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1 key UNM - CVC 150k+ - Looking for new clan / Suche neuen Clan

1 key UNM - CVC 150k+ - Looking for new clan / Suche neuen Clan

Apr 13, 2022, 07:3204/13/22

1 key UNM - CVC 150k+ - Looking for new clan / Suche neuen Clan

Hallo alle, da mein jetziger Clan so langsam zerfällt, suche ich einen neuen Clan, mit dem ich gemeinsam meine Raidabenteuer erleben darf.

Clanboss - UNM 1key

CVC - mache ich regelmässig 150k+

Hydra - omg wie ich die hasse, komme ich nicht über bottom normal hinaus, da könnte ich dringend Hilfe gebrauchen ^^

Arena: G4

Stärke: 4.6M

Falls ihr das Gefühl habt, ich passe zu Euch, schreibt mir doch bitte kurz.

Alles Liebe

Hello everyone, since my current clan is slowly falling apart, I'm looking for a new clan with whom I can experience my raid adventures together.

Clan Boss - UNM 1key

CVC - I regularly do 150k+

Hydra - omg how I hate them, I can't get past bottom normal, I could really use some help there ^^

Arena: G4

Strong: 4.6M

If you think that I can fit with your clan pleas contact me.

All the best 

Apr 14, 2022, 00:3604/14/22
Apr 14, 2022, 00:39(edited)

Nightwatch is a great place to grow and learn - with plenty of support and guidance available, if you require. This may just be the home you’ve been looking for.  We have a massive discord family of experienced players and occasional visits by YouTube celebrity legends.

Preference: 3-4 CB Keys/Day and 3 star activity/day. We're looking for active and loyal DAILY players that are willing to learn and grow in a nice friendly environment. 

We have 2 clans doing 150k+ at CvC: [GTOW] and [GT0W]

Join our cluster discord channel to apply...Cheers!  

Clan name               |spot|  CvC      | lvl|     CB                   | hydra

`Nightwatch   |GTOW| 3   | T6  (150k)| 11 |UNM NM Brutal |  Hard    `

`Nightwatch 2 |GT0W| 0   | T6  (150k)| 11 |UNM NM Brutal |  Brutal  `

`Nightwatch 3 |GT3W| 2   |T5-6 (100k)| 11 |UNM NM Brutal |  Hard    `

`Nightwatch 4 |GT4W| 2  |T3-5  (80k)| 11 |UNM NM Brutal |  Hard    `

`Nightwatch 6 |GT6W| 2   |T1-3 (30k) | 11 |UNM NM Brutal |  Hard   `

`Nightwatch 7 |GT7W| 1   |T3-5  (70k)| 11 |UNM NM Brutal |  Hard    `

`Nightwatch 8 |SEAJ| 20  |  Casual   |  3 |              | Normal   `

`Nightwatch 9 |GT9W| 4  |  Casual   |  8 |UNM NM Brutal | Normal   `