2 clans recruiting! 1 Competitive cvc / hydra clash clan and 1 beginner clan
Gainsandgames is recruiting!
💪 UNM / NM Killed Daily
💪 Normal / Hard / Brutal / Nightmare Hydra killed Weekly and top 3 in clash
💪 Normal / Hard / Brutal Chimera killed weekly and top 3 in clash
💪 Crushing T5 CvC
Requirements :
✅ Brutal 1 key hydra + or willing to be coached
✅ 50k points on personal CVC (try to keep up with us if possible though)
✅ Decent PVP defenses
✅ Use all your weekly keys
✅ Be active in discord
We don't just want strangers. We left a higher level clan of uncoordinated strangers that individually were monsters. We outpaced them in 2 weeks due to our leadership. Message me or reply to learn more!