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Android based Raid keeps starting over

Android based Raid keeps starting over

Jan 15, 2021, 19:2501/15/21

Android based Raid keeps starting over

I run my acount from a Pixelbook, a Samsung Note 10 and a Windows 10 PC.

I have zero issues with the Windows 10 version, and I always make sure I exit the game on one platform before I launch it on another... but....

On both the Pixelbook and the Note 10, when I try to start the game up it launches as if it's a fresh install and forces me to go through the tutorial every time before I get the option to log into my account.  After loging in I'm fine, but if I close the app I will have to do it all over again.

That sucks a lot.

Moreover, every so often when I do the long tutorial I log in and the system ponly partially loads my account iformation (ie. all heros load but gear doesn't).  When that happens, after the heart attack, I have been able to successfully exit and restart and get my gear back, but on the Pixelbook that seems to simply no longer be an option and I can only try so many times as I fear that eventually my Android device will over-write my inventory server side with the blank inventory on my device and I'll be reeaaaly screwed.

Seriously, why don't you have an optoion to skip the tutorial!?  The only meaningful choice you present is the starting hero choice, everything else is scripted.  Why not just give the option to skip it and just present the hero choice?  Why not launch the app with an option to just log into an existing account rather tthan ALWAYS launch to the tutorial?

Is there something I can do to make sure my andorid-based devices remembers my account info?  I noticed while I was troubleshooting the issue that Raid didn't have rights to storage, so I assumed the issue was that Raid couldn't write the acocunt data to the phone, but it makes no differece if that access is granted or not...

Please help!
