Champions moving around the battlefield.

Game Experience Enhancements

- Clan Boss battles now don't start in Auto mode.

- Fixed the bug that showed an empty battle result window if the Doom Tower reset while you were still in a battle in the Tower.

- The time spent in-game is now displayed correctly in the Clan Activity Quests window.

- The time left until Tag Team Arena refresh is now displayed correctly after locking and unlocking your device.

- Refactoring and general optimizations.

That’s everything we’ve got for you! Let us know what you think of these changes on our forums, and keep an eye on the News for more updates soon.

Jan 14, 2021, 13:3001/14/21
Jan 14, 2021, 13:3501/14/21

Спасибо что вы есть! Вы создали самую лучшую игру!) 

Jan 14, 2021, 13:3701/14/21

Nothing about Coldheart?

Jan 14, 2021, 13:3701/14/21

Did you guys fix Coldheart's AI for FK? Also, it would be nice if you could give the same treatment to every other champ that similarly has a multi-hit A1 when fighiting the FK - Zavia, Rhazin, Coffin Smasher are three that I use myself that would benefit from this.

Jan 14, 2021, 13:4001/14/21

No Coldheart fix on Fire Knight?

Jan 14, 2021, 13:4101/14/21
Jan 14, 2021, 13:41(edited)

"Prince Kymar now doesn’t remove Unkillable debuffs from Skullcrown before attacking her with the Abyssal Gaze skill."

You do realize that the skill specifically states that it removes all buffs, THEN attacks, right? You're going backwards here. You should be fixing Rae to do the same thing. Her A3 LITERALLY has the same text.

Jan 14, 2021, 13:4201/14/21

Still no word on fixing Santa's AI either?..We need him to prioritize his Unkillable in CB...and everywhere

Jan 14, 2021, 13:5101/14/21

"Prince Kymar now doesn’t remove Unkillable debuffs from Skullcrown before attacking her with the Abyssal Gaze skill."

You do realize that the skill specifically states that it removes all buffs, THEN attacks, right? You're going backwards here. You should be fixing Rae to do the same thing. Her A3 LITERALLY has the same text.

wrong. His skill reads: "Attacks all enemies. Removes all Buffs. Places a [Sleep] debuff for 1 turn."

Jan 14, 2021, 14:0201/14/21

No Coldheart fix on Fire Knight?

Coldheart now works as intended by the previous fix, feel free to test her out and report back if you encounter any issues. 

Jan 14, 2021, 14:0601/14/21

Really happy for this patch and indeed Coldheart now seems to do what previously announced.

I wish you would have included 1 legendary book in the 270+ daily reward, that's really the one thing missing there: 9 months into the game you should be reward with a lego book a month for keep logging in.

Last thing, please consider moving to an agile approach of rebalancing champs and AI fixing on a monthly bases (even every 2 months would be great). It was great to give a 1in100 chance to get a Sir Nick but now you get 1in100 players more complaining about is silly AI.

Food for thought...

Jan 14, 2021, 14:3101/14/21

As always, the artwork team nailed it. 

Really liked the new champion designs (not recolour ones) and the repeatable 30 day daily login reward cycle.

However I'm still not happy about Vogoth & him making Bergoth (the hard earned champ) literally useless.

Jan 14, 2021, 14:5701/14/21

For those who paid coin to increase the champ vault to 300 - the 300 update is not useful  Would be better if Plarium did a +100 to the vault instead of just increasing to 300.

Jan 14, 2021, 15:2401/14/21

Another sacred, void, and 5 star chicken every 30 days? I'm not going to complain, awesome!

Jan 14, 2021, 15:2801/14/21

For those who paid coin to increase the champ vault to 300 - the 300 update is not useful  Would be better if Plarium did a +100 to the vault instead of just increasing to 300.

I don't think they just upped everyone's storage to 300, but you now have the option to increase your own to 300. Because I was at 150 before (and 140 in vault), and am still at the same 

Jan 14, 2021, 16:0401/14/21

can you make vizier AI use only A1 in clan boss please this will make him the best in clan boss because its so annoying to manually him the hole time 

Jan 14, 2021, 16:0501/14/21

and can you give us finally duplicate system for legendaries please all of us will be happy with it 

Jan 14, 2021, 16:0501/14/21

"Prince Kymar now doesn’t remove Unkillable debuffs from Skullcrown before attacking her with the Abyssal Gaze skill."

You do realize that the skill specifically states that it removes all buffs, THEN attacks, right? You're going backwards here. You should be fixing Rae to do the same thing. Her A3 LITERALLY has the same text.

Her buff comes after the attack. Shouldn't be removed.

Jan 14, 2021, 20:0201/14/21

hello im knew to the game 

Jan 14, 2021, 23:4901/14/21

raid 3.20 mod ?

Jan 14, 2021, 23:5301/14/21

cheers for the daily login rewards after not having any for quite some time its a good feeling collecting freebies lol 

Jan 15, 2021, 02:5701/15/21

been playing raid literally every day for more than 1.5 year. I'm 100% F2P and from this standpoint I can positively say that right now I am enjoying the game more than ever.

yes I have complaints (as always) but you've finally managed to outweigh the negative aspects, so I'll leave them aside for now.

well done and try not to f@k it up..

PS: the art department delivers once again. arguably the best one in the genre.