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Rise of Moloch is recruiting one more! Easy thru Brutal killed daily.

Rise of Moloch is recruiting one more! Easy thru Brutal killed daily.

Aug 25, 2019, 01:5708/25/19

Rise of Moloch is recruiting one more! Easy thru Brutal killed daily.

Rise of Moloch (ROML) is looking for one more active player to join us in kicking ass and taking names. We’re ranked top 500 and kill from easy to brutal comfortably, daily. We’d like to start making solid runs at nightmare within the next month. We’re looking for someone that can deal at least 4 mil damage per key to the Brutal CB. No chat apps are required, 2 stars daily is preferred. Apply today, or ask questions here. Thanks for reading! -Rei
Aug 26, 2019, 01:0308/26/19

first post didn't go up for some reason.

I can apply tomorrow morning if you have spot open.

3 stars daily for past 90+days

lvl 57

5-6m per key (3-4 keys a day) on hard.  Clan hasn't unlocked brutal.  I haven't finish masteries yet either, just have 600 red scrolls to go to max out for most of cb team.

gold 4

let me know if I should apply, thanks