Gained over 30,000 in team power but I am not improving in arnea. I'm getting worse. As in 3 to 4 tiers lower then I was b4. I lose in 12 seconds to a team power of 42,000 when my team is 87,000. What is going on in arnea? Should I have kept my team power at 50,000 and never gotten it better so that I could stay close to gold level instead I raised my power rating to 87,000 to fall to almost bronze. This is literally reason I'm about to delete your game. Spend months trying to get better. Get 5 level 60 players. All just to go further back in the game? I guess I dont see the point in playing a game that when you improve your team. You dont progress further in the game. You actually progress further back, send messages to plarium. Plarium ignored you. Then you come to a forum so that other players can bitch about the same thing together. Never getting anything fixed. Pathetic and worthless is what I would call Plarium