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Searching for an active and knowledgeable clan with Discord

Searching for an active and knowledgeable clan with Discord

Jan 2, 2023, 20:1701/02/23

Searching for an active and knowledgeable clan with Discord

I am currently a clan leader.  I initially created the clan simply as a way to casually play and to get daily rewards from the Demon Lord.  I promoted the clan to see what would happen and we filled up quickly.  However, I cannot get much interaction from the clan.  I am at a point where I feel I need to be actively engaged with knowledgeable players that enjoy the game as much as I do.  I would like to wait until after the current round of CVC before making the jump.  I also have a couple of members from the clan that I would like to have stay with me, if possible. 

Account Info: F2P, level 55 account that is 121 days old.  I log in daily, earn three stars for the clan, complete three clan quests weekly, and complete daily quests.  In the two CVC's that the clan has participated in I have averaged 43.6K points scored.  I am in Gold I in arena, almost completed Campaign in Nightmare, cleared Minotaur, stage 16 Ice Golem, stage 14 Spider, stage 14 Dragon, and stage 14 Fire Knight.  I am confident that with some tweaks I can likely progress further through these dungeons.  I am weak in Faction Wars (not a priority for me at the moment) and Doom Tower (would like to improve here).  As for Demon Lord, I scored 27.98M damage on Brutal in two keys today, the clan has not cleared Brutal, so I do not know how I would fare on Nightmare.  I have not had success with Hydra in a couple of times that I dived into it.

I am in the EST time zone (Eastern US) and currently work as an educator, so I am most active in the evenings outside of school hours.  I would like to have any expectations/requirements from the clan communicated to me.  I am open to joining a farm system/cluster of clans at the bottom and attempt to make my way up the ranks.
