Hello, I recently acquired a perfect soul for Elhain. The perfect soul was for 6 stars. I used the perfect soul, now Elhain and the perfect soul have disappeared from the menu selection.
Please open a support ticket and give them a shout and hopefully they can figure out what's gone on.
Everytime it time for summon boost up to x25 chance, MY meter never fill up, so I never get the bonus. I put 40 blue shard in and meter never mover the blast 3 bonus, I done them when I clan vs clan time.
So what up with this I dont get any bonus.
And about your shard I have open 40 blue and got one purple, I have open my 7 purple and got all blue and the 2 yellow I got pruple, I am ready to quit.
One othe thing ove 400 blue shard I bean trying thing to get Justiciar my is it so hard to get him please tell
Everytime it time for summon boost up to x25 chance, MY meter never fill up, so I never get the bonus. I put 40 blue shard in and meter never mover the blast 3 bonus, I done them when I clan vs clan time.
So what up with this I dont get any bonus.
And about your shard I have open 40 blue and got one purple, I have open my 7 purple and got all blue and the 2 yellow I got pruple, I am ready to quit.
One othe thing ove 400 blue shard I bean trying thing to get Justiciar my is it so hard to get him please tell
Are you choosing a champ from the legendary and epic choices before you start opening shards? There's no known bug with progressives so this is likely the case.
Also Justiciar can be fused in the Relic Keeper fusion on the bottom left.
yes I have try everything by the book on the summon I go in pick what champion and make sure it takes and start opening my blue shard . I have read everything I can about the game and still can't find the answers.
I need Jucticiar first before, I can fuse. This what it tell me, and I dont have him.
Like I said I have open over 400 blue shard in the last month and no jucticiar
yes I have try everything by the book on the summon I go in pick what champion and make sure it takes and start opening my blue shard . I have read everything I can about the game and still can't find the answers.
I need Jucticiar first before, I can fuse. This what it tell me, and I dont have him.
Like I said I have open over 400 blue shard in the last month and no jucticiar
Are you referring to the Arbiter mission? If so, you are meant to fuse him as a rare in the relic keeper fusion.
also, if trying to pull him you can only get him from Void shards as he's a void champ.
I have been using a bund of void to and nothing, usely my void turn out tobe 90% blue.
I had just about all the blue champion in the game except him, and it does not make sence his blue if you look again he is rare not void, but you have to get him from pruple shard.
even the fusion page show him as rare not void on my web, so what up
I have been using a bund of void to and nothing, usely my void turn out tobe 90% blue.
I had just about all the blue champion in the game except him, and it does not make sence his blue if you look again he is rare not void, but you have to get him from pruple shard.
even the fusion page show him as rare not void on my web, so what up
just so you're clear on how to pull champs
regardless you can find justiciar in the permanent relic keeper fusion and fuse him there with farmable campaign rares
okay I understand what I did I had them lock by wa maiden and other lock so I did lose them so it would no show him being able to summon.
Glad it's all good now.
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