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Demon Warz Clan Recruitment  Demon Warz Clan Recruitment

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Demon Warz Clan Recruitment

Apr 19, 2019, 10:4804/19/19

Demon Warz Clan Recruitment

Hello, have 1 spot open at the moment. if you would like to join i would like you to duke it out in the arena vs all the other contenders to see who is number 1.  

JK, need to help kill Hard Clan Boss, be active, friendly and get at least 2 clan activity stars daily. Easy. most of the clan is in a Line chat but a couple of us have Discord as well.

Apply today.

Apr 25, 2019, 18:2504/25/19
Kn1ghtmare said:

Hello, have 1 spot open at the moment.   

Need to help kill easy & normal Clan Boss, we finish hits on Hard but don't kill yet, be active, friendly and get at least 2 clan activity stars daily. Easy. most of the clan is in a Line chat but a couple of us have Discord as well.

Apply today.