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I need help

I need help

Jan 7, 2021, 20:3201/07/21

I need help

When i try and log on i can get to the black screen with the Large white P and  Plarium under it. Then It hangs -- I have tried deleting all except my player file info as instructed. No help -- I will admit i am not a pc user so some of the things that might be suggested may be very hard for me to do . Sigh guess i have to tell all would be helpers my age 64 so now you know . I will say love the game would hate to lose my players developed so far - will go ever further and say if have to delete all file I will have to stop and consider if worth doing all over --- would hate to reach this stage again and have to restart a possable 3rd time . Thanks to any who can help and keep on playing to those who can this is a very good game for a single player there so few of them out there . I am using a laptop with windows 10 on it .  

Jan 7, 2021, 21:1901/07/21

I'm having the same problem too. My phone is an iPhone X. What's your phone brand? It happened after the last update

Jan 7, 2021, 21:4801/07/21

If you deleted the game, make the phone language in English. Restore the language. Then find the Raid app from the phone. Select the Raid application language in English. Restore language from within the game.

Jan 7, 2021, 23:0701/07/21

thanks but am using a laptop sorry