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Dual Plaarium Accounts - One With Amazon Prime Question

Dual Plaarium Accounts - One With Amazon Prime Question

Jul 5, 2020, 17:1707/05/20

Dual Plaarium Accounts - One With Amazon Prime Question

So, earlier this year I started playing Raid and created a plarium account back when Amazon Prime was doing their promotions. I missed out on all the promotions except Valla due to an issue connecting my account via PC and Mobile then having issues all around.

I wound up creating a second account and for going my first Amazon connected account due to inaccessibility and liking to play the game. I've played this second account for months especially when I work as I can play it on mobile. Just today by some random chance I was able to access my Amazon connected account on a fluke when I logged into my Raid account on PC then turned my mobile on and logged into Facebook as well on my mobile. So, now I have my lost player ID and access to both Plarium accounts.

Here is the question: Is there a way to merge the two accounts into one Plarium account preferably keeping the Amazon Prime connected account but having the resources, toons, unlocks, progress transferred to my Amazon Prime connected account before deleting the non-connected account??? Or is it simply a matter of I'm stuck playing two accounts? I don't mind having to re-level toons but after months of play I don't want to lose the resources and progression I've made with those toons.
Jul 6, 2020, 05:5007/06/20

|*Pokie*| said:

So, earlier this year I started playing Raid and created a plarium account back when Amazon Prime was doing their promotions. I missed out on all the promotions except Valla due to an issue connecting my account via PC and Mobile then having issues all around.

I wound up creating a second account and for going my first Amazon connected account due to inaccessibility and liking to play the game. I've played this second account for months especially when I work as I can play it on mobile. Just today by some random chance I was able to access my Amazon connected account on a fluke when I logged into my Raid account on PC then turned my mobile on and logged into Facebook as well on my mobile. So, now I have my lost player ID and access to both Plarium accounts.

Here is the question: Is there a way to merge the two accounts into one Plarium account preferably keeping the Amazon Prime connected account but having the resources, toons, unlocks, progress transferred to my Amazon Prime connected account before deleting the non-connected account??? Or is it simply a matter of I'm stuck playing two accounts? I don't mind having to re-level toons but after months of play I don't want to lose the resources and progression I've made with those toons.


Pls submit a ticket to support for account recovery.

Thank you