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Mods deleting messages they Want To ignore

Mods deleting messages they Want To ignore

Jul 15, 2019, 11:3407/15/19

Mods deleting messages they Want To ignore

I've noticed alot recently mods deleting comments about theyr mistake just so they can act like it never happened.

Like really, get a grip mods and take some responsibility and dont try To hide your mistakes when they are so obvious and makes you look like a joke just like the game is heading towards being a complete joke. 

Customer service is quite a Major part In a game like this and your level of involvement with the players is down right worse than first time Customer service employees. 

If short term game is the goal you are succeeding great. 

Jul 15, 2019, 12:1107/15/19
Only posts and threads that breach the forum rules are being deleted. Granted, if the whole thread is removed, it takes all posts that were there along even if those were not part of the original issue. But there is no way to save them, unfortunately.
Jul 15, 2019, 12:5807/15/19
Marius said:

Only posts and threads that breach the forum rules are being deleted. Granted, if the whole thread is removed, it takes all posts that were there along even if those were not part of the original issue. But there is no way to save them, unfortunately.
Then why is no high demand questions answered In proper detail is also 1 question, is 1 big reason People spam questions because players dont receive proper answers. 
Jul 15, 2019, 13:3407/15/19
My posts keep being deleted , all i want to know why my 1st 2 accounts had been banned for spam where i just posted 4 posts and on other 1 reply , and still no answer from any of you
Jul 15, 2019, 15:3107/15/19
Jul 15, 2019, 15:31(edited)
Just got banned from the official discord for answering someone that said "why are so many people getting purged/muted/banned".. I said "cause the truth hurts". Insta Ban, get over yourselves Plarium you just killed your game.
Jul 15, 2019, 15:4407/15/19

I played in all SW clones, but I have not seen such a mess before

Sep 21, 2022, 17:5309/21/22
Just got banned from the official discord for answering someone that said "why are so many people getting purged/muted/banned".. I said "cause the truth hurts". Insta Ban, get over yourselves Plarium you just killed your game.

Yeah I'm being targeted in game by the mod Besmir and he also watches the reports in discord to protect himself. The question is, does plarium know or even care what kind of power tripping trolls they are giving admin access to.

Sep 21, 2022, 20:1909/21/22
Sep 21, 2022, 20:19(edited)

Yeah I'm being targeted in game by the mod Besmir and he also watches the reports in discord to protect himself. The question is, does plarium know or even care what kind of power tripping trolls they are giving admin access to.

Hi there! Sorry you're having trouble with the in game chat moderation.

There are few avenues to report issues in chat, one of which is Discord which you feel is not an option.

The second is here, in the technical support area of the forums. But this is a multi year old hate thread. So I'm locking the Necro, as that is our policy on the multiple years old thread.

However, I encourage you to send me a DM with any screenshots or evidence that supports your claim so our Community Managers can look into them on your behalf.

You can DM me right here in the private chat on these forums. :)

Sep 21, 2022, 21:4409/21/22

Moved to tech support

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