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CTHULHU Uncluster - Looking for new members

CTHULHU Uncluster - Looking for new members

Apr 6, 2022, 15:5804/06/22

CTHULHU Uncluster - Looking for new members


We're a deliberately small and personable uncluster, where who you are matters. We're comprised of three clans:

• Cthulhu [CTHU] (1 spots) Top 50 clan! Top 20 CvC clan in the world!

       UNM/NM, CvC 300k+ in T6, Downs Nightmare Hydra, 8m+ PP

• House R'lyeh [HRLE] (1 spots)

       UNM/NM, CvC 180k+ in T6, Downs Brutal Hydra, 6m+ PP

• Shadows of Aylith [AYIT] (0 spots)

       UNM/NM, No CvC Requirement, 2-stars, 4m+ PP

We aim to avoid the assembly line feeling of large clusters, where most individuals disappear in anonymity. Our organizational structure, which is designed to optimize CvC performance, is quite different from other clusters. We don't consider ourselves a cluster for that reason.

As a group we've been around since day one. We have many veteran players, including some that rank amongst the top in platinum arena. We enjoy sharing our knowledge and expect the same of you. Discord is our home, where we foster friendship and fun! If this sounds like something you'd enjoy, then we'd love to hear from you!

**Main Requirements:**

• You enjoy talking and learning about the game on discord.

• You are eager to communicate and coordinate for CvC (only in CTHU and HRLE).

• You are working towards completing top level Hydra and are eager to help others do the same.

**What the Cthulhu uncluster has to offer:**

• Acquire up to 8 CB chests per day!

• We're a friendly bunch that is very active on discord!

• Plenty of experienced veterans, all willing to help each other out!

• We're one large clan. Move freely between CTHU, HRLE and AYIT

• We're very well organized!

• Clan Hall of Fame with full team listing!

• Clean and well organized discord server with a library full of knowledge, reference materials, tips & tricks!

• Boosted discord server!

Just drop in on discord and say hi! We'd love to meet you! Should none of our priests be available, just follow the posted instructions
