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50k cvc clan looking for new members.50k cvc clan looking for new members.

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50k cvc clan looking for new members.

Oct 9, 2024, 11:4110/09/24

50k cvc clan looking for new members.

Hi.  My clan is gonna have at least one new spot opening up after this CVC.
If your looking to upgrade, maybe were a good fit.  I'm looking for someone who is 100% active and looking to play hard for the next year.  No casuals.  Your power is less important than your willingness to participate in clan events.  

Our CVC minimum is just 50k, but you must do at least that or please don't conside us. You shouldn't even have to use a single refill to get that imo.  I'm at 150k this cvc just from doing the fusion stuff.

We're are laid back, highly active, mostly f2p players

My clan is awesome, and our leader clears out the weeds every cvc end and replaces them, but we only attract new losers who barely even compete in their first cvc with us.  Its weird.  I want to change that.  Maybe we're the right clan for you.

We do Brutal, NM, UNM CB daily.  We clear all 4 hydras.  One guy now knocks out Nightmare solo.  We finish top three Hydra Clash 90% of the time.  In fact we git first in hydra clash again this last time.  We are doing well on Seige, but our wins now have us up against some tough competition.  But we always get some legendary 6star gear. I think I have 50 plus six star leg feral so far.  We get some tough cvc competition half the time, but we did win personal last cvc, and have 45 wins.  We're also just 45k from LV17 in the clan shop, so the whole inventory is gonna be available real soon.

If you think we might be right for you, reach out and tell me about yourself.  Thanks.
