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Patch Notes (01.07.21) Update 4.40

Patch Notes (01.07.21) Update 4.40

Bug fixes and quality of life improvements!


This release is mostly focused on bug fixes and quality of life improvements. Here’s the list of everything: 

Game Experience Enhancements

  • Added x10 Summon option for Void Shards.
  • Players can now view Clan Boss difficulty and Clan Boss Chest info without joining a Clan.
  • Changed Artifact and Accessory selling flow. After tapping Sell, you must now select the Gear you want to sell from scratch. Whichever piece of Gear you had previously selected won’t be automatically included in your selection to be sold.
  • The “Summon Gomlok Skyhide from Fragments” Progress Mission has been moved from the 6th Mission Part to the 7th.
  • Fixed a bug that allowed you to simultaneously select the same Champion to be Ranked Up and sacrificed.
  • Any selected Champion Ratings will now be saved when closing the interface and visiting locations from the Recommended Artifacts tab.
  • Added Rarity border to Artifacts and Accessories shown in the Clan vs Clan Tournament intro popup.
  • Disabled hotkeys when inserting Promo Codes on Plarium Play.
  • Champions in Saved Teams are now removed from the Sparring Pit without any errors.
  • Fixed a translation issue in the confirmation message when you remove an Artifact or Accessory.
  • Skill Instructions no longer reset when changing Champions using drag & drop in the Tag Team Arena Defense window.
  • The default name of the Team when setting up Skill Instructions for Classic and Tag Team Arena Defenses now changes depending on the chosen language.
  • Fixed the voiceover for the Tag Team Arena tutorial.
  • Fixed a bug that resulted in “doubled” battles in Tag Team Arena’s Battle Log, causing players to automatically lose the doubled battle.
  • The “red dot” indicator no longer displays in the Versus tab of the CvC Tournament when a Clan didn’t earn enough Points to receive at least one of the Versus Rewards.
  • The Saved Teams interface now scrolls smoothly on Plarium Play and on mobile devices.
  • Fixed how various game elements display on the iPhone 12 Pro.
  • Fixed how the Saved Teams interface displays on Samsung Galaxy Z Fold 2.

Champion and battle fixes

  • Fixed a bug that resulted in the camera not moving to the next Battle Round if Champions use Team-Up skills.
  • Battles in the Spider’s Den no longer freeze when using Champions with Team-Up skills in the Team.
  • [Poison], [Bomb], and [HP Burn] debuffs no longer reset the Opener Skill instruction.
  • Passive skills that trigger on placing a debuff now work as intended after transferring debuffs.
  • Fixed a bug that caused Decrease ACC debuffs not to be placed correctly when Chani is on the team.
  • Trunda Giltmallet no longer places [Stun] debuff on Weak Hits with her Golden Mallet skill.
  • Queen Eva now decreases the Turn Meter and resets the cooldowns as intended with her Energy Drain skill in Campaign Battles.
  • Fixed a bug that caused Abbess to have weird pink textures after being revived.
  • Underpriest Brogni’s Redoubt Passive skill no longer reflects damage when someone is damaged by Elder Skarg’s Kingslayer Passive skill.
  • All buffs placed no longer disappear visually when the Clan Boss places the final hit in a Battle.
  • Fixed a visual bug that made Champions lie on the ground after being revived in Tag Team Arena Battles.

That’s everything we’ve got for you! Let us know what you think of these changes. 

Jul 1, 2021, 11:4007/01/21
Jul 1, 2021, 11:4907/01/21

Привет ! Мне нужен перевод на русский язык.

Jul 1, 2021, 11:5507/01/21

> The “Summon Gomlok Skyhide from Fragments” Progress Mission has been moved from the 6th Mission Part to the 7th.

Very nice! 

There's something weirds going on in 3v3 (maybe normal arena too) when tormin freezes and someone tries to take a turn. It will lag for a minute. 

Jul 1, 2021, 11:5507/01/21

i can totaly understand,that after a update  patch not all runs normal,but why always we wait so long to install and then again and again server down ? we always waste time for nothing and  in that game we need so or so alot time,to do all, a little compensation would be great....thanks 

Jul 1, 2021, 11:5707/01/21

is there not any chance,to test the upate and then we can install ? or maybe make this with all the content creators,many ways ,bit the actual way isnt cool

Jul 1, 2021, 11:5807/01/21

where is the update for CvC personal Rewards?

Jul 1, 2021, 12:1907/01/21

Whats up with the interface on iphone se?


Jul 1, 2021, 12:3807/01/21
Jul 1, 2021, 12:46(edited)




What  happened  to  the  screen  for  Iphone  SE?


Jul 1, 2021, 12:4207/01/21

Does anyone know why my updated version is only showing pending???

Jul 1, 2021, 12:4707/01/21

The game no longer opens on my mobile, Samsung Galaxy. She say to do update and does not open.. Update has already be done today at morning before I get into the game. Αnd now it does not open

OracleCommunity Manager
Jul 1, 2021, 13:5307/01/21

We've just noticed some issues with updating to the latest version on Android (and maybe on other devices as well). If you still cannot update the game, you might need to clear the Google Play Store app cache.

From a Home screen, navigate:  Settings > Apps.
Tap Google Play Store.
Tap Storage.
Tap Clear Cache then.
Tap OK.

Also it might help to re-install the application.

Many users reported that this helped them to bring the game back to life. Meanwhile, we keep investigating the issue

OracleCommunity Manager
Jul 1, 2021, 13:5707/01/21

Hi, loganbuddy07 ! Could you please provide more details about your device and other circumstances of the situation with the bug?

Jul 1, 2021, 13:5807/01/21

I have a fun idea!  Have you ever considered releasing a patch that actually works for all systems simultaneously?  Instead of just Apple, or just Android or PC?  That might be a fun change!!!

Jul 1, 2021, 14:0607/01/21
Jul 1, 2021, 14:07(edited)

How long does the update take to update!!??

Jul 1, 2021, 15:2507/01/21

Big Thankyou to a awesome Dev team :D

So happy to be playing a game that the Devs actually care about. Unlike so many dieing MMOs out there

Keep up the great work Plarium

Jul 1, 2021, 16:1307/01/21
Jul 1, 2021, 16:17(edited)

The New iphone SE version looks wonkey. 

Just loaded the game up after the update and this is what it looks like.

Running IOS 14.6 on a new iphone se.



It feels like everything has been shifted up and right

Jul 1, 2021, 17:2007/01/21

i cant log on to game this morning

as of 1 pm edt

Jul 1, 2021, 17:4207/01/21

Great, now if the game would load on my android and computer all would be good!

Jul 1, 2021, 17:5007/01/21

So, this is going to be like the last fusion with zero warning about the schedule prior to it suddenly appearing in the game tomorrow?  Seriously, just communicate ahead of time with us about what is coming up.  It is like "Life 101", it really shouldn't be that difficult to have open communication about upcomming plans.

Jul 1, 2021, 18:1707/01/21
