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Raid Digest (17.09.21)

Raid Digest (17.09.21)

Hello, Raiders! Two weeks passed pretty fast, and the time has come for our regular #RaidDigest. Without further ado, I invite you to dive into it.

The upcoming CVC Tournament

First up - the upcoming CVC Tournament, namely, the time of its launch. Next week, the CvC Tournament will start not on Tuesday, but on the following Saturday.  As usual, 24 hours before its actual start, you’ll see a teaser in the game. There will be no change in the duration, it will remain 48 hours. 

Is it a one-time thing or a permanent change? Time will show. We saw a lot of your requests to launch the tournament over a weekend and so decided to give it a try. Let’s see how things go.

Super Raids

One of the main objectives of the feature is to make players' game-time more efficient and rewarding. By analyzing where our players spend most of their time, we decided that Dungeons should be the first location to try out our new feature. The first one was a test run, which means that this feature might be modified and improved in the future based on our analytics and your feedback.

One more thing: even though Super Raids grant х2 XP, double Rewards, and save your time, they won’t be taken into account in any way in the Clan Quests and CvC Tournaments.  

For example, when completing the quest “Clear the Ice Golem’s Peak (or any other Dungeon) 200 times”, you’ll need to beat Ice Golem 200 times (not 100!) despite Super Raids being available on Ice Golem at that time.  

As for CvC, the situation is similar there: the number of Points earned in Dungeon Objectives won’t be doubled during Super Raids. 

Doom Tower Bosses

Bommal and Dark Fae are certainly no piece of cake, but a lot of our experienced players have already succeeded in finding several tactics to conquer them. We’ll carefully analyze your feedback and the analytics in this area as soon as the current Doom Tower cycle ends. 

Meanwhile, we suggest that you watch YouTube videos of our content creators about Doom Tower 3 and its Bosses to find out more about the tactics and Champions that could help beat Bommal and Astranix. Carefully check the Bosses’ Skills to see which weaknesses they have and use your Champions’ strengths to win. 

Unfortunately, if you try to beat DT Bosses with universal teams, not trying to adapt it to the new battle conditions, you probably will be defeated. 

Last but not least, please do not forget about your accounts’ security. We highly recommend enabling 2FA in our Plarium Play and sleep peacefully.

Have a great weekend, everyone! 

Sep 17, 2021, 15:3309/17/21
Sep 17, 2021, 16:3909/17/21

Any reason why CvC points won't be doubled with super raids?  Or is that just how it is currently programmed? If as you stated:

"One of the main objectives of the feature is to make players' game-time more efficient and rewarding. "

If rewards are doubled, tournament/event points doubled, silver/sp....., why not CvC points.  Seems counter-intuitive to both efficiency and rewards :}

That said, it is a great feature! Hopefully it is expanded globally.

Also, any chance on increased team presets?  10 is just not near enough.

Sep 17, 2021, 18:5709/17/21
Sep 17, 2021, 19:03(edited)

The upcoming CVC Tournament  ON SATURDAY?!!?!? Do you want to still our weekend? :-|

I think I will skip this one... and if you keep start CvC on weekends I will just give up on playing CvC... :-(

Most of us have a social life. If some people want to play CvC on weekend, start it on Sunday and finish it on Monday... ;-) 

Sep 18, 2021, 05:1909/18/21

2FA only works on PC, right?  So the mobiles, where most people play are at risk, right? So how well should I sleep when my account is largely unprotected?  Would love to see mobile authentification.

Sep 18, 2021, 11:2409/18/21

2X Please Please! install this ASAP for all Dugeons and Campain.

TY TY for changing CVC to the weekend when most people have more free time to play.

Sep 18, 2021, 18:1909/18/21

Tournament of Clans. Show me at least a thousand of those who asked to postpone TC for the weekend, seriously. I play in a fairly successful guild, most of whose members, if not all, are not very happy with the date. Many families have completely different weekend plans.

Superraids are, generally, a good attempt to counter speed hackers, although getting equipment is not the most time-consuming operation.

Regarding the DT bosses - basically the expected answer, although instead of referencing the answers to the answers to the content creators, you could try to provide them by yourselves, as far as I can see, very few players use bombs as a mean of getting through Bommal.

Sep 18, 2021, 22:5909/18/21

Tournament of Clans. Show me at least a thousand of those who asked to postpone TC for the weekend, seriously. I play in a fairly successful guild, most of whose members, if not all, are not very happy with the date. Many families have completely different weekend plans.

Superraids are, generally, a good attempt to counter speed hackers, although getting equipment is not the most time-consuming operation.

Regarding the DT bosses - basically the expected answer, although instead of referencing the answers to the answers to the content creators, you could try to provide them by yourselves, as far as I can see, very few players use bombs as a mean of getting through Bommal.

So now holding events on the weekend is bad?

Alot of work places must be more understanding than mine to allow people to play during work hours, because to reach some of the outlandish requirments some clans are putting out there you would need 8 hours of play time to doit.

For you long time players maybe Gear is not an issue for newer players it is a huge issue and a big part of why people leave the game IMO

Sep 19, 2021, 14:1909/19/21
Sep 20, 2021, 07:11(edited)

"One more thing: even though Super Raids grant х2 XP, double Rewards, and save your time"

"For example, when completing the quest “Clear the Ice Golem’s Peak (or
any other Dungeon) 200 times”, you’ll need to beat Ice Golem 200 times
(not 100!)


No is not save time, but burning energy faster. When you need to do quest,missions etc the 2x wont work to save time.

[snip]... make 4x timer.

Edited by your friendly Moderator. -Q

Sep 27, 2021, 15:0309/27/21

Поверніть кланові турніри на вівторок! Субота - це була дуже погана ідея!